Consolidation Ranges [kingthies] Consolidation Range Analysis
Published by Eric Thies, January 2021
█ Indicator Summary
This tool calculates, analyzes and plots the visualization of a relative range over a given period of time
By adding to charts, users are enabled to see the impulsive nature of market cycles, along with their efforts to consolidate thereafter
The default period is 30, and should be adjusted to users preference
The default input is the current close price, on the chosen timeframe of the chart
█ Script Source
//© kingthies || This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
study("Consolidation Ranges ", shorttitle="CR ", overlay=true)
// !<------ User Inputs ----->
src = input(close, title='Range Input (Default set to Close'), lengthEMA=input(30,title='Length'),zoneToggle = input(true, title="Toggle Zone Highlights"), iCol =, 100),
// !<---- Declarations & Calculations ---- >
trndUp = float(na),trndDwn = float(na), mid = float(na), e = ema(src, lengthEMA)
trndUp := src < nz(trndUp ) and src > trndDwn ? nz(trndUp ) : high, trndDwn := src < nz(trndUp ) and src > trndDwn ? nz(trndDwn ) : low, mid := avg(trndUp, trndDwn)
// !< ---- Plotting ----->
highRange = plot(trndUp == nz(trndUp ) ? trndUp : na, color=color.white, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr, title="Top of Period Range")
lowRange = plot(trndDwn == nz(trndDwn ) ? trndDwn : na, color=color.white, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr, title="Bottom of Period Range")
xzone = plot(zoneToggle ? src > e ? trndDwn : trndUp : na, color=iCol, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=0, editable=false)
fill(highRange, xzone, color=color.lime,transp=70), fill(xzone, lowRange,,transp=70)
[Jett.][GoldenRush] Market DirectionThis script was created to analyze levels of market trends.
This is an indicator that is used to analyze the overall 2 levels.
1.Considering the index's key trends (Strategic Level)
2.Trend Analysis (Tactical Level)
To get a big overview of the trend and catch short-term movements. In this indicator, there are 4 levels of momentum measurements.
with the default setting
Major trends (Strategic Level)
1.We have the highest and lowest prices in the 52-week or 1-year scale.
2.We use the average of the highest and lowest prices(basis of 52-week). can be filtering the overview of the trend
3.As for the trend in 24-week or 6-month. Used to find the direction of the price And helps confirm that a trend is starting to take a certain direction.
Sub-level trend (Tactical Level)
1.Price in the level 12-week or 3-month. We use it to calculate the direction of movement in the short term, it is possible that the market will be bullish or bearish in 3-month.
2.And the 12-week or 3-month price is a confirmation of how strongly the short-term price moves in any direction.
3.If there will be a correction of the price base 12 weeks or 3-month price swings always happen first.
4.The 1-month price is the same as the trigger, if the market has a breakout in any way it could mean the start of a short sway.
By this indicator Besides being used to measure direction or trend, it can also be used as a significant filter for both support and resistance for short, medium, long term.
Jet.T.S. Trader
TKC [Intromoto]This is a series of three Keltner channels, which are essentially sets of EMAs with a multiplier to spread them for dynamic support and resistance structures.
Keltner can be used similarly to Bollinger Bands, but price can remain outside of the EMA range for extended periods of time.
Users can change the collective resolution, individual length, individual multiplier, and calculation style of each of the sets.
By default, the Keltner channels all have length of 500 and multipliers of 4, 7, and 10. Fills are available between each upper and lower EMA of the channel.
I use this for trend analysis and when price is prone to reversals.
DM for access.
Trading with GridThis indicator helps you to negotiate through the grid. You must depend on a flag to start trading. In the indicator we use a weekly moving average with 20 periods.
Use volatility for larger timeframes.
Note that the gray spaces are minimum and maximum, weekly and monthly. If the price goes out of that range, it usually has greater volatility.
The grid has 28 lines.
Purchase order preference.
Once you lose the moving average:
- buy level below
- sale level up.
MrBS:Directional Movement Index [Trend Friend Strategy]This goes with my MrBS:DMI+ indicator. I originally combined them into one, but then you cannot set alerts based on what the ADX and DMI is doing, only strategy alerts, so separate ones have more flexibility and uses.
Indicator Version is found under "MrBS:Directional Movement Index " ()
The majority of profits made in the market come from trending markets. Of course there are strategies that would say otherwise but for the majority of people, THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND (until the end). The idea is to follow the trend, entering once it has established its self and exiting positions when the trend weakens. This strategy gives a rough idea of the returns produced from following purely the ADX signals. At first Heikin Ashi values were used for the calculation but the results show it's not that effective. The functionality to switch between calculation types has been left in, so we can uses HA candle data to generate signals from while looking at an OHLC chart, if we want to experiment. Due to the way strategies work, we are unable to get reliable results when running the strategy on the HA chart even if we are calculating the signals from the real OHLC values. It is best to always run strategies on standard charts.
When using this strategy, I look for confirmation of the signal based on stochastic (14:3:6) direction, reversal level of stochastic, and divergance, to add confidence and adjust position size accordingly. I am going to try and code some version of that in future updates, if anyone can help or has suggestions please drop me a message.
