Crypto market

Coins that have lost the most in price

Spotting market trends is key for financial success. Opportunities may hide in unexpected places, and it may be wise to buy the dip. Explore the coins that lost the most value to find those with potential.
Change %
Market cap
Circ supply
MDXMdex6190.0200 USD−40.07%19.005 M USD989.887 K USD950.247 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
TITANTitanSwap8010.001405 USD−13.54%130.124 K USD4.052 K USD92.615 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
GMMGamium7800.00014046 USD−12.20%2.922 M USD438.335 K USD20.801 BNFTs & Collectibles, Interoperability, DeFi, Metaverse, DAO
HTHuobi Token3720.53411076 USD−11.30%86.651 M USD3.291 M USD162.234 MCentralized-exchange, Layer 1
NUMNumbers Protocol5380.05243 USD−8.71%33.451 M USD991.182 K USD638.011 MData management & AI, NFTs & Collectibles, Asset management, Social, media & Content, Web3
NVIRNvirWorld7510.005877 USD−7.55%6.186 M USD1.163 M USD1.053 BNFTs & Collectibles, Marketplace
FSNFusion7550.07443 USD−6.85%5.712 M USD64.972 K USD76.747 MPayments, DeFi
UPPSentinel Protocol5670.054264570 USD−6.49%27.015 M USD1.542 M USD497.835 MData management & AI, Enterprise solutions, Loyalty & Rewards, Cybersecurity
0X00x0.ai2720.16907 USD−5.84%146.848 M USD269.126 K USD868.563 MPrivacy, Data management & AI
KINKin5190.000013393 USD−5.84%36.936 M USD210.019 K USD2.758 TSocial, media & Content, Web3
COREcVault.finance4475,906.1 USD−5.69%59.061 M USD7.459 K USD10 KDeFi, DAO
DIMODIMO4890.19054 USD−5.47%44.078 M USD2.143 M USD231.334 MDistributed computing & Storage, Internet of things, Data management & AI, DePIN
YOOSHIYooShi7020.00000003056 USD−4.77%11.348 M USD32.582 K USD371.327 TMemes, Gaming, NFTs & Collectibles
NESTNEST Protocol7750.001152 USD−4.48%3.354 M USD3.437 M USD2.912 BOracles, DeFi
TONTokamak Network4691.131691200 USD−4.26%49.615 M USD400.329 K USD43.841 MInteroperability, Scaling
GFALGames for a living5430.01388083 USD−4.15%33.076 M USD2.042 M USD2.383 BGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
TABOOTABOO TOKEN7730.0003499 USD−4.11%3.423 M USD9.702 K USD9.783 BSocial, media & Content
OASOasys3520.043498 USD−4.10%96.801 M USD5.362 M USD2.225 BGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Scaling, Layer 1
VEXTVeloce7810.01895 USD−3.90%2.871 M USD760.635 K USD151.513 MGaming, Social, media & Content, Loyalty & Rewards, Sports, Web3
MNGOMango6050.02055225 USD−3.17%20.552 M USD153.387 K USD1 BDecentralized exchange, Derivatives, DeFi, DAO
SPHSpheroid Universe7780.001514 USD−3.01%3.001 M USD72.651 K USD1.982 BNFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
BTMBytomDAO6800.007730 USD−2.84%12.681 M USD216.141 K USD1.641 BSmart contract platforms, Payments
ILVIlluvium19068.00764298 USD−2.69%304.938 M USD10.494 M USD4.484 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse, DAO
CVPPowerPool6660.4515 USD−2.59%14.004 M USD111.922 M USD31.017 MAsset management, DeFi, DAO
SSTCSaitaChain Coin4210.0016785 USD−2.57%70.809 M USD1.006 M USD42.186 B
WRLDNFT Worlds6430.021832 USD−2.47%15.546 M USD27.892 K USD712.091 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
