Based on price moving and Ema positions Up move possibility is higher This is only for educational purposes.
Based on price moving and Ema positions Up move possibility is higher This is only for educational purposes.
Based on price moving and Ema positions Up move possibility is higher This is only for educational purposes.
1.Moving averages - 21 Ema above 50 -50 Ema above 200 -Gap between Ema seems better 2.uptrend continues observed 3.Good pivot levels
1.Moving averages - 21 Ema above 50 -50 Ema above 200 -Gap between Ema seems better 2.uptrend continues observed 3.Good pivot levels
This stock up move as per the below prediction 1.21 Ema above 50 Ema 2.50 Ema above 200 Ema 3.Price above 21 EMA 4.21 Ema retrace 5.Stock in unmoved 5.ROCE >15 6.Debt to equity<1 This is for the educational purposes
This stock up move as per the below prediction 1.21 Ema above 50 Ema 2.50 Ema above 200 Ema 3.Price above 21 EMA 4.21 Ema retrace 5.Stock in unmoved 5.ROCE >15 6.Debt to equity<1 This is for the educational purposes