Trend Follow SystemTrend following algorithm:
We take 1- 5 Fibonacci Ema values. 21, 34, 55, 89, 144
2- We normalize the changes of these values over time between 1-100.
3- We take the ema value of 1 length so that it does not follow a horizontal course after the normalization process.
4- In order not to experience too much change, we take the value of sma with a length of 5.
5-We think that when all values are 100, the trend is up, when all values are 0, the trend is down, otherwise the trend is horizontal.
EMAC - Exponential Moving Average Cross - StudyEMAC - Exponential Moving Average Cross - Study
This is the short Study version of EMAC that has been optimized for TradersPost alerts only
For the original full Strategy version with many editable inputs please see EMAC - Exponential Moving Average Cross
For the full Strategy version with the best currently known optimized inputs (average best settings across 26 tickers) please see EMAC - Exponential Moving Average Cross - Optimized
Breakout FinderHelo All,
I got many requests for a Breakout script and here it's. This script searches the breakouts/breakdowns and draw square if there is one.
The options:
"Period" is used to find Pivot Points
"Max Breakout Length" is the maximum length to search breakouts
"Threshold Rate %" is channel width of the breakout area. calculated using highest/lowest of last 300 bars.
"Minimum Number of Tests" is the minimum number of tests that the Price tried to break the S/R level
and some options for coloring and linestyle
Lets see some examples:
in this example "Minimum Number of Tests" is 2 so the Price must have tested to break resistance area 2 times and then it breaks it as seen in the screenshot:
in following example Threshold rate is %10, so the channel width is very big:
as you can see in followinf screenshot you can choose different colors and line styles:
Alerts added ;)
The Trending Band IndicatorThis indicator shows the trend of the market. The middle line is the 200-day moving average because it shows the long term trend of the market. However, since the market does give fake signals of going up and down through the 200-day moving average, I had to put a band on it to push through the fake signals. The first band around the middle line is 1 standard deviation of historical volatility which gives an area of cushion to prevent fake signals. The goal is if the stock is above the first top band, then the stock is in an uptrend. If the stock is below the first bottom band, then the stock is in a downtrend. If it is the middle of the first bands, then the stock is known to be rangebound.
The top most and bottom most yellow lines are 4 standard deviations of historical volatility which give an idea of where the floor and ceiling are. This helps investors and traders identify good buy and sell zones using the yellow lines to see overbought and oversold sides.
This is a great indicator for people who need help following the trend of a stock, etf , etc.
MTF Trend WidgetThis indicator identifies trends in multiple higher timeframes (D, W, M) and shows them in a widget off to the right of the chart.
It's meant to be used as an alternative filter for "trading with the trend." Typically people use moving averages of varying lengths for this (i.e. if over 200 MA it's an uptrend, etc.), but I wanted to see if it might be more effective to see if the higher timeframes were actually trending or not in a certain direction.
For the purposes of this indicator, an uptrend is defined as higher highs and higher lows. So if currently in a downtrend and the highs are broken, the indicator will flip to an uptrend because now we have a higher high. Vice versa for downtrends.
The user can choose the lookback period for defining these highs/lows (the pivot points). A smaller lookback number will give you more frequent pivot points.
The user can toggle on visibility of all historical pivot points to make sure the frequency and placement of the swing highs/lows is to their liking.
The user can show the support/resistance lines of those most recent swing high/low points on the multiple timeframes as well.
When these lines are breached, that is when the trends change, so you can see if you are close to changing any longer term trends.
My hope is that this gives people a quick glance at the overall trend without having to cycle through different timeframes.
SKYNET buy/sell 2.0The SKYNET buy/sell 2.0 indicator generates buy and sell signals based on the following conditions:
**Anchor line : This anchor line is calculated based on certain parameters.
The anchor line is calculated in such a way that the stock/instrument moves around this anchor line.
The calculation of the anchor line uses a look back period which is set to 9 by default. The user can go to the indicator settings and change it to suit their trading style.
1) As the look back period increases, the number of signals generated on the chart decreases.
