Most try various and highly complex methods to identify the Trend and trend Progression or regression , they put up so much of trend line they themselves will get confuse what they ware trying to put up , Don't complex your method , have a Simple approach and make money in the market Few INTOXICATED Trolls are trying to troll me in my past Posts , so...
This set up is one of the best set up we usually take based on Pattern we identify This one is risky still , You can short sell with pre-defined price as stop loss Take Profits mentioned , Best Method is Buy OTM CE 100 + Points away from the Short sell Price, One you sold the Futures then Buy OTM CE and hedge it until price start moving away from your sell...
The Nightmare to F & O trader is price hitting his stop , and most do not understand the structure so their random stops will get hit and take losses This is one of the Methods people should use in case they want to trade Positional trade , Un less they have clear method for Long term Positional they must not keep Naked position in Futures , or they should...
I am looking for a very short trend termination this is one of the possible pattern can occur in real time Buying is bad idea , but if move up and Then give sell set up Look for short sell Opportunity Few Psychos started writing comment including abusive , cant help for their comment i asked Moderator to remove the comment , but a larger Group of my...
After Government Increasing the Margin in F & O , the Options have started rising in the Premium , because People Need to Hedge in order to Benefit Lower Margin requirement , resulting Options sellers are Making More Money , In fact all PE and CE Options are overpriced in the Market at this Moment Now i am posting this wired Experiment , i do not suggest...
This could be the Next possible move , Posting it for Few friends who made small request Good luck
One who is smart will likely look for taking some profits off the table Good luck
My Long term forecast remain intact , Current interim forecast is again sub-divided in multiple patterns Patterns some time gets sub -divided , they will be visible and some time they cant be visible in the price action Current out Look is giving an indication of Short term rally for few days before Making One More drop towards 71.00 Lets see how it unfolds ,
We are looking change in the Structure based on last 2 days move in the scrip , My previous view was contained with in the channel but now i am looking it might be developing New Move where the identify and pattern will change Now I am looking this as a W X Y move a three wave move down sub divided in the secondary countable moves with in them , One can...
i am Up grading My Forecast and looking the Bull Market to continue till 2025 For Next 2 Years bull market will not stop , it will move very fast and shallow correction , after that you can look for some pause before resuming the bull market One can look for completing the current sequence and then Correction in the Prices Good luck
I have made some efforts to Explain why education is important and why the methods one follow should have alternative tools confirmation Hope you have Learned some Important message in it today Attaching two chart of TITAN and APPOLO TYER click to see how they unfolded Good luck
Its Not Necessary How much you know but the truth and Quality of what you know that counts on real time The way to narrow down the data is to specialize in one or tow areas , the Key to processing information is the ability to abstract the essential information from the existing data In order to do this One have to relate the information to principles that...
Hello You all aware that i Use Wave theory to forecast and i am proud of my analysis , there are so many haters who comment irrational way but ignorance is best medicine for them Now i am posting my previous post when I Openly announced Nifty is Going to 15500 , it was Joke for a while among my friends too sorry to say i had leave (dropped) few of my old...
Traders you have seen my hundreds of charts You know how they work , some time Yes when i try to do some Monkey post they fail This one is Going to 15100 + , Now i am telling you they will not stop , You can Do all your research Yet you will see it will happen Come on people you know me how i work , Howz my Research works , ha ha , Keep looking for...
A Strong Knowledge can only lead You towards success, a weak mind can lead you to lots of irrelevant Subjects , it doesn't mean that weak can not improve they can They need an education , Tats the reason every one of you try to learn form each other or each other mistakes Learning is a stepping stone for Your Trading Carrier , so don't stop learning "I...
Again , This one was One of the victory which i had shared publicly in this trading view community but You know friends most traders have tendency to ignore Long term view and they try to catch a fish in short term view Few even lost 10+ laces in Trying to Trade Options thinking they are have Grater edge with them , Few have made some handsome income they...
Hello Friends I had to post this because there one person who has sent me Private Message on his small ego based comment and chart he shared with me on DM and saying he has made a forecast of Axis bank as 700 , when it was 650 I would have ignored , its ok few armatures try to prove them self , eventually they learn on or the other day , its really not about...