Central Urbana SA engages in the provision of investment activities. The company was founded on January 10, 1945 and is headquartered Buenos Aires, Argentina.
URBA net income for the last quarter is −3.88 M ARS, while the quarter before that showed −2.43 M ARS of net income which accounts for −59.53% change. Track more CENTRAL URBANA SA financial stats to get the full picture.
No, URBA doesn't pay any dividends to its shareholders. But don't worry, we've prepared a list of high-dividend stocks for you.
EBITDA measures a company's operating performance, its growth signifies an improvement in the efficiency of a company. CENTRAL URBANA SA EBITDA is 4.17 M ARS, and current EBITDA margin is 63.01%. See more stats in CENTRAL URBANA SA financial statements.
Like other stocks, URBA shares are traded on stock exchanges, e.g. Nasdaq, Nyse, Euronext, and the easiest way to buy them is through an online stock broker. To do this, you need to open an account and follow a broker's procedures, then start trading. You can trade CENTRAL URBANA SA stock right from TradingView charts — choose your broker and connect to your account.