- The default settings are for optimized Daily charts, for 4 hour I would suggest a smoothing of 2.
- The default values used for calculation are the Real OHLC, we can change this to Heikin Ashi in the menu.
- The strategy enters a position when ADX crosses the threshold level, and closes the position when ADX starts to fall.
- There is a signal filter in the form of a 377 period Hull Moving Average, which the price must be above or bellow for long and short positions respectively.
- The strategy closes the position when a cross-under of the ADX and its 4 period EMA. This is an attempt to stay into positions longer as sometimes the ADX will fall for 1 bar and then keep rising, while the overall trend is strong. The downside to this is that we exit trades later and this affects our max drawdown.
Moving Average Compilation by CryptonerdsThis script contains all commonly used types of moving averages in a single script. To our surprise, it turned out that there was no script available yet that contains multiple types of moving averages.
The following types of moving averages are included:
Simple Moving Averages (SMA)
Exponential Moving Averages (EMA)
Double Exponential Moving Averages (DEMA)
Display Triple Exponential Moving Averages (TEMA)
Display Weighted Moving Averages (WMA)
Display Hull Moving Averages (HMA)
Wilder's exponential moving averages (RMA)
Volume-Weighted Moving Averages (VWMA)
The user can configure what type of moving averages are displayed, including the length and up to five multiple moving averages per type. If you have any other request related to adding moving averages, please leave a comment in the section below.
If you've learned something new and found value, leave us a message to show your support!
Neapolitan BandsThe Neapolitan Bands were derived from Jean Marc Guillot's 2001 IFTA trading strategy. In his study published by the International Federation of Technical Analysis titled, "Using Indicators from the Derivatives Markets to Forecast FX Moves" Guillot utilizes multiple bollinger bands of various deviations to determine trends and reversals, entries and exits. I isolated this particular part of his overall trading strategy because it has been a useful trend following indicator for me.
Some basics:
Neapolitan Bands can help identify points that a trend starts and ends, as well as reversals when price is ranging.
These bands are typically paired with another indicator like Guillot did to help separate/time trend or reversal signals. (He used MACD, Slow Stochastic, and RSI)
Parts of this indicator:
The period is by default 55 to identify "intermediate" trends. Not short or long term ones.
The blue area shows the 1st standard deviation. This is the "normal range" where price "likes" to be.
The green area shows the 2nd standard deviation and identifies/defines trends. Closes in this area are used for entering trends long or short.
The red area shows the 3rd standard deviation that shows either a spot to take profit/enter a reversal trade, or a point where the market is free falling.
Trend trading rules:
Entry and exit signals for trends are based on price closing above and below the 1st standard deviation, or blue area. If you expect a bullish trend, you buy once price enters the upper green area.
Guillot recommends setting a stop loss to the MA period of the Neapolitan Bands. So if it's 55 periods, you set the stop loss at the 55 SMA.
Reversal trading rules:
For reversals Guillot says, "In a trading range, bands act as supports and resistances. In extreme conditions reversals can occur within or past the 2nd standard deviation." For us, this means that technically anywhere in the green or red areas, a reversal can occur when the price is ranging. Typically this happens at the edges of the bands.
The "edge to edge" trade:
This is a strategy I took from Ichimoku Clouds and applied to the Neapolitan Bands. An "edge to edge" trade is when price closes back into the blue area from one edge, and price travels all the way to the other edge of the blue area. This can apply going from the edge of one green area to the other edge.
Note that this is one piece of Guillot's trading system, and not the whole thing. On top of that I have modified the original parameters to suit the function of trend following, and added an extra bollinger band. Using a shorter period like 20 is more optimal for shorter expected trends or reversals, and it's what Guillot used himself.
Thanks to Sean Nance for reminding me the indicator looks like ice cream! ( coming up with the name :P )
Goersch TrendENGLISH:
Goersch Trend Indicator for TradingView is a trend indicator that shows the actual trend and the trend strength based on the price movement of the past. The indicator can be used for any underlying and trading timeframe. The special feature is that it is extremely easy to interpret and that it works "out-of-the-box". The calculation automatically adjusts to the displayed timeframe. The interpretation of the Goersch Trned indicator is always the same - whether you are looking at a stock, a currency, an index or a commodity. Regardless of whether you work in the 5-minute chart, hourly, daily or even weekly chart. It is extremely simple to judge whether an underlying is running in a trend, whether this trend strength is currently increasing (stable) or decreasing (when the trend is weakening), or whether the trend is currently changing direction. The indicator shows you the important information at a glance.
The interpretation of the Goersch Trend indicator is very simple. Red bars represent a downward trend, green bars appear during an upward trend. The change from red to green signals a change from a downward to an upward trend and vice versa. The height of the bars represents the trend strength. The trend strength decreases when the bars become shorter. The change from red to green then signals a completed trend change.
For the calculation of the bar height, the fluctuation of a price change index is used as a basis in the Goersch Trend Indicator. The price change index is calculated from the respective candle closing price and the true high or true low of the previous candle, which is added or subtracted accordingly. From this price change index, a long-term moving average is calculated, the difference between this average and the price change index is visualized by means of the red and green bars.