2) This indicator will only work on charts/stocks/instruments which are actually traded in the market i.e actual contracts of the stock/instrument is traded in the market. Hence, it will not work on indexes.
BUY signal: When the stock/instrument deviates to the upside of the anchor line by a specific margin, the Buy signal is generated.
SELL signal: When the stock/instrument deviates to the downside of the anchor line by a specific margin, the Sell signal is generated.
Disclaimer: This indicator is not 100% accurate and false signals are generated from time to time. Trading in the markets involves huge risks and one should always do his/her own research before making any trading decisions. This indicator is only designed to help you make a trading decision.
Indicator PanelHello All,
This script shows Indicator panel in a Table. is a new feature and released today! Thanks a lot to Pine Team to add this new great feature! This new feature is a game changer!
The script shows indicator values for each symbol and changes background color of each cell by using current and last values of the indicators for each symbol. if current value is greater than last value then backgroung color is green, if lower than last value then red, if they are equals then gray.
You can choose the indicators to display. Number of columns in the table is dynamic and is changed by number of the indicators.
You can choose 5 different Symbols, 6 Indicators and 2 Simple or Exponential Moving averages, you can set type of moving averages and the lengths. You can also set the lengths for each Indicators.
- MACD ( MACD and Signal and Histogram )
- DMI ( +DI and -DI + and ADX )
- Momentum
- MA with Length 50 (length can be set)
- MA with Length 200 (length can be set)
In this example RSI, MACD and MA 200 were chosen, you can see how table size changes dynamically:
BAM's Weighted ROCTraders,
BAM's Weighted ROC is a Momentum indicator. ROC stands for 'Rate of Change' therefor this indicator plots the reading of a weighted average Rate of Change. In its current form it uses 4 periods en 4 weightings. The periods are set to 21/63/126/252 which corresponds to the number of trading days in each 1/3/6/12 months. The weightings are set to emphasize the more recent periods where the 1-month period counts for 40% of the signal, the 3-monthh period for 30%, the 6-month for 20% and the 12-month for 10%. These settings, both periods and weightings, are customizable. The current settings are meant to serve the widely used 1-day time interval chart setting. Feel free to alter the time frame and adjust the parameters accordingly; eg I like trading the weekly chart on a 10/20/30/40 period settings.
BAM's Weighted ROC can be used as a trendfilter for Trend Following trading systems or as an entry signal for Swing trading systems, or both. In the current setting the indicator is set to trend-following; it turns green when positive (above 0), indicating positive momentum. And red when negative (below 0), indicating negative momentum. In the most basic form one can trade a well diversified portfolio of assets using the indicator as guidance for entry and exit signals as it flows back and forth between positive and negative. Another use for the indicator lies in Swing Trading systems. In this approach the transfer from declining momentum into ascending momentum can be interpreted as a shift in momentum from negative to positive, and therefor constitute an entry opportunity. A combination of the 2 signals is of perfectly viable too, wait for positive momentum (reading above 0) in combination with a upward shift from one bar to the other. Use the reverse logic as an exit signal. In these examples the indicator is used in a stand-alone fashion. But off course it can also be used in conjunction with other indicators.
I personally use the two functions, trend-following en swingtrading, in tandem (combined)
for further reading into the rational behind Trend Following trading systems I recommend the following sources:
- Free Read: Google for 'Meb Faber, Global Asset Allocation' he gives out free copies on his website. Meb is a well known character in the Momentum-factor arena.
- Easy read: 'Following the trend' By Andreas Clenow. I don't think there is any Trend Following trader that doesn't know this chaps work.
- sophisticated Read: Trend Following with Managed Futures by A. Greyserman and K. Kaminski. This one is for those who seriously mean business!
Good luck out there, pls consider that the momentum factor holds an edge, at least based on historical performance, but this out-performance (most often) lies in the low single digits.
Pls be aware that use of this indicator is at your own risk. All info provided is solely presented for educational purposes.
