7 british muslims tried to run over a gendarme in France (paramilitary police officer in France & some french speaking countries, we have them everywhere I even have a gendarme "camp" close to home they're like the police basically).
Oh ye this happened in front of Israel Embassy, so maybe NOW people start waking up?
Or let me guess, since they missed the poor guy no one cares?
It takes people dying and not even just dying but getting their head cut off for the public and politicians to care?
Doesn't get more emotional than this.
If they tried to kill him and really looks like they did what's the difference with missing and hitting?
It's the same thing in both cases some lunatic(s) try killing someone.
France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands are all getting some covid deaths, it's picking up again. Sweden is at 0 deaths a day.
Idiots with the predictive abilities of a potato.
They cannot even correctly predict things that happened in the past.
They're going to kill people then when people die they will react with stricter rules and kill even more people and then panic and come up with even dumber rules.
It's always the same story. Wars, immigration, taxes, religion, terrorists, the economy, germany reparations, refugee benefits...
Can't predict shit, make the dumbest decisions that a few people clearly understand are just so bad, ignore logic, try to look nice for votes, but looking for votes is not even an excuse because even when "votes" are not involved they still fuck up. And then once their idiotic decisions inevitably cause destruction they react, of course in the worst possible way. It's getting hilarous to watch 🍿
Incompetent morons.
Easy to criticize? I'd do better than them, idc if I don't look humble.
Easy to not mess up THAT much. What I'd be bad at is diplomacy I'd hurt people feelings.
If you could find a guy like Caesar, Napeleon, Hitler if he didn't do the Holocaust, Alexander, etc... And then keep them running the show, this would be perfect.
A set of neutral experts which job it is find that guy and here we go.
And you keep power centralised, so if the government really is just too bad you know exactly who to smoke, as opposed to a foggy and giant swamp that's impossible to clean up.