To get access to the script, please PM, or send a message to the email address in the signature.
Beim Goersch Trend Indikator für TradingView handelt es sich um einen Trend-Indikator, der anhand der Preisbewegung der Vergangenheit den Trend sowie die Trendstärke anzeigt. Verwendet werden kann der Indikator für jegliche Basiswerte und Zeiteinheiten. Das Besondere ist, dass er extrem leicht zu interpretieren ist und dass er "out-of-the-box" arbeitet. Die Berechnung passt sich automatisch auf die dargestellte Zeitebene an. So ist eine Interpretation immer gleich – egal ob Sie eine Aktie, eine Währung, einen Index oder einen Rohstoff betrachten. Unabhängig davon, ob Sie im 5-Minuten-Chart, Stunden-, Tages- oder gar Wochen-Chart arbeiten. Dabei ist es äußerst simpel zu beurteilen, ob ein Wert in einem Trend läuft, ob diese Trendstärke gerade zunimmt (also stabil ist) oder abnimmt (der Trend also schwächer wird), oder ob der Trend gerade kippt. Der Indikator zeigt Ihnen die wichtigen Informationen auf einen Blick.
Die Interpretation des Goersch Trend Indikators ist denkbar einfach. Rote Balken stehen für einen Abwärtstrend, grüne Balken erscheinen während eines Aufwärtstrends. Der Wechsel von Rot auf Grün signalisiert einen Wechsel vom Abwärts- in einen Aufwärtstrend und umgekehrt. Die Höhe der Balken repräsentiert die Trendstärke. Dadurch ergibt es sich schon, dass beispielsweise die Trendstärke abnimmt, wenn die Balken kürzer werden. Der Wechsel von Rot auf Grün signalisiert dann einen vollendeten Trendwechsel.
Für die Berechnung der Balkenhöhe wird im Goersch Trend Indikator die Schwankung eines Preisveränderungsindex zugrunde gelegt. Dieser errechnet sich aus dem jeweiligen Kerzen-Schlusskurs und dem True-High bzw. True-Low der vorhergehenden Kerze, das entsprechend hinzugerechnet oder abgezogen wird. Von diesem Preisveränderungsindex wird ein langfristiger gleitender Durchschnitt errechnet, die Differenz dieses Durchschnittes und des Preisveränderungsindex wird mittels der roten und grünen Balken visualisiert.
Um Zugang zum Skript zu erhalten, bitte eine PM, oder eine Nachricht an die Emailadresse in der Signatur.
PHInkTrade Price FinderHello there, fellow trader!
Welcome to Price Finder indicator for TradingView page.
Please join me as I present you an overview about it.
Before we begin, a few quick notes:
Availability information is presented at the last section of this content. Please check it out to know how to get access.
In addition to this description, there is also an overview video available. Please refer to the last section on this content as well.
With time, some of the functionality described below may change. Please refer to Release Notes for most up-to-date information.
Ok now, let's get started!
What is Price Finder?
Price Finder is a technical analysis indicator (aka "Indi" ), built on a mathematical foundation which recognizes price's fractal, multi-layered nature -- a key aspect, related to the multiple time-frames process different size traders use to make their decisions.
The objective of the indicator, naturally, is to help identify high probability opportunities for successful trades , especially those which can provide a good return : risk ratio (greater than 3:1). This is very important to foster sustainable equity growth over time .
In order to do that, it helps identify new positions of previously successful support and resistance levels , out of both its multi time-frame mathematical approach, and empirical evidence. By mapping these, indicator provides a good way to anticipate next levels with high success probability, as well as to validate or invalidate expectations in relation to what price is more likely to do next.
Last, but not least, it also helps identify price state , in terms of trend and consolidation . Meaning that, if price is trending, we can expect it to go farther -- either higher or lower --, in a more consistent way. Or, if it is consolidating, we can expect it to remain trading inside a range.
Combined, these aspects help you develop an enhanced view of the market , and a better edge for your trades.
Feedbacks from beta phase
Before diving into more details, i'd like to let you know that, besides internal tests, the indicator has gone through a public beta testing phase , having received quite nice feedback from participants . You can find more information about it in the overview video, as mentioned above.
How it works?
As seen on chart below, indicator is composed of:
a Trend Band
two Expansion Threshold Bands and
Bar colors .
Let's get through each of these.
Trend Band
The Trend Band is the one which runs around the middle of the indicator, and helps you assess if you should be leaning bullish or bearish, locally -- considering the time frame you are looking at. Its inflection points , also known as death crosses and golden crosses, are important events to anticipate -- and pay attention to when they happen. There's also a middle line , which helps you evaluate if price is leaning towards crossing the band to the other side.
The following chart shows some examples* of how lines can help identify potential places to have new trades.
* More information about specific trading approaches is available through complementary materials.
So, Trend Band helps us adjust our bias towards a direction. But how far can we expect price to go?
To help answer this question, the indicator also provides two other bands. Let's talk about them, next.
