Can I pay for a subscription with crypto?

You can pay with crypto for annual subscriptions only. Choose Coinbase or Crypto transfers as a payment option in the order window.

It's vital that the network you withdraw funds from, and the one you deposit funds to, are the same.

Please note that if the funds are sent via a different network, it will result in losing your payment. Please make sure you consider your options and don’t always choose the cheapest commission option.


If you have questions about completing a purchase via Coinbase, please refer to this related article on the Coinbase website. 

You will be automatically redirected to Coinbase to complete your purchase. You can use any available wallet, not only Coinbase. 

A QR code will be generated for you to scan; just follow the instructions given on your screen. If the payment is successful, you will see a confirmation page. 

Crypto transfers

If you choose Crypto transfers, note that, as of now, only the following currencies and networks can be used:

  • BTC - Bitcoin network, Lightning network
  • ETH - ERC20 network
  • USDC - ERC20 network, TRC20 network
  • USDT - ERC20 network, TRC20 network

You will be automatically redirected to Triple-A to complete your purchase. There, you can either select one of the cryptocurrencies mentioned above, or pay with Binance. 

Once you’ve chosen the payment option that works best for you, just follow the steps you’ll see on your screen. 

Please note that the commission taken to process the payment is not included in the subscription price. 

Sometimes, it might take some time for the subscription to get activated. If you’ve paid, but your account has not been upgraded, please ensure that:

  • You chose the correct network
  • The payment was completed on the correct account, and you haven’t created a duplicate account on TradingView 
  • The correct amount was transferred.

If you are sure that everything is fine and the problem hasn’t been solved, you can fill out the Payment Search form