Vilniaus Baldai AB engages in the production and sale of furniture. Its products include office, bedroom, sitting-room and youth room furniture. The company was founded in 1883 and is headquartered in Trakai, Lithuania.
A0B583 net income for the last quarter is 2.90 M EUR, while the quarter before that showed 1.20 M EUR of net income which accounts for 142.29% change. Track more Vilniaus Baldai AB financial stats to get the full picture.
Vilniaus Baldai AB dividend yield was 0.00% in 2024, and payout ratio reached 0.00%. The year before the numbers were 0.00% and 0.00% correspondingly. See high-dividend stocks and find more opportunities for your portfolio.
As of Dec 27, 2024, the company has 507.00 employees. See our rating of the largest employees — is Vilniaus Baldai AB on this list?
EBITDA measures a company's operating performance, its growth signifies an improvement in the efficiency of a company. Vilniaus Baldai AB EBITDA is 17.30 M EUR, and current EBITDA margin is 18.33%. See more stats in Vilniaus Baldai AB financial statements.
Like other stocks, A0B583 shares are traded on stock exchanges, e.g. Nasdaq, Nyse, Euronext, and the easiest way to buy them is through an online stock broker. To do this, you need to open an account and follow a broker's procedures, then start trading. You can trade Vilniaus Baldai AB stock right from TradingView charts — choose your broker and connect to your account.