Expansion Threshold Bands
The Expansion Threshold Bands are the ones usually surrounding price (not always, as you'll notice). They are called the Upper Expansion Threshold Band and the Lower Expansion Threshold Band . Their purpose is to help identify potential limits , or places where price is more likely to face a contrarian force , and will probably have to decide whether to continue in the same direction, or to pull back -- end eventually revert.
On the following chart we have an example (Bitcoin, 15 minutes time-frame). It was retracing locally, but once it hit the corresponding Lower Expansion Threshold, it found strong support, making it pull back, and look to test upper structures, next . In fact, as can be seen, this support was tested and respected three times on this chart. Conversely, the Upper Expansion Threshold Band, resistance, was tested and broken twice -- an effect, and validation, of the overall uptrend Bitcoin was in.
Broken Expansion Threshold Bands
Indicator also helps adjust expectations when price breaks an Expansion Threshold . As an example, on the following chart, we see Bitcoin breaking the 15 mins lower band, after having respected it multiple times during the rise. The result was a significant correction.
So, when price breaks an Expansion Threshold Band of a particular time-frame, we can expect it to expand in that same direction for a while. In other words, we can expect it to trend in that direction, until it finds a larger time-frame Expansion Threshold which can hold it.
To help with this aspect, here enters indicator's distinctive multiple time-frame overlays functionality .
Multiple time-frame overlays
Multiple time-frames is a very important aspect to understand and consider when dealing with an asset's price, as different size traders make decisions based on each of them -- and, naturally, this requires us to deal with the combined results of all such decisions.
On the chart below, (again, Bitcoin 15 minutes time-frame), standard indicator deployment is showing where supports are for some of the lows. But there are moments when price stop "mid-air". Why is it so?
Well, this happens due to the influence of another time-frame structure (in this case, a smaller one). To identify which structures are working, it is possible to apply the indicator one or more times to the chart, and perform an empirical research . In this case, bounces were caused by the 10 minute lower threshold band, approximately.
This feature allows you to see, on a single chart, multiple time-frame structures working at once -- which, besides bringing greater clearness, can also help you save time, by skipping the handling of multiple charts.
Note : TradingView recommends using a lower time-frame chart and deploying a higher time-frame overlay. However, within a good margin, the reverse practice has proven itself to work for Price Finder, as indicator's approach is evidence-based. So, whichever smaller time-frame overlay which shows itself as working, even though on a higher time-frame chart, should continue to do so, as calculations remain proportional.
Another example below, now showing 5 minutes working as support multiple times too (besides 10 and 15).
So, by researching which supports and resistances are being repeatedly respected, out of price's multi time-frame / multi layered reality, and finding their current price levels -- both through the means of the indicator --, it is possible to anticipate high probability places for successful trades -- either in favor of the structure, if you believe in a stop-and-reverse move, or against it, if structure gets broken and allows price to start expanding / trending. Always based on both a mathematical foundation, and an empirical observation (evidence / confirmation).
Bar colors
As an additional information to help you understand if price is trending (or starting to develop trend intentions), or if it is consolidating , the indicator provides bar color schemes.
By default, it uses dark green and dark red colors for initial developments of bullish and bearish trends , bright green and bright red colors for developed, stronger trends , and orange for consolidations . Knowing such states help you build more confidence in the movement -- or not.
Color-blind friendly setting
Colors-wise, indicator also offers the possibility to use a second scheme, more friendly to color-blind users. You can change color scheme on settings panel.
Other settings
There are other ways to customize the presentation of the indicator , especially regarding multiple time-frame overlays , as we saw, but also to help you manage and reduce chart clutter , for example, in terms of number of lines being plotted.
It's possible to decide to just plot backgrounds, or some part of the structure, or avoid painting bars, etc.
Sample chart settings, explained
What you see on the chart above:
3 deployments of Price Finder, one for each of the following time frames: 1 hour ('Chart' time-frame), 15 and 4 minutes.
Custom settings:
1 hour: Upper and lower expansion threshold bands plotted in full. Trend band hidden;
15 minutes: Trend band hidden, expansion thresholds with just backgrounds (for better visibility);
4 minutes: likewise.
Price Finder working with other assets
Here are some other examples of the indicator, now working with other assets.
Time-frames used to 'calibrate' readings were observed from previous evidence on the same charts.
Ethereum / US Dollar, 4 hour chart, with 100, 50 and 25 minutes overlays.
S&P 500, 1 hour chart, with 30, 15 and 5 minutes overlays.
Dow Jones Industrial Average, also 1 hour chart, with 4 hours, 15 and 5 minutes overlays.
Gold / US Dollar, 1D chart, with 600 minutes, 4 hours, 140 and 80 minutes overlays.
Euro / US Dollar, 4 days chart, with 1 day, 700 minutes and 4 hours overlays.
Availability and more information
For indicator availability, access instructions, and/or additional information, please use the corresponding link in the external links section below.
Thank you very much for your attention!
Multi Time Frame Trend, Volume and Momentum ProfileWHAT DOES THIS INDICATOR DO?
