Trading Ideas- Short positions below 1.2683 with targets at 1.2079 & 1.1964 Alternative scenario If price sustain above 1.2683 look for 1.2815 & 1.2971 as targets. Supports and resistances 1.2079 & 1.1964 1.2815 & 1.2971
Trading Ideas- Long positions above 0.6943 with targets at 0.7336 & 0.7476 Alternative scenario If price goes down 0.6943 look for 0.6826 & 0.6684 as targets. Supports and resistances 0.6826 & 0.6684 0.7336 & 0.7476
Trading Ideas- Long positions above 87.72 with targets at 98.01 & 100.94 Alternative scenario If price goes down 87.72 look for 82.96 & 80.03 as targets. Supports and resistances 82.96 & 80.03 98.01 & 100.94
Trading Ideas- Long positions above 1.5595 with targets at 1.6530 & 1.6790 Alternative scenario If price goes down 1.5595 look for 1.5160 & 1.4899 as targets. Supports and resistances 1.5160 & 1.4899 1.6530 & 1.6790
Trading Ideas- Short positions below 1.8006 with targets at 1.6897 & 1.6587 Alternative scenario If price sustain above 1.8006 look for 1.8521 & 1.8829 as targets. Supports and resistances 1.6897 & 1.6587 1.8521 & 1.8829
Trading Ideas- Long positions above 1.6056 with targets at 1.7010 & 1.7277 Alternative scenario If price goes down 1.6056 look for 1.5613 & 1.5349 as targets. Supports and resistances 1.5613 & 1.5349 1.7010 & 1.7277
Trading Ideas- Short positions below 1.3905 with targets at 1.3191 & 1.2992 Alternative scenario If price sustain above 1.3905 look for 1.4234 & 1.4439 as targets. Supports and resistances 1.3191 & 1.2992 1.4234 & 1.4439
Trading Ideas- Long positions above 1.0838 with targets at 1.1204 & 1.1306 Alternative scenario If price goes down 1.0838 look for 1.0674 & 1.0576 as targets. Supports and resistances 1.0674 & 1.0576 1.1204 & 1.1306
Trading Ideas- Short positions below 0.7099 with targets at 0.6609 & 0.6474 Alternative scenario If price sustain above 0.7099 look for 0.7321 & 0.7459 as targets. Supports and resistances 0.6609 & 0.6474 0.7321 & 0.7459
Trading Ideas- Long positions above 0.8895 with targets at 0.9386 & 0.9520 Alternative scenario If price goes down 0.8895 look for 0.8674 & 0.8538 as targets. Supports and resistances 0.8674 & 0.8538 0.9386 & 0.9520
Trading Ideas- Long positions above 123.97 with targets at 131.26 & 135.24 Alternative scenario If price goes down 123.97 look for 121.07 & 118.46 as targets. Supports and resistances 121.07 & 118.46 131.26 & 135.24
Trading Ideas- Long positions above 0.6943 with targets at 0.7336 & 0.7476 Alternative scenario If price goes down 0.6943 look for 0.6826 & 0.6684 as targets. Supports and resistances 0.6826 & 0.6684 0.7336 & 0.7476
Trading Ideas- Long positions above 1.2633 with targets at 1.3069 & 1.3155 Alternative scenario If price goes down 1.2633 look for 1.2406 & 1.2291 as targets. Supports and resistances 1.2406 & 1.2291 1.3069 & 1.3155
Trading Ideas- Long positions above 0.9587 with targets at 1.0053 & 1.0226 Alternative scenario If price goes down 0.9587 look for 0.9453 & 0.9375 as targets. Supports and resistances 0.9453 & 0.9375 1.0053 & 1.0226
Trading Ideas- Short positions below 1.2642 with targets at 1.2156 & 1.2079 Alternative scenario If price sustain above 1.2642 look for 1.2814 & 1.2969 as targets. Supports and resistances 1.2156 & 1.2079 1.2814 & 1.2969
Trading Ideas- Long positions above 123.97 with targets at 131.26 & 135.24 Alternative scenario If price goes down 123.97 look for 121.07 & 118.46 as targets. Supports and resistances 121.07 & 118.46 131.26 & 135.24
Trading Ideas- Short positions below 1.0762 with targets at 1.0344 & 1.0106 Alternative scenario If price sustain above 1.0762 look for 1.0956 & 1.1179 as targets. Supports and resistances 1.0344 & 1.0106 1.0956 & 1.1179
Trading Ideas- Short positions below 0.7162 with targets at 0.6824 & 0.6685 Alternative scenario If price sustain above 0.7162 look for 0.7260 & 0.7364 as targets. Supports and resistances 0.6824 & 0.6685 0.7260 & 0.7364