The networks where stuff's getting built

Below are leading cryptocurrencies driving future applications through extensive development on their networks. Check out our list to see where developers believe the best building opportunities are.
GitHub commits
Change %
Market cap
Circ supply
CTSICartesi4751.25 M0.10638 USD−1.28%91.04 M USD9.39 M USD855.76 MSmart contract platforms, Scaling, Web3, Layer 1
ETHEthereum2431.8 K2,660.38 USD+0.26%320.68 B USD21.41 B USD120.54 MSmart contract platforms, Layer 1
CTXCCortex739325.95 K0.17767 USD−1.68%40.39 M USD4.26 M USD227.32 MSmart contract platforms, Internet of things, Data management & AI
MKRMaker81321.59 K947.48 USD+4.75%834.65 M USD104.06 M USD880.92 KLending & Borrowing, DeFi, DAO, Made in America
ONTOntology313296.78 K0.19240 USD+0.19%175.6 M USD11.51 M USD912.7 MSmart contract platforms, Identity
ONGOntology Gas435296.78 K0.25630 USD−0.54%103.8 M USD3.55 M USD404.98 MSmart contract platforms, Identity
INJInjective61230.08 K14.405 USD+5.31%1.43 B USD157.58 M USD98.97 MSmart contract platforms, Data management & AI, Interoperability, DeFi, Web3, Layer 1, Made in America
LINKChainlink11228.47 K18.593 USD−0.72%11.86 B USD499.52 M USD638.1 MOracles, Data management & AI, Web3, Made in America
OPOptimism57205.98 K1.0966 USD+1.63%1.48 B USD177.44 M USD1.35 BScaling, Made in America
MASKMask Network199201.52 K2.2629 USD+1.49%226.29 M USD43.37 M USD100 MPrivacy, Social, media & Content, Web3
USDPPax Dollar513200.56 K1.0005 USD−0.04%79.39 M USD2.7 M USD79.35 MStablecoins, Asset-backed Stablecoins, Cryptocurrencies
PAXGPAX Gold107200.56 K2,925.29 USD+1.22%602.48 M USD31.51 M USD205.96 KAsset-backed Tokens
OGNOrigin Protocol642189.87 K0.076843 USD+0.94%53.52 M USD16.88 M USD696.49 MNFTs & Collectibles, DeFi, Made in America
CELRCeler Network458158.24 K0.012319 USD+1.19%95.64 M USD9.11 M USD7.76 BInteroperability, Scaling
FTMFantom145.54 K0.41763 USD+0.99%Layer 1
WBTWhiteBIT Coin215134.56 K27.476 USD+0.91%2.38 B USD32.05 M USD86.61 M
MATICPolygon111134.52 K0.30721 USD−0.75%587.93 M USD7.4 M USD1.91 BScaling
COMPCompound134116.16 K52.617 USD+1.83%466.7 M USD67.57 M USD8.87 MLending & Borrowing, DeFi, DAO, Made in America
RADRadworks691112.44 K0.88086 USD+2.18%45.43 M USD20.61 M USD51.58 MData management & AI, Web3, DAO
BTRSTBraintrust497107.19 K0.35400 USD+3.81%85.44 M USD999.38 K USD241.35 MMarketplace, Web3, Jobs
REPAugur1423102.11 K0.69000 USD−3.91%7.59 M USD73.54 K USD11 MOracles, Prediction markets
ABTArcblock45995.66 K0.97157 USD−4.85%95.75 M USD751.48 K USD98.55 MDevelopments tools, Data management & AI, Interoperability
ORBSOrbs47793.39 K0.022573 USD+0.97%90.06 M USD3.96 M USD3.99 BDistributed computing & Storage, DeFi
GTCGame.com93 K0.00033385 USD+2.52%240 USDWeb3, DAO, Fundraising
GRTThe Graph6792.16 K0.13836 USD+4.26%1.32 B USD56.67 M USD9.55 BData management & AI, Enterprise solutions, Web3, Made in America
SKLSKALE19891.83 K0.039130 USD+0.53%226.01 M USD34.93 M USD5.78 BGaming, Distributed computing & Storage, Scaling, Layer 1, Made in America
LOOMLoom Network60390.49 K0.047407 USD−0.12%58.92 M USD7.4 M USD1.24 BScaling, Enterprise solutions
ZRX0x Protocol17589.08 K0.31165 USD−0.24%264.4 M USD31.37 M USD848.4 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi, DAO, Made in America
RLCiExec RLC45785.78 K1.3235 USD−5.95%95.8 M USD12.63 M USD72.38 MPrivacy, Distributed computing & Storage, NFTs & Collectibles, Interoperability, Enterprise solutions, Payments, Social, media & Content, Marketing, Analytics, Marketplace, Web3, DePIN
LTCLitecoin1984.18 K118.25 USD+9.45%8.93 B USD1.34 B USD75.52 MCryptocurrencies, Layer 1, Made in America