I created this indicator to address some of the significant inconveniences when analyzing a security, such as continually switching between different time frames to determine the trend and potential pullbacks, adding volume or volume-derived indicators, and finally, something that would help me determine the strength of the trend (maybe two additional indicators here). So I decided to code this all-in-one indicator that you can add multiple times to your chart depending on the settings you want to use, or just optimize the parameters for the particular asset and then switch between the options.
As the name suggests, it consists of three main sections - Trend , Volume , and Momentum . You have complete control over the parameters, including the Time Frames you want to use for each one (they can be different). So, let me explain each section in more detail.
1. Trend Settings
In order to determine the trend, you need to set up two Moving Averages. You have a wide choice here - SMA, EMA, WMA, RMA, HMA, DEMA, TEMA, VWMA, and ALMA. Since the indicator does not plot the moving averages on the chart, I strongly suggest using this indicator along with the free "Trend Indicator for Directional Trading(main)" , which you can find in the Public Library. Once you set up the Trend Resolution, the Types of MAs, and their lengths, the indicator will generate a histogram of their convergences and divergences.
The change in colors should help you more easily determine the trend:
a) Bright Green - bull trend and price trending up (a good place to open long)
b) Dark Green - bull trend and price trending down (stay flat or open a long position with great caution)
c) Bright Red - bear trend and price trending down (a good place to open short)
d) Dark Red - bear trend and price trending up (stay flat or open a short position with great caution)
e) In addition, you can change the color palette to reflect the bull/bear trend momentum by scrolling to the bottom and selecting "Color Based on Bull/Bear Momentum", but I will discuss this in more detail below.
This part of the indicator is useful for opening a trade in the direction of the trend or for spotting a potential divergence. Both cases are illustrated below.
2. Volume Settings
The calculations for this part of the indicator are partially taken from "Multi Time Frame Effective Volume Profile" . I will quickly outline the specifics here, but if you want a more thorough understanding of how it works, please check the description of the MTF Effective Volume Profile indicator .
You have three elements with the following default settings - Resolution (5-min), Lookback (100), and Average (1). This means that the indicator will analyze the last one hundred 5-min bars and will plot a sum of only those that are at least 1 times bigger than the average. Those that are smaller than the average will be left out from the calculation. What you get is a trend line showing you accumulation/distribution based on modified volume parameters.
This part of the indicator is useful for spotting exhaustions and increased buying/selling volume that is opposite to the price trend. As you will see in the picture below, in frame 1 the selling pressure is decreasing, while buying volume is increasing. At one point supply dries out and the bulls take control, thus reverting the price. In frame 2, however, you can see that the higher high is not met with nearly as much buying volume as in the previous peak, showing that the bulls are exhausted and maybe a trend change will follow or at the very least that the bull trend will take a break.
3. Momentum Settings
The final part is an RSI smoothed through a Moving Average with the addition of some minor optimizations. Thus, the parameters you have to configure here aside from the resolution are the RSI length, the moving average that will be used, and its length. Out of the three, this is the most lagging component, but it's also the most accurate one. I must mention that due to the modified nature of this RSI, overbought and oversold levels carry less weight to the trading signals. Rather, pay attention to the change of colors, as they do so when the RSI changes direction based on preset parameters. The picture below shows such instances.
4. Additional Settings
This section consists of 4 elements:
a) Length of Trend - filters out the noise and gives a signal only when the trend becomes more established
b) ADX Threshold - filters out trading ranges and indecision zones when it's not recommended to open a trade
c) Select Analysis - choose what part of the indicator you want to see from a drop-down menu
d) Color Based on Bull/Bear Momentum - a global setting that will override the preset coloring of each indicator and will replace it with colors based on bull/bear strength and momentum - green for bulls, red for bears, and gray for non-trading zones.
The last part of this indicator is a combination of all of the above and is called a Points-Based System . It generates 3 rows of dots that go light green when bull criteria are met, orange when bear criteria are met, or gray when it's neither of the two. When you get a column of 3 green dots you get a buy signal. Similarly, a column of 3 orange dots gives you a sell signal. Grey zones are non-tradeable. It goes without saying that the frequency and quality of the signals you get will almost entirely depend on your settings, so feel free to experiment and adjust the indicator to catch the best moves for the given security.
In terms of indicator adjustments, I have left almost every part open to configuration. That is 15 parameters and 35 adjustable colors.
As much as I would like to offer it for free (as some of my other ones), a great deal of work, trading logic, and testing have gone into creating this indicator. More than a few hundred iterations and a few dozen branches were required to reach the end result which is a precise combination of usefulness, simplicity, and practicality. Furthermore, this indicator will continue to be updated and user-requested features that improve its performance will be added.
Disclaimer: The purpose of all indicators is to indicate potential setups, which may lead to profitable results. No indicator is perfect and certainly, no indicator has a 100% success rate. They are subject to flaws, wrongful interpretation, bugs, etc. This indicator makes no exception. It must be used with a sound money management plan that puts the main emphasis on protecting your capital. Please, do not rely solely on any single indicator to make trading decisions instead of you. Indicators are storytellers, not fortune tellers. They help you see the bigger picture, not the future.
To find out more about how to gain access to this indicator, please use the provided information below or just message me. Thank you for your time.
