The company offers a wide range of services primarily categorized under information technology (IT) solutions, business process management (BPM), Big Data & Analytics & engineering services.
The company have developed its own intelligent automation platform and market for the same is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of ~19% over 2020-25.
Presently, the company has 200+ clients. It added 33 new clients in Q2FY22 alone. In FY21, Top 5, 10 and 20 clients contributed 25%, 36% and 49% towards revenues respectively.
Segment-wise Revenue FY21: -
Information Technology - 51%
Business Process Management - 49%
Market Cap: Rs 1,532 cr; PE: 10.8 ; ROCE : 14.7% ; ROE : 11.3% , Debt Free Balance Sheet.
FII's increased shareholding in Dec'21 quarter and credit rating agency updated their current rating to A+ stable.
After the breakout, price rejected from level of ATH and retrenchment to fib golden level & EMA 55.
At support level of Rs 240, a DOJI candle was formed in weekly chart, followed by Morning Star Candle (Bullish Candle) i.e., sign of trend reversal.
The level marked in chart with explanations.