NZD AUD upside move possible Buying above the 0.9206 Stop loss 0.9149 Target 0.9311
GBP USD down side movement possible Sell below the 1.28126 Stoploss 1.29079 Target 1.26292
Gail Positional Trade Buying above the 116.10 Stoploss 102.20 Target 144.10
EUR CAD upside move possible Buying above the 1.47156 Stoploss 1.4677 Target 1.48579
GBP CAD upside move possible Buying above the 1.7004 Stoploss 1.68902 Target 1.72162
GBP USD upside move possible Buying above the 1.28923 Stoploss 1.28718 Target 1.31057
EUR GBP downside move possible Sell below the 0.86486 Stoploss 0.87027 Target 0.85409
EUR GBP downside move possible Sell below the 0.86486 Stoploss 0.87027 Target 0.85409
USD CHF upside move possible Buying above the 0.86863 Stoploss0.85528 Target 0.89744
AUD CHF upside move possible Buying above the 0.58890 Stoploss 0.57954 Target 0.61299
BNB USD upside move possible Buying above the 264.2 Stoploss 217.9 Target 337.3
GBP mxn upside move possible Buying above the 21.6914 Stoploss 21.5120 Target 22.1288
GBP ZAR upside move possible Buying above the 23.35307 Stoploss 23.0273 Target 24.3377
AVAXUSD upside move possible Buying above the 14.1637561 Stoploss 13.3131599 Target 16.7579504
MATIC USD upside move possible Buying above the 0.7559 Stoploss 0.7111 Target 0.8494
GBP CAD downside move possible Sell below the 1.71795 Stoploss 1.73379 Target 1.68752
GBP USD down side movement possible Sell below 1.30447 Stoploss 1.31481 Target 1.28471
NZD CHF downside move possible Sell below the 0.53623 Stoploss 0.56097 Target 0.48700