Volatility Trend IndicatorThe Volatility Trade Indicator signals bullish / bearish trend based on the volatility of the underlying asset.
During bull markets, volatility is typically low and price moves occur slowly and steadily. During bear markets, volatility is typically high and price movement is much more volatile in both directions.
The Volatility Trade Indicator measures the volatility of the underlying asset in relationship to the historic volatility over a specific timespan.
Low volatility regimes are signaled in green with an indicator value of below 0, high volatility regimes are signaled in red with an indicator value above 0.
During low volatility regime you want to look for long entries, during high volatility regimes you want to look for short entries.
MrBS:Directional Movement Index [Trend Friend]I started this project with the goal of making a DMI/ADX that was easy to read at a glance. Its since become a little more then just colouring the slopes. The majority of the time, the best returns come from trending markets (THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND... until the end) and I hope this helps people become good friends with the trends.
----- Features
- A function to change the values used for calculation from real OHLC and Heikin Ashi. This allows us to look at different chart types but see the specific ADX we choose. Originally HA values were used for calculation since it is easier to see trend on HA charts. However when testing it was not as effective as the ADX calculated from the real values on normal charts. So the default function was flipped and real OHLC values are used as default.
- Two ADX plots so we can see two different smoothness's. With a smoothing of 2, a slight slow down in PA can cause a negative slope but the smoother ADX will stay trending unless its a major change. 2nd ADX is slightly transparent.
- There is an EMA of the main ADX that can be used as a exit signal filter. If the ADX starts going down but has not crossed the EMA we would stay in a trade.
- Plots (excluding EMA) are coloured based on positive or negative slopes.
- Fibonacci numbers have been used to create different trend levels, instead of the standard 25, 50, 100.
- Alerts for every useful situation to help save time and not have to manually enter levels or crosses each time.
- In the code there are 8 EMAs and 3 ADXs but it was too much so they have been slashed out, but are fully functional if you choose to activate and use them. To reactivate the 3rd ADX delete slashes on lines 50, 65, 78, 92-95, 165. The slashed out EMAs are much more obvious and easy to reactivate.
ADX going up = Green
ADX going down = Red
DMI+ going up = Bright Aqua
DMI+ going down = Turquoise / Dark Aqua
DMI- going up = Bright Purple
DMI- going down = Dark Purple
EMA = White (50% transparent)
If there is anything that would be useful, let me know and I will add it in. I've already got some improvements/changes planned and some of my notes can be found in the code.
There is also a strategy to go with this indicator that will be uploaded very soon.
Pyramiding Entries On Early Trends (by Coinrule)Pyramiding the entries in a trading strategy may be risky but at the same time very profitable with a proper risk management approach. This strategy seeks to spot early signs of uptrends and increase the position's size while the right conditions persist.
Each trade comes with its stop-loss and take-profit to enforce a proportional risk/reward profile.
The strategy uses a mix of Moving Average based setups to define the buy-signal.
The Moving Average (200) is above the Moving Average (100), which prevents from buying when the uptrend is already in its late stages
The Moving Average (9) is above the Moving Average (100), indicating that the coin is not in a downtrend.
The price crossing above the Moving Average (9) confirms the potential upside used to fire the buy order.
Each entry comes with a stop-loss and a take-profit in a ratio of 1-to-1. After over 400 backtests, we opted for a 3% TP and 3% SL, which provides the best results.
The strategy is optimized on a 1-hour time frame.
The Advantages of this strategy are:
It offers the possibility of adjusting the size of the position proportionally to the confidence in the possibilities that an uptrend will eventually form.
Low drawdowns. On average, the percentage of trades in profit is above 60%, and the stop-loss equal to the take-profit reduces the overall risk.
This strategy returned good returns both with trading pairs with Fiat/stable coins and with BTC. Considering the mixed trends that cryptocurrencies experienced during 2020 vs BTC, this strengthens the strategy's reliability.
The strategy assumes each order to trade 20% of the available capital and pyramids the entries up to 7 times.
A trading fee of 0.1% is taken into account. The fee is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance, which is the largest cryptocurrency exchange.
The strategy is to maximise the profit for OCC longs (ALMA algo)
Longs start when the price action settles around the ALMA OCC, then typically breaks up
Then follow the trend indcator (blue/orange)
Shorts normally happen when the price action crosses below the ALMA OCC, although these initiate faster than the 1 day time setting - so watchout for shorts - are harder to predict than longs
So this catches most of the big move longs at their initiation
trend Screener List1This is type of custom screener I searched and made to screen bulk stocks any one can modify it, other may get help out of it.
in my code i have made defined
1. uptrend= ema(close,55)> ema(close,144) and ema(close,144)> ema(close,388) and ema(close,388)> ema(close,576) and close>ema(close,388)
2. downtrend = ema(close,55)< ema(close,144) and ema(close,144)< ema(close,388) and ema(close,388)<ema(close,576) and close<ema(close,388)
if the indicator is printing DOWNTREND=TRUE or UPTREND=TRUE then the corresponding stock is in currently in that trend out of the stocks listed in the code
in one code only 40 (max) stocks can be called.
to add more stocks I copied same code and changed the stocks in the code, now you can screen 80 stocks at a time.