Kind regards,
RP trend readerThis tool is a momentum reader
You can use this tools at any timeframe
When the momentum is meet the condition then it will show the signal
The signal are "Buy" and "Sell"
Buy means that you Long or exit your Short at the price
Sell means that you Short or exit your Long at the price
There's pivot line at there
Pivot line is showing how strong the momentum right now
If the price above or way above the pivot line then the uptrend is strong (very bullish)
If the price below or way below the pivot line then the downtrend is strong (very bearish)
Don't blindly Buy or Sell just because the signal is coming out
Combine it with the market structure, look at the big picture instead lower TF and the edge is yours
The best entry is when the price bounce close to the pivot point
Be carefull with the sideway or choppy market. You can see that the price is going up and down at the pivot line and the signals come out quite often
Follow your trading plan, be patience (don't FOMO) and be discipline with your plan... Cheers...
FEJ - DogeMarginFEJ - DogeMargin ist ein All-in-One Indikator.
Mit dem ihr euch praktisch das Upgrade auf eine bezahlte Tradingview Version sparen könnt.
- Wave-Detector: Bestehend aus einem innovativen Wave-Trenddetector mit dessen hilfe es sehr leicht ist einen Trendwechsel und die vorraussichtliche Stärke des kommenden Moves zu erkennen.
- NMA: Eine dynamische Trendlinie um die stärke der Signale zu überprüfen.
- Channel: Um potenzielle Trendwenden bzw. Überkaufte oder Überverkaufte Situationen zu erkennen.
- Golden- & Deathcross: SMA basierende Crosses um potenzielle Trendwendepunkte zu erkennen und bestehende Signale zu überprüfen. Die SMA Crosses sind in einem festgelegten Timeframe, welcher sich in den Einstellungen anpassen lässt. Die SMA´s sind optional einblendbar. In einem Update folgen noch MACD Crosses.
- Volume Candles: Dieser passt die Farbe der Candles entsprechend dem aktuellen Volumen und dessen Richtung an.
Dunkel Violett - Der Preis sinkt und das Volumen ist größer als 200% des Durchschnitts der letzten 20 Tage - Stark Bearish
Violett - Der Preis sinkt und das Volumen ist zwischen 50% und 200% des Durchschnitts der letzten 20 Tage - Volumen ist weder stark noch schwach
Helles Violett - Der Preis sinkt und das Volumen ist geringer 50% des Durchschnitts der letzten 20 Tage - Wenig Support für die aktuellen Preisbewegungen.
Aqua - Der Preis steigt und das Volumen ist größer als 200% des Durchschnitts der letzten 20 Tage - Stark Bullish
Blau - Der Preis steigt und das Volumen ist zwischen 50% und 200% des Durchschnitts der letzten 20 Tage - Volumen ist weder stark noch schwach
Helles Blau - Der Preis steigt und das Volumen ist geringer 50% des Durchschnitts der letzten 20 Tage - Wenig Support für die aktuellen Preisbewegungen.
- S & R Lines: Dieser Indikator zeigt die für diesen Timeframe aktuellen Support und Resistance Linien an.
- EMA Ribbons: Dieser Indikator zeigt ein Ribbon für den aktuellen Timeframe an.
Mit Hilfe der Welle in der Mitte lassen sich Trendwenden erkennen.Die Trendwende ist besonders stark, wenn das Signal bei einem Bull-Signal unterhalb der gelben NMA-Line liegt ; bei einem Bear-Signaloberhalb der gelben NMA-Linie liegt.
Wenn Kurs in folge eines Signals nach der NMA schließt, deutet das auf einen Trendwechsel hin. Bis dahin
Mit hilfe des Dogeprotocol lassen sich diese Signale noch weiter verbessern undgegenprüfen
Golden- & Deathcross
Zeigt an wo sich entweder ein SMA Golden- oder Death-Cross befindet
WICHTIG: Der TimeFrame für die Crosses ist festgelegt - Standardmäßig auf 4h (240m)
Es macht am meisten Sinn, den TF auf 1/10 deines Beobachtungszeitramens zu stellen.
2x SMA´s
Volume Candles
S & R Lines
EMA Ribbos
FEJ - DogeMargin is an all-in-one indicator.