LRCLoopring31482.42 K0.12717 USD−0.99%173.82 M USD18.21 M USD1.37 BDecentralized exchange, Scaling, DeFi
AERGOAergo73180.88 K0.087187 USD−0.38%41.2 M USD8.26 M USD472.5 MSmart contract platforms, Enterprise solutions
DODODODO58680.37 K0.085928 USD+0.45%62.36 M USD14.09 M USD725.7 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
QASHQASH80.19 K0.016722 USD0.00%1.19 K USDPayments, Marketplace
LDOLido DAO6379.23 K1.5225 USD+0.52%1.36 B USD150.32 M USD895.94 MDerivatives, DeFi, DAO
BNTBancor58078.65 K0.53197 USD+2.09%62.9 M USD3.71 M USD118.24 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
AUDIOAudius38178.42 K0.10105 USD−0.33%131.01 M USD17.04 M USD1.3 BSocial, media & Content, Web3, DAO
AAVEAave3276.63 K248.44 USD+1.40%3.74 B USD337.29 M USD15.07 MLending & Borrowing, DeFi, DAO, Made in America
ELFaelf27773.28 K0.29472 USD+0.58%217.75 M USD11.08 M USD738.83 MSmart contract platforms, Distributed computing & Storage, Interoperability, Web3, DAO, Layer 1
QKCQuarkChain58271.11 K0.0087777 USD+0.51%62.23 M USD7.58 M USD7.09 BSmart contract platforms
SFRXETHFrax Staked Ether25869.27 K2,951.50 USD+0.17%301.42 M USD208.15 K USD102.12 KDerivatives
FRAXFrax24069.27 K0.99638 USD−0.01%647.08 M USD3.75 M USD649.43 MStablecoins, Algorithmic Stablecoins, Seigniorage, Lending & Borrowing, DeFi
FXSFrax Share35469.27 K1.6415 USD−3.70%143.68 M USD19.35 M USD87.53 MAlgorithmic Stablecoins, Seigniorage, Decentralized exchange, DeFi, Made in America
ANGLEAngle318466.96 K0.013482 USD+3.22%178.47 K USD17.22 K USD13.24 M
UNIUniswap2663.47 K9.2414 USD−0.17%5.55 B USD198.88 M USD600.52 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi, DAO, Made in America
DATAStreamr85662.45 K0.024993 USD+2.28%27.63 M USD5.16 M USD1.11 BDistributed computing & Storage, Internet of things, Data management & AI, Web3, DePIN
DFdForce52262.15 K0.076067 USD+0.32%76.06 M USD10.62 M USD999.93 MLending & Borrowing, DeFi
METISMetis36257.56 K22.989 USD+0.50%142.52 M USD13.42 M USD6.2 MScaling
BALBalancer39856.95 K1.9165 USD+0.78%118.72 M USD10.48 M USD61.95 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi, DAO
EULEuler59856.61 K3.6598 USD+0.07%59.81 M USD1.23 M USD16.34 M
ETHDYDXdYdX (ethDYDX)32656.14 K0.74930 USD−0.60%161.23 M USD25.84 M USD215.17 MDecentralized exchange, Derivatives, DeFi
ETNElectroneum71455.6 K0.0023733 USD+2.06%42.67 M USD769.44 K USD17.98 BCryptocurrencies, Payments
GELGelato87453.48 K0.10972 USD−2.39%26.86 M USD101.84 K USD244.79 MSmart contract platforms, Developments tools, DeFi
OCEANOcean Protocol27149.66 K0.35165 USD+0.82%221.25 M USD183.79 K USD629.19 MDistributed computing & Storage, Data management & AI, DePIN
FLOKIFLOKI7649.44 K0.000095288 USD+0.29%915.8 M USD174.47 M USD9.61 TMemes, Gaming, Metaverse
BANDBand Protocol35249.15 K0.93872 USD+2.19%147.25 M USD17 M USD156.86 MOracles, Data management & AI, Web3
IMXImmutable6048.89 K0.82134 USD+0.50%1.43 B USD40.73 M USD1.74 BDevelopments tools, Gaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Scaling, Marketplace
BTCBitcoin148.26 K97,240.48 USD+0.81%1.93 T USD40.89 B USD19.82 MCryptocurrencies, Layer 1
QIBENQI64145.02 K0.010390 USD+1.94%53.76 M USD3.52 M USD5.17 BLending & Borrowing, Derivatives, DeFi
UMAUMA35843.65 K1.6905 USD−4.44%143.15 M USD29.1 M USD84.68 MOracles, Derivatives, DeFi, Web3, DAO
BADGERBadger DAO55240.59 K3.4069 USD+0.86%69.16 M USD13.09 M USD20.3 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi, DAO
RPLRocket Pool32340.33 K7.6524 USD+1.45%161.21 M USD60.55 M USD21.07 MDerivatives, DeFi
STORJStorj37738.58 K0.33440 USD+0.49%134.1 M USD16.39 M USD401.02 MDistributed computing & Storage, Web3, DePIN
