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Strong sellStrong buy
Strong sellSellNeutralBuyStrong buy
Strong sellStrong buy
Strong sellSellNeutralBuyStrong buy
Strong sellStrong buy
Strong sellSellNeutralBuyStrong buy
Strong sellStrong buy
Strong sellSellNeutralBuyStrong buy
Moving Averages
Strong sellStrong buy
Strong sellSellNeutralBuyStrong buy
Moving Averages
Strong sellStrong buy
Strong sellSellNeutralBuyStrong buy

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of SYNUSDT SPOT (SYN) is 0.6418 USDT — it has risen 10.71% in the past 24 hours. Try placing this info into the context by checking out what coins are also gaining and losing at the moment and seeing SYN price chart.
SYNUSDT SPOT price has fallen by 11.39% over the last week, its month performance shows a 19.67% decrease, and as for the last year, SYNUSDT SPOT has increased by 16.58%. See more dynamics on SYN price chart.
Keep track of coins' changes with our Crypto heatmap.
SYNUSDT SPOT (SYN) reached its highest price on Mar 7, 2024 — it amounted to 2.0000 USDT. Find more insights on the SYN price chart.
See the list of crypto gainers and choose what best fits your strategy.
SYNUSDT SPOT (SYN) reached the lowest price of 0.2671 USDT on Oct 9, 2023. View more SYNUSDT SPOT dynamics on the price chart.
See the list of crypto losers to find unexpected opportunities.
The safest choice when buying SYN is to go to a well-known crypto exchange. Some of the popular names are Binance, Coinbase, Kraken. But you'll have to find a reliable broker and create an account first. You can trade SYN right from TradingView charts — just choose a broker and connect to your account.
Crypto markets are famous for their volatility, so one should study all the available stats before adding crypto assets to their portfolio. Very often it's technical analysis that comes in handy. We prepared technical ratings for SYNUSDT SPOT (SYN): today its technical analysis shows the sell signal, and according to the 1 week rating SYN shows the sell signal. And you'd better dig deeper and study 1 month rating too — it's sell. Find inspiration in SYNUSDT SPOT trading ideas and keep track of what's moving crypto markets with our crypto news feed.
SYNUSDT SPOT (SYN) is just as reliable as any other crypto asset — this corner of the world market is highly volatile. Today, for instance, SYNUSDT SPOT is estimated as 13.41% volatile. The only thing it means is that you must prepare and examine all available information before making a decision. And if you're not sure about SYNUSDT SPOT, you can find more inspiration in our curated watchlists.
You can discuss SYNUSDT SPOT (SYN) with other users in our public chats, Minds or in the comments to Ideas.