With which you practically do that Upgrading to a paid Tradingview version can save you money.
- Wave detector: Consists of an innovative wave trend detector with its help it is very easy to change the trend and the anticipated Recognize the strength of the upcoming move.
- NMA: A dynamic trend line to check the strength of the signals.
- Channel: Around potential trend reversals or overbought or oversold situations to recognize.
- Golden & Death cross: SMA based crosses around potential trend turning points to recognize and to check existing signals. The SMA Crosses are in a fixed timeframe, which can be found in the settings can be adjusted. The SMAs can optionally be faded in. MACD Crosses will follow in an update.
- Volume Candles: This adjusts the color of the candles according to the current volume and its direction.
Dark Purple - The price is falling and the volume is greater than 200% of the Last 20 Day Average - Strongly Bearish
Purple - The price is going down and the volume is between 50% and 200% of the Last 20 days average - volume is neither strong nor weak
Light purple - the price goes down and the volume is less than 50% of the Average of the last 20 days - Little support for the current ones Price movements.
Aqua - The price goes up and the volume is greater than 200% of the Last 20 days average - Strong Bullish
Blue - The price is increasing and the volume is between 50% and 200% of the Last 20 days average - volume is neither strong nor weak
Light blue - the price goes up and the volume is less 50% of the Average of the last 20 days - Little support for the current ones Price movements.
- S & R Lines: This indicator shows the current support and for this timeframe
Resistance lines on.
- EMA Ribbons: This indicator shows a ribbon for the current timeframe.
Trend reversals can be seen with the help of the wave in the middle.
The turnaround is particularly strong when the signal is at one
Bull signal is below the yellow NMA line; on a bear signal is above the yellow NMA line.
If course closes on a signal after the NMA , it indicates one
Change of trend. Until then
With the help of the Dogeprotocol, these signals can be improved even further
double check
Golden & Death Cross
Shows where either a SMA golden or death cross is located
IMPORTANT: The timeframe für crosses is fixed - by default to 4h (240m)
It makes the most sense to set the TF to 1/10 of your observation timeframe.
2x SMAs
Volume candles
S&R Lines
EMA Ribbos
TrendBuddy_v1TrendBuddy is a trend signal generator indicator.
control sensitivity of the signals
Sideways Market Detector
Filter signals based on Side Market
Indicator is based on combination of oscillators, moving averages, bollinger bands and price action.
The traders can use this tool to get trends when market is about to come out of choppy regions.
NVME Currency Strength ProNVME Currency Strength Pro was made to help confirm the trends, to help stay in winning positions longer and to help you get out of losing trades sooner. So why is ours unique? The answer is simple, unlike other currency strength indicators, ours loads in 2 seconds rather than 15 seconds or longer, which will cause less frustration when changing settings. Also, we have done a different approach to the usual line base for the currency strengths, with ours we have made implemented it with our module and used the data provided to create a price following bubble and oscillator that shows you what is in an uptrend or a downtrend. There are multiple options for you to customise and it is really easy to use and understand.
The steps to follow for using this indicator since data will be inputted manually:
1) Goto settings and change pair id 's input to the pair that you are currently analysing.
2) Change pair id 's input to a pair that begins with the ending of the first pair, for example 1st pair is EURUSD so 2nd pair would be any USD pair.
3) Play around with the calculation module pre-sets and the length settings to find what you like the look off.
4) Enjoy :)
NVME Currency Strength Pro works well with NVME Vanquisher X Algorithm and NVME Oscillator X.
RSI Trend Indicator [paRSI]The Relative Strength Index ( RSI ) is a measurement used by traders to assess the price momentum. It is scaled from 0 to 100. when RSI reads below 30, it is usually interpreted as oversold and when RSI is above 70 it is usually interpreted as overbought. However, it is usually not profitable to trade based on overbought and oversold signal.
RSI Trend Indicator or as I like to call it "paRSI" ("Parsa (my name) + RSI") shows that when RSI is above a specific number (default value = 60) it indicates bullish trend and when RSI is below a specific number (default value = 40 ) it indicates bearish trend. Lastly when RSI is below the 2 specified numbers it indicates a neutral trend.