KILTKILT Protocol7220.1847 USD−2.38%9.128 M USD53.473 K USD49.42 MIdentity, Web3
BUYBuying.com7470.02007 USD−2.34%6.659 M USD210.48 K USD331.79 M
WILDWilder World3660.35204 USD−2.30%91.753 M USD834.893 K USD260.633 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
SISSymbiosis7040.18015 USD−2.29%11.055 M USD3.254 M USD61.368 M
GXAGALAXIA7710.0016461 USD−2.22%4.142 M USD18.216 K USD2.516 BPayments
VEGAVega Protocol6700.2161 USD−2.21%13.408 M USD81.68 K USD62.047 MDecentralized exchange, Derivatives, DeFi
BFCBifrost4350.046057200 USD−2.20%63.865 M USD1.153 M USD1.387 BInteroperability, Payments
PTSPetals7970.0000375 USD−1.85%529.687 K USD31.796 K USD14.125 BSocial, media & Content, Web3
IZIIzumi Finance7420.009117 USD−1.81%7.179 M USD64.652 K USD787.4 MDeFi
WXTWirex Token4600.005303 USD−1.77%53.03 M USD1.512 M USD10 BAsset management, Payments
CREAMCream Finance42836.269 USD−1.50%67.303 M USD3.056 M USD1.856 MDecentralized exchange, Lending & Borrowing, DeFi, DAO
SFPSafePal1670.7819 USD−1.49%361.629 M USD3.762 M USD462.5 MPayments
SIXSIX6110.02354 USD−1.38%20.032 M USD240.626 K USD850.967 MSmart contract platforms, Enterprise solutions, Payments
XCHNGChainge5130.07861 USD−1.36%37.265 M USD1.226 M USD474.046 M
QUACKRichQUACK.com5230.0000000008307 USD−1.32%36.622 M USD745.78 K USD44,085.961 TMemes, Loyalty & Rewards, DeFi, Metaverse
CVXConvex Finance2062.81996147 USD−1.31%274.147 M USD18.06 M USD97.217 MDeFi
ASDASD5700.04136 USD−1.29%27.323 M USD1.459 M USD660.615 MCentralized-exchange
LOCUSLocus Chain4080.03501 USD−1.27%72.858 M USD309.066 K USD2.081 BScaling, Payments
CELCelsius7190.2463 USD−1.21%9.29 M USD1.148 M USD37.72 MLending & Borrowing
NULSNULS5270.3282 USD−1.20%35.854 M USD948.188 K USD109.246 MDevelopments tools, Enterprise solutions
BTGBitcoin Gold13918.95 USD−1.20%331.889 M USD2.409 M USD17.514 MCryptocurrencies
ROUTERouter Protocol5082.4395 USD−1.17%38.967 M USD950.729 K USD15.973 MInteroperability
MTRGMeter Governance6020.68669393 USD−1.11%21.342 M USD97.044 K USD31.079 MInteroperability, DeFi
ICPInternet Computer249.78 USD−1.11%4.569 B USD96.331 M USD467.166 MPrivacy, Smart contract platforms, Distributed computing & Storage, NFTs & Collectibles, Lending & Borrowing, Interoperability, Payments, DeFi, DAO, SEC security token, Layer 1, DePIN
GNOGnosis113215.81828964 USD−1.00%558.88 M USD4.47 M USD2.59 MPrediction markets, DeFi, Layer 1
BITCIBitcicoin7450.00088144 USD−1.00%6.795 M USD1.317 M USD7.709 BEnterprise solutions
LEOUNUS SED LEO185.82617158 USD−0.99%5.394 B USD1.002 M USD925.89 MCentralized-exchange, Payments
FUSEFuse7230.040348 USD−0.97%8.872 M USD456.023 K USD219.882 MPayments, Layer 1
HOPRHOPR5890.06780 USD−0.88%23.132 M USD446.625 K USD341.174 MPrivacy, DAO
SDEXSmarDex3020.014447 USD−0.86%120.669 M USD387.213 K USD8.353 BDecentralized exchange, DeFi
THNThrone7960.001444 USD−0.82%564.246 K USD109.912 K USD390.752 MSocial, media & Content, Web3
BONDBarnBridge6451.9599 USD−0.77%15.503 M USD4.993 M USD7.91 MDerivatives, DeFi, DAO
DNXDynex4840.50025 USD−0.77%46.631 M USD704.176 K USD93.215 MDistributed computing & Storage, Layer 1, DePIN
