Digital Turbine, Inc.

11/03 Mid Week Watch - $APPS

My levels: 72.10 & 71.20

Why: Monthly pivot, 50D, previous low

Notes: this stock closed weak today, this level might be too close. I wanna watch these levels tomorrow to see what it does. I personally think this is oversold and think it has potential for a really strong bounce.
Trade active
Chatroom Relay: 4 NOV 11:24 am ET: just got my last add on APPS 71.80 area will stop if doesnt hold 200 day here
Trade closed: stop reached
Chatroom Relay: 4 NOV 11:50 am ET: STopped out of my swing APPS have to respect my plan, 71 area, i see the 200 day but from my avg, have hit my level i was comfy with, still may hold here but with this range and market, moving on for now, can always revisit the name