I don't recommend trading based on this single indicator. If you're a trend trader this might be useful tool in addition to your own strategy
If the created pattern has worked previously on the chart, you could enter on the first stages of the green or red section (depending on the market's trend).
It is not recommended to trade in any direction when there is no color
Rosebud Trend [DepthHouse]Rosebud Trend Indicator uses complex range calculations to easily detect trend changes, critical support and resistance levels, and even aid in spotting reversals. The Critical Support & Resistance Zones are plotted via the red and green cloud. This cloud not only visually displays the expected trend direction but often acts as major support and resistance zones. The outer band measures the expected range in which the assets trades within over longer periods of time.
Users can switch the ‘Trend Sensitivity’ between ‘Low’ and ‘High’ to increase or decrease the rate at which the cloud changes.
By altering the S/R Band Thickness users can furthermore increase or decrease the rate at which a trend changes by altering the thickness of the cloud. I prefer to keep these settings at 0.55 , 0.382, or 0.236.
The bar colors are generated by a combination of Rosebuds primary function and our ATR AUTO Oscillator base functions. Users have 3 bar color options to select from: Simple, Complex, and Off .
Simple: Bars colors alternate between shades of red and green based on the trend direction and the ATR Auto strength. Stronger the shade, the stronger the trend.
Complex: This adds a few extra variables to the script which generates a more complex bar color display. Using this option, Rosebud will generate light red bars in a bull trend if downward movement is strong and vice versa in a bear trend. It also will generate a purple bar if the candle successfully closes above or below the Top & Bottom Range Bands; We call this a range break , and it could be an early sign of strong upward or downward movement.
Off: In case you like to keep things even simpler, this option hides all overlay bar colors.
Sample of Complex Bar Colors:
Bull, Bear signals along with Up and Down arrows are too based on a combination of our trend direction and ATR Auto Oscillator calculations.
Users have the option to adjust both bar color, and shape generation settings via:
Smoothed Signal Option: Turns advance smoothing on or off. On will reduce signal noise, while Off could land you that perfect bottom signal with a lower success rate.
Candlestick Length: Default factor for bar color and shape generation, higher the number the fewer signals that will generate.
Candlestick Smoothing: Default smoothing for the Candlestick Length
Signal Lookback: Adjust the factor at which Bull, Bear, Up, and Down. Lower this to 2 for more signals.
Cross Thresholds: The lower this number the easier it is for ‘Bull’, ‘Bear’, and over extended signals to generate; see image below:
*Users also have the option to hide all signal visuals via the 'Shapes' On/Off option.
Users have multiple built in Alerts to choose from:
Bullish Trend Change: When the critical cloud switches to Bullish
Bearish Trend Change: When the critical cloud switches to Bearish
Upper Range Break: When the price action closes above the Range Top
Lower Range Break: When the price action closes below the Range Bottom
Light Bullish Cross: Early bullish signal; also displayed by up arrows by default
Light Bearish Cross: Early bear signal: also displayed by down arrows by default
Verified Bullish Cross: Occurs when a Bull signal is generated.
Verified Bearish Cross: Occurs when a Bear signal is generated.
*Past performance is no guarantee of future results*
Support Resistance ChannelsHello All,
For Long time I was planning to make Support/Resistance Channels script, finally I had time and here it is.
How this script works?
