BNP Paribas ( bullish scenario:

The technical figure Triangle can be found in the daily chart in the French company BNP Paribas S.A. ( BNP Paribas is a French international banking group. With 190,000 employees as of February 2021, the bank is organized into three major business areas: Commercial, Personal Banking & Services (CPBS), Investment & Protection Services (IPS) and Corporate & Institutional Banking (CIB). BNP Paribas is the largest banking group in Europe, after HSBC, and ninth largest Banking group in the world. The Triangle broke through the resistance line on 04/11/2022. If the price holds above this level, you can have a possible bullish price movement with a forecast for the next 37 days towards 52.65 EUR. Your stop-loss order, according to experts, should be placed at 41.53 EUR if you decide to enter this position.

BNP Paribas SA joined European peers in getting a lift from rising interest rates, with higher income from lending and debt trading propelling earnings past analysts’ estimates.Net interest income at the Paris-based bank rose 9.6% from a year ago, and fixed-income trading jumped 25%, just ahead of the average for the biggest Wall Street firms.

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