PERPPerpetual Protocol82238.01 K0.46564 USD+0.62%30.73 M USD7.58 M USD66 MDecentralized exchange, Derivatives, DeFi
RARIRARI74237.24 K1.6131 USD−2.30%39.86 M USD447.68 K USD24.71 MNFTs & Collectibles, Marketplace, DAO
CREAMCream Finance117936.75 K6.7659 USD+0.44%12.56 M USD6.15 M USD1.86 MDecentralized exchange, Lending & Borrowing, DeFi, DAO
OPIUMOpium307136.25 K0.056933 USD+34.46%236.91 K USD91 USD4.16 MDerivatives, Insurance, DAO
GHSTAavegotchi83935.72 K0.54708 USD−0.86%28.86 M USD9.38 M USD52.75 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, DAO
STMXStormX61935.58 K0.0046013 USD+0.60%56.8 M USD8.14 M USD12.35 BSocial, media & Content, Loyalty & Rewards
APEApeCoin11934 K0.70297 USD+1.55%529.09 M USD70.22 M USD752.65 MNFTs & Collectibles
CVCCivic41133.87 K0.11448 USD−0.15%114.48 M USD15.27 M USD1 BIdentity, Enterprise solutions, Web3
MULTIMultichain249232.92 K0.060328 USD+1.53%877.24 K USD243.25 K USD14.54 MInteroperability, Web3
FSNFusion217832.76 K0.020763 USD−3.04%1.61 M USD64.16 K USD77.57 MPayments, DeFi
NULSNULS85732.52 K0.24788 USD+1.00%27.64 M USD916.5 K USD111.5 MDevelopments tools, Enterprise solutions
RAIRai Reflex Index192331.84 K2.5003 USD−6.69%2.84 M USD55.1 K USD1.13 MAsset-backed Tokens, DeFi
THALESThales136031.8 K0.14442 USD+0.42%8.63 M USD75.34 K USD59.74 MGambling
ALGOAlgorand4331.18 K0.28787 USD+4.61%2.43 B USD156.13 M USD8.42 BSmart contract platforms, Layer 1, Made in America
BONDBarnBridge196231.02 K0.32595 USD−2.66%2.58 M USD2.17 M USD7.91 MDerivatives, DeFi, DAO
BIFIBitcoin File30.51 K0.00019683 USD+16.73%126 USD
STPTSTP34929.9 K0.076841 USD+12.63%149.26 M USD121.62 M USD1.94 BDevelopments tools, DAO
TRBTellor47228.1 K34.721 USD+0.54%91.95 M USD28.53 M USD2.65 MOracles, Data management & AI, DeFi, Web3
ENSEthereum Name Service7727.66 K25.625 USD+1.45%909.63 M USD89.03 M USD35.5 MIdentity, Web3, DAO
AXSAxie Infinity9726.99 K4.2584 USD+0.33%674.97 M USD33.19 M USD158.5 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
DIADIA62224.19 K0.47185 USD−0.11%56.47 M USD11.75 M USD119.68 MOracles, Data management & AI, Web3
ILVIlluvium40824.16 K20.843 USD−4.99%114.94 M USD16.36 M USD5.51 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse, DAO
NKNNKN67123.02 K0.062796 USD−0.07%49.24 M USD6.22 M USD784.19 MDistributed computing & Storage, Internet of things, Web3, DePIN
PSPParaSwap106122.8 K0.022260 USD+7.86%16.58 M USD164.26 K USD744.98 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
HMTHuman154722.02 K0.024753 USD−0.68%5.71 M USD8.09 K USD230.55 MData management & AI
CRVUSDcrvUSD54821.61 K0.97719 USD0.00%70.44 M USD18.86 M USD72.09 MStablecoins
CRVCurve DAO Token9621.61 K0.53026 USD+3.39%679.67 M USD157.66 M USD1.28 BDecentralized exchange, DeFi, DAO
API3API352820.79 K0.87715 USD+0.46%75.81 M USD11.56 M USD86.42 MData management & AI, Web3
SONNESonne Finance335820.08 K0.0013292 USD+0.45%108.14 K USD54.3 K USD81.36 M
YFIyearn.finance29519.6 K5,676.01 USD−1.65%191.6 M USD23.97 M USD33.76 KDeFi, DAO
YFIIDFI.Money123118.43 K288.42 USD+2.40%11.13 M USD2.53 M USD38.6 KDeFi, DAO
DOGEDogecoin818.26 K0.25172 USD−0.61%37.25 B USD1.5 B USD147.99 BMemes, Cryptocurrencies, Layer 1, Made in America
NESTNEST Protocol183618.05 K0.0011639 USD+1.83%3.39 M USD13.34 M USD2.91 BOracles, DeFi
LONTokenlon Network Token48417.99 K0.75311 USD−2.79%88.33 M USD88.72 K USD117.29 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
HOPHop Protocol273617.94 K0.0079921 USD+3.56%512.35 K USD92.2 K USD64.11 M
MPLMaple64016.72 K12.310 USD+12.94%54.39 M USD1.2 M USD4.42 MLending & Borrowing, DeFi
WANWanchain84616.64 K0.14417 USD+1.62%28.61 M USD1.37 M USD198.48 MInteroperability, DeFi