SLNDSolend5470.84638576 USD−0.77%33.884 M USD91.745 K USD40.034 MLending & Borrowing, DeFi
ADXAdEx5830.16575 USD−0.73%23.876 M USD4.06 M USD144.046 MData management & AI, Marketing, Web3
KALMKALM7980.05892 USD−0.69%503.766 K USD1.971 K USD8.55 MNFTs & Collectibles, Lending & Borrowing, DeFi
POLSPolkastarter5570.29446 USD−0.67%29.217 M USD1.766 M USD99.221 MDeFi
RLYRally5290.006849944 USD−0.55%35.579 M USD1.738 M USD5.194 BSocial, media & Content, DeFi, SEC security token
KANBitKan7390.000803 USD−0.50%7.694 M USD305.539 K USD9.582 BSocial, media & Content, Analytics
MOBILEHelium Mobile3040.00145245 USD−0.49%119.482 M USD3.069 M USD82.262 BDistributed computing & Storage, DePIN
TPTTokenPocket6090.005869 USD−0.49%20.345 M USD32.531 K USD3.466 BPayments
DARMines of Dalarnia3260.18216533 USD−0.47%108.201 M USD35.766 M USD593.972 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
PROPropy2851.327902 USD−0.39%132.79 M USD4.209 M USD100 MPayments, Real estate
HEGICHegic6650.019916 USD−0.37%14.015 M USD39.82 K USD703.727 MDecentralized exchange, Derivatives, DeFi
KUJIKujira3010.9996 USD−0.34%122.301 M USD774.705 K USD122.35 M
ANTAragon1698.1629 USD−0.29%352.567 M USD13.529 M USD43.191 MDevelopments tools, DAO
TARATaraxa5920.0052046 USD−0.27%22.728 M USD379.185 K USD4.367 BScaling, Web3, Layer 1
BADBad Idea AI7160.00000001862 USD−0.27%9.875 M USD4.444 M USD530.335 TMemes, Data management & AI, DAO
MEWcat in a dogs world970.00767109 USD−0.25%681.875 M USD165.982 M USD88.889 BMemes
NFTXNFTX65424.077 USD−0.20%14.607 M USD3.098 K USD606.672 KNFTs & Collectibles, DeFi
FTNFasttoken1502.33186 USD−0.18%710.868 M USD51.728 M USD304.85 M
FEIFei USD6420.9535 USD−0.17%15.67 M USD99.412 K USD16.435 MStablecoins, Algorithmic Stablecoins, DeFi
TLOSTelos4270.17955 USD−0.14%67.434 M USD15.258 M USD375.574 MSmart contract platforms, NFTs & Collectibles
EVEREverscale3270.054874 USD−0.14%108.943 M USD710.31 K USD1.985 BSmart contract platforms
HNTHelium805.29456248 USD−0.12%851.765 M USD12.618 M USD160.875 MInternet of things, Enterprise solutions, Web3, DePIN
ARRRPirate Chain5350.1761 USD−0.11%34.553 M USD98.084 K USD196.214 MPrivacy, Cryptocurrencies
HARDKava Lend6530.10837 USD−0.10%14.607 M USD17.104 M USD134.792 MLending & Borrowing, DeFi
USDDUSDD920.99934414 USD−0.09%735.714 M USD5.218 M USD736.197 MStablecoins, Algorithmic Stablecoins
KATAKatana Inu6340.00060525 USD−0.07%16.479 M USD415.35 K USD27.226 BMemes, Gaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
EURCEURC5161.08437459 USD−0.05%37.47 M USD1.243 M USD34.555 MStablecoins
USDCUSDC60.99966 USD−0.04%34.102 B USD5.864 B USD34.114 BStablecoins, Asset-backed Stablecoins
BITBitDAO1451.4153 USD−0.04%2.609 B USD8.771 M USD1.844 BDAO
USDPPax Dollar3130.999899940 USD−0.02%114.388 M USD1.088 M USD114.4 MStablecoins, Asset-backed Stablecoins, Cryptocurrencies
OUSDOrigin Dollar7410.99736504 USD−0.01%7.321 M USD129.875 K USD7.341 MStablecoins, Asset-backed Stablecoins, DeFi
GUSDGemini Dollar3410.99943538 USD−0.01%103.243 M USD696.261 K USD103.302 MStablecoins, Asset-backed Stablecoins