This code runs on each bar and checks if the stocks is in uptrend or down trend.
you can customize this screener according to your requirement.
//thanks @QuantNomad from where i solved my problem of screening my top stock for custom trend screener
//idea and motivation taken from
after adding another code you can screen 80 stocks at a time and so on , below following link is how it will look like
MAST TrendHello Traders !!
This is a simple super trend based MAST trend.
By default the supertrend is 10 period with 3 ATR multiplier.
A moving average is used to benefit from the pullback entries.
Bullish Pullback : Price above Supertrend & below MA
Bullish: Price above Supertrend and above MA
Bearish pullback : Price below Supertrend & above MA
Bearish : Price below Supertrend & below MA
Refer to investopedia or any relevant articles for in detail about Supertrend.
Probability Bands [Anan]Hello Friends,,,
This indicator is based on Bayes' Theorem and is fully based on probabilities.
Formula For Bayes' Theorem:
P(Bull|Bear) = P(Bear∣Bull) * P(Bull) / P(Bear)
Bull and Bear are events and P is probability
P(Bull|Bear) is the posterior probability, the probability of Bull after taking into account Bear
P(Bear∣Bull) is the conditional probability or likelihood, the degree of belief in Bear given that proposition of Bull belief (Bull true)
P(Bull) is the prior probability, the probability of Bull belief
P(Bear) is the prior probability, the probability of Bear belief
The indicator output one trend lines and (Bull/Bear) Signal :
Bull/Bear Probability Trend :
when the price is above mid line ==> Up Trend
when the price is below mid line ==> Down Trend
And by using ATR deviation multipliers, we can get (Bullish/Bearish) zones
This script is for informational and educational purposes only.
Use of the script does not constitutes professional and/or financial advice.
You alone the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script.
Top and BottomThe function of this indicator is to make regions that form top and bottom patterns visible.
Especially beginners, do not know the real formation of a top or bottom. Some taking information only for maximum and minimum.
● The main characteristic of forming a top is to have the current maximum (1) less than the previous maximum (2) and the previous maximum (2) greater than the maximum previous to yours (3).
● The main characteristic of forming a fund is to have the current minimum (1) greater than the previous minimum (2) and the previous minimum (2) less than the minimum prior to yours (3).
These are the main characteristics for forming a top and bottom.
When you know where the top or bottom is, it will help you with the use of Fibonacci and also with breakouts.
Alert: To have the graphic design of the indicator you need to have 3 candles. If the previous maximum is broken, you can remove the drawing. The same goes for the bottom. It can form a new top or bottom.
G-Oscillator Strength v.1Hello this is my new indicator. Purpose of this indicator is to find the strength of the trend.
This indicator was developed by RSI(14) and Stochastic(50)
How to used
Red = RSI(14) & Sto(50) < 40
Lightblue = RSI(14) >= 50 and Sto(40) < 50
Darkblue = RSI(14) & Sto(40) >= 50
Green = Sto(40) >= 80
Yellow = RSI(14) < 50 and Sto(40) >= 50
Buy signal for this indicator is Lightblue to Darkblue
Sell signal is Green to Darkblue or Darkblue to Yellow
Profits Unlimited Pro Strategy** This is the backtesting (strategy) version of ~ Profits Unlimited Pro ~ proprietary script in TradingView. **
~ Profits Unlimited Pro Strategy ~
֎ Trading system script on tradingview that brings an easy approach to trading with a high profitability rate
֎ Our proprietary formula was developed over the course of the past two years through a combination of trial and error and algorithmic backtesting.
֎ The algorithm starts with a proprietary script combining custom inputs with a formula that works with custom bollinger bands settings and specific RSI levels to results in deadly accurate signals for long and short entry points.
but that's not all...
֎ When we first developed our formula, we noticed that it produced a lot of accurate signals but also didn't fully understand the dynamics of market momentum and trending directions... there were a lot of needless calls being made that were reducing profitability.
You see, most markets spend roughly 80% of the time trading sideways with no significant trend either up or down...
...And trading these sideways markets commonly result in what's called a "whipsaw"...
A whipsaw is when price is moving in one direction but then quickly pivots to move in the opposite direction resulting in a loss. And nobody wants to be stuck trading in a sideways market getting killed by whipsaws all day...
So what did we do to fix this?...
֎ We added the Average Directional Index into our custom formula with a goal of teaching the algorithm to only trade during periods of strong momentum and trends whether up or down.
֎ We also added trend exhaustion levels to give clear indication for exit signals and help determine best times of getting out of a trade.
֎ Trend Exhaustion Levels work in conjunction with trailing stop loss % and both are customizable for ideal exits and profitability.
֎ The results are mind blowing!
-- WHO IT'S FOR --
֎ Optimized for crypto markets, to catch trend movements as soon as possible and maximize profitability
֎ It's A Swing Traders Dream.
-- What You Get --
֎ Sell & Buy alerts, Stop Loss alerts and always adding new features!
֎ Customizable settings.
֎ Chrome Extension in development for fine-tuning settings automatically(COMING SOON)
-You will be able to select an asset. push a button. and the extension will find the best settings for you!