- it finds and keeps Pivot Points
- when it found a new Pivot Point it clears older S/R channels then;
- for each pivot point it searches all pivot points in its own channel with dynamic width
- while creating the S/R channel it calculates its strength
- then sorts all S/R channels by strength
- it shows the strongest S/R channels, before doing this it checks old location in the list and adjust them for better visibility
- if any S/R channel was broken on last move then it gives alert and put shape below/above the candle
- The colors of the S/R channels are adjusted automatically
You can set/change following settings:
- Pivot Period
- Source : High/Low or Close/Open can be used
- Maximum Channel Width %: this is the maximum channel width rate, this is calculated using Highest/Lowest levels in last 300 bars
- Number of S/R to show : this is the number of Strongest S/R to show
- Loopback Period: While calculating S/R levels it checks Pivot Points in LoopBack Period
- Show S/R on last # Bars: To see S/R levels only on last N bars
- Start Date: the script starts calculating Pivot Point from this date, the reason I put this option is for visuality. Explained below
- You can set colors/transparency
- and You can enable/disable shapes for broken S/R levels
You can change colors as you wish:
here " Show S/R on last # Bars " set 100:
Sometimes visuality may corrupt because of old S/R levels, to solve it you need to set "Start Date" in the options to start the script in visual part (last 292 bars)
here in first screenshot it doesn't look good (shrink), then on second screenshot I set the "Start Date" it looks better, if you change time frame don't forget to set it again :)
Robust Channel [tbiktag]Introducing the Robust Channel indicator.
This indicator is based on a remarkable property of robust statistics , namely, the resistance to the presence of data points that deviate significantly from the established trend (generally speaking, outliers ). Being outlier-resistant, the Robust Channel indicator “remembers” a pre-existing trend and thus exhibits a very peculiar "lag" in case of a sharp price change. This allows high-confidence identification of such price actions as a trend reversal, range break, pullback, etc.
In the case of trending and range-bound market conditions, the price remains within the channel most of the time, fluctuating around the central line.
Technical details
The central line is calculated using the repeated median slope algorithm. For each data point in a lookback window of a user-specified Length , this method calculates the median slope of the lines that connect that point to all other points inside the window. The overall median of these median slopes is then calculated and used as an estimate of the trend slope. The algorithm is very efficient as it uses an on-the-fly procedure to update the array containing the slopes (new data pushed - old data removed).
The outer line is then calculated as the central line plus the Length -period standard deviation of the price data multiplied by a user-defined Channel Width Factor . The inner line is defined analogously below the central line.
As a stand-alone indicator, the Robust Channel can be applied similarly to the Bollinger Bands and the Keltner Channel:
A close above the outer line can be interpreted as a bullish signal and a close below the inner line as a bearish signal.
Likewise, a return to the channel from below after a break may serve as a bullish signal, while a return from above may indicate bearish sentiment.
Robust Channel can be also used to confirm chart patterns such as double tops and double bottoms.
If you like this indicator, feel free to leave your feedback in the comments below!
TradeChartist Intensity Pro™TradeChartist Intensity Pro is a visual indicator that comes with 5 Visual Themes and Auto-fibs feature that helps traders with Entry/Exit and levels confirmation based on where the price is, in relation to the Orange Price Equilibrium line and the 5 zones of Bull/Bear limits that fade into the top or bottom outer space.
™TradeChartist Intensity is an original Mean Reversion Model that requires no user input and Intensity Pro incorporates User adjustable Auto-Fibs and manual Fibonacci retracement feature and plots customisable Fib levels along with prices.
Intensity Pro Features
Orange Mean Equilibrium Line
Bull and Bear Intensity Bands
5 Visual Themes
Trend based Bar Colours
Auto Fibonacci Levels
Custom Auto-Fib Levels
Fibonacci Levels based on Days or Bars Lookback
Current Fib Level label
High and Low Plots
Take Profit Bars
Example Charts:
1. 4hr BTC-USDT
2. SPX Daily
3. EUR-USD 1hr
Best Practice: Test with different settings first using Paper Trades before trading with real money
This is not a free to use indicator. Get in touch with me (PM me directly if you would like trial access to test the indicator)
Premium Scripts - Trial access and Information
Trial access offered on all Premium scripts.
PM me directly to request trial access to the scripts or for more information.
SSI.FX Global AlgoVersion 1
The SSI.FX Global Algo uses a very fine tune trend filter that helps eliminate the noise of the market
This is a trend following indicator based off a moving average, but this is a exceptionally calculated Non-Repainting/Zero Lag moving average that allows you to enter the market with a mathematically calculated; high probability certainty. This indicator can be modified to the users liking, this is still early stages of the release so things will change over time.
