I have a trial, but I want to switch my trial plan. How can I do this?
At TradingView, we believe that one trial per user is plenty enough for users to understand the concept of our platform and have a taste of the experience of what a subscription would look like. If you’d like to try a different plan, and your free trial days aren’t up, then you can switch your trial from Essential to Plus or even to Premium by following the instructions below.
Imagine you are on a Plus trial. You can either downgrade or upgrade the trial using the links at the bottom of each plan description.

If you click on Trial downgrade, a confirmation dialogue will pop up with more information about changing your trial. After confirming the change, you will be switched to the Essential plan instantly.

The same is the case if you’d like to switch your current trial to an upgraded plan.

Likewise, you can change the trial subscription activated via our mobile apps. However, it can be done only on the very platform where the trial was activated. Follow this link to learn the terms and check how you can do it.