֎ Users Facebook community for learning, sharing and direct support
If you’d like to test the trading script in TradingView, I can give you access to a 10 days trial.
Please send me PM in tradingview and I’ll activate it right away.
Thank you!
Excellent ADXThe Average Directional movement indeX (ADX) is an indicator that helps you determine the trend direction, pivot points, and much more else! But it looks not so easy as other famous indicators. It seems strange or even terrible, but don't be afraid. Let's understand how it works and get its power into your analysis tactics.
In the beginning, imagine a drunk man goes through a ladder: step by step. Up, up, down, up, down, down, up...
How can we understand which direction he goes? Exactly! We can count the number of steps in each direction. In the above example, in the upward – 4, in the downward – 3. So, it looks like he goes in an upward direction.
The ADX indicator counts the same steps, but for price. The size of each step equals 1 ATR for "DI Length" candles. On the indicator chart, we have the green and red lines. The green line represents a number of steps upward. The red line shows one downward. When the red line upper green, then the price goes below, then the trend is directed down. Later the green line comes above the red one, and then the trend changes the direction to upward. Wow? After that, you can easy detect the trend direction on the market!
But it is still not the end. On the chart, we also have the fat blue line. This is the ADX line, and it represents the power of the trend. It is calculated from a distance between the green and red curves. The ADX line value grows if the distance is increased. If the movement is really powerful, then a number of steps into a direction much more prominent than one in an opposed direction. Then the blue line grows faster. But if the growth has stopped and the blue line turns back or already had changed self-direction, then it is a signal that the trend has ended too. It's an excellent sign to close the position (but not always). Easy? Not quite. Thresholds help you there. The indicator has two additional parameters: upper and lower thresholds to evaluate the trend-over signal strength. An u-turn of the ADX line above the upper threshold sends a strong signal. If one occurs between both thresholds, it is a bit weak signal. But if the blue line goes below the lower threshold, it looks like there is no trend, and the price goes side. We can also say that the price goes side when the ADX value gradually falls down.
The Excellent ADX indicator helps you catch pivot/pullback signals based on green, red, and blue lines. Each such signal is highlighted as a green (buy) or red (sell) dot on the plot. The size of the dot represents the strength of the signal. You can also check the position of green and red lines from each other to determine the trend direction and the place where it has been changed. The Excellent ADX indicator helps you there too. It highlights the trend direction by the background-color, so you'll never miss it! The Excellent ADX good compliance with the Price Channel indicator built for the same length. You can use them together to be on a trend wave always!
Trend Thrust Indicator - RafkaThis indicator defines the impact of volume on the volume-weighted moving average, emphasizing trends with greater volume.
What determines a security’s value? Price is the agreement to exchange despite the possible disagreement in value. Price is the conviction, emotion, and volition of investors. It is not a constant but is influenced by information, opinions, and emotions over time. Volume represents this degree of conviction and is the embodiment of information and opinions flowing through investor channels. It is the asymmetry between the volume being forced through supply (offers) and demand (bids) that facilitates price change. Quantifying the extent of asymmetry between price trends and the corresponding volume flows is a primary objective of volume analysis. Volume analysis research reveals that volume often leads price but may also be used to confirm the present price trend.
Trend thrust indicator
The trend thrust indicator (TTI), an enhanced version of the volume-weighted moving average convergence/divergence (VW-Macd) indicator, was introduced in Buff Pelz Dormeier's book 'Investing With Volume Analysis'. The TTI uses a volume multiplier in unique ways to exaggerate the impact of volume on volume-weighted moving averages. Like the VW-Macd, the TTI uses volume-weighted moving averages as opposed to exponential moving averages. Volume-weighted averages weigh closing prices proportionally to the volume traded during each time period, so the TTI gives greater emphasis to those price trends with greater volume and less emphasis to time periods with lighter volume. In the February 2001 issue of Stocks & Commodities, I showed that volume-weighted moving averages (Buff averages, or Vwmas) improve responsiveness while increasing reliability of simple moving averages.
Like the Macd and VW-Macd, the TTI calculates a spread by subtracting the short (fast) average from the long (slow) average. This spread combined with a volume multiplier creates the Buff spread
TREND SNIPER (Final Version)/ This script calculates the daily resistance and support levels. The entry is when the close breaks these levels.
// Then it sets 4 exit lines, if the backtraces these lines you've got your normal exit.
// If the close crosses the TP you've got your TP exit. And if the close crosses the SL you've got your SL exit.
// This is the good part --> If the close crosses the first line the SL get's raised to the entry level.
// This way you cut down on the SL losses and turn a lot of SL trades into (almost) break even trades.
// You can adjust the resistance and support levels to remove the 'little wick entries', this raises the profitability.
// You can also choose the security resolution. I recommend using a higher timeframe than the chart resolution.
// The exit source is also changeable. The HLC3 works best for me, but you can try others if you want.
I could really use some feedback. I want the resistance and support levels to remain on the same position when in trade. But it sometimes changes mid trade.
If you know how to fix this I will be forever grateful. If you have any feedback don't hesitate to give it to me straight. Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day :)