Again, this is a trend following indicator this will not get sniper entries, even though a high amount of the time it may seem like that. Just like any indicator I always suggest using it for confluence to your trend bias.
How To Use
Blue Moving Average = Bullish
Red Moving Average = Bearish
I personally take a Macro and Micro trend approach. Look for trend flips and trends on higher time frames like the 1H, 4H, 1D, 1W then go to a lower time frame to take the micro trades of that prevailing trend. I generally look at 2 to 3 time frame segments lower than my higher time frame bias
example: 4H trend bias, I'd be looking at the 30m or 15m for potential trade entries
Pairs to Trade
Currencies, Stocks, Commodities, Metals, Energy, Bitcoin, Alt Coins.
Alert System
I did build an alert system that you can set to notify you when ever there is a new Long or Short Signal.
Development Roadmap
Multi-Time Frame Settings/Plotting
Better GUI
Trade Types: Basic Trades, Smart Trades
Big thanks to all the people who have helped in the development of this project!
Please leave feedback and any suggestions on what you'd like to see happen with this project!
Buy The Retrace studyA trend-following strategy entering pullbacks
Simple but efficient
The components of the script:
-MTF ATR based Trend
-Fib based cloud to help determine the trend
-Oscillator which is based on the current close relative to the close-only high-low range over a given period of time
The signal frequency can be changed on:
- Period - Length of the period to look for - i.e 25 means, the last 25 candles
- Bullline - signals created if oscillator above this level
- Bearline - signals created if oscillator below this level
I'd recommend taking the first few signals once the trend has changed.
Alerts are available as:
- First long / short signal
- Long / short signal
- Take profit long / short signal
- HTF trend change any direction
- HTF trend change up / down
Does not repaint - however, wait for a candle to close before entering a signal.
WiseAnalyze EMA + fractalsCombination of exponential moving averages allow to spot the trend reversal and expansion, Bill Williams fractals and support resistance zones allow to trade without drawing anything. Just follow the trend.
Study your chart. Note which EMA act as support and bounce most of tests. Most often I use 21/34 EMA for new entries.
Most powerful trend indicator is MAWV. Don't try to trade against it. If price above go long. If below - short.
Stops should be placed behind fractals. Breakout entries on price crossing fractals.
EMA 3/5/10/20/50/100/200Trend follow the fastest moving stocks with the right EMAs to trail your stops.
[astropark] Trend Skywalker V1 [alarms]Dear Followers,
today another awesome Swing and Scalping Trading Strategy indicator: Trend Skywalker !
It shows a trend cloud that reacts very fast to price action, so it's perfect for trending markets: it helps a lot to find out
when a trend is going to end and a new is going to start
when to enter again within a trending market
where to put your stoploss
In this example below you can see the three points above:
In fact in a trending market it will highlight that:
price consolidation within the could is a trend weakening signal , so you can easily spot when a trend is going to end and a new is going to start
bullish/bearish trend cloud retests are nice opportunity to re-enter within a trending market, especially if cloud is thick
where to put your stoploss ( below the cloud and/or recent low in a buy scenario , above the cloud and/or recent high in a sell scenario )
This strategy/indicator has the following options:
change analysis window (the lower, the more reactive; the higher, the less reactive)
enable/disable signals on chart
enable/disable "more confirmations" signals filter
enable/disable bars and background coloring based on trend
enable/disable an automatic Trailing Stop strategy option (Automatic Stops)
enable/disable a peak profit tracker (the max percentage profit labels)
enable/disable highlights of trend cloud retests
enable/disable highlights of trend cloud price breakouts
Here below some examples how the indicator works on many markets and timeframe.
This strategy only trigger 1 buy (where to start a long trade) or 1 sell (for short trade).
Keep in mind that proper risk management and money management strategies are very important to manage your trades (DM me if you need any clarification on these points).
This script will let you set all notifications you may need in order to be alerted on each triggered signals.
The one for backtesting purpose can be found by searching for the astropark's "Trend Skywalker" and then choosing the indicator with "strategy" suffix in the name, or you can find here below:
This is a premium indicator , so send me a private message in order to get access to this script.