What is the Stock Screener?
With Stock Screener, you can analyze stocks based on various financial ratios, timeframes, and technical indicators.
- The Stock screener provides an expanded number of metrics for fundamental analysis, such as EV / Revenue, P/B, Debt/EBITDA, Price/Cash, Cash/Debt, ROE and many others. Metrics can be applied as a filter and also added to the table:

- New filtering condition that allows you to evaluate the percentage change from the indicator. To do this, in the filter editing dialog, select the filter condition at above %, below %:

- Ability to add several filters and columns of different time intervals/parameters simultaneously:

- An expanded set of parameters for some technical indicators, such as RSI, EMA, SMA and others:

The screener contains sets of columns with various information. In addition to Extended Session and Technical Analysis data, there are also sets of columns with financial indicators:
- Valuation in this column set, the main indicators and multipliers for stock valuation are available: market capitalization and the percentage of its change during the year, enterprise value, Price to earning ratio and many others;
- Profitability In this column set, the main metrics of business efficiency and return on capital are available: Operating margin, Net margin, Return on Equity, Return on invested capital and others;
- Income Statement here is the main information from the income statement: revenue and its growth, gross and net profit, and others;
- Balance Sheet data on the balance sheet: assets, liabilities, capital, cash and cash equivalents and others.