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MCAP fundamentals

The current financial position of MCAP Inc.

Total assets of MCAP for Q3 24 is 927.15 M USD, 6.18% more than the previous Q2 24. And total liabilities increased by 6.25% in Q3 24 to 899.13 M USD.

Q1 '05
Q2 '05
Q3 '05
Q4 '05
Q1 '06
Q2 '06
Q3 '06
Q4 '06
Q1 '07
Q2 '07
Q3 '07
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Q3 '10
Q4 '10
Q1 '11
Q2 '11
Q3 '11
Q4 '22
Q4 '23
Q1 '24
Q2 '24
Q3 '24
Total assets
Total liabilities
Currency: USD
Q1 '05
Q2 '05
Q3 '05
Q4 '05
Q1 '06
Q2 '06
Q3 '06
Q4 '06
Q1 '07
Q2 '07
Q3 '07
Q4 '07
Q1 '08
Q2 '08
Q3 '08
Q4 '08
Q1 '09
Q2 '09
Q3 '09
Q4 '09
Q1 '10
Q2 '10
Q3 '10
Q4 '10
Q1 '11
Q2 '11
Q3 '11
Q4 '22
Q4 '23
Q1 '24
Q2 '24
Q3 '24
Total assetsYoY growth
Total equityYoY growth