Netflix has corrected almost 74% from the all time (swing) highs. This isn't new for Netflix. It had happen in the year 2011-12, when it corrected 82% from swing highs. It had moved >9000% since then (up to the latest swing high from Rs 7-8 price). Investing after a correction is a good idea, because it gives us more room for potential gains. And, there is no SL. In the worst case scenario, (if the company goes bankrupt), we don't sell. It's just the cost of execution (we lose 10% of our capital).
1. Do not invest more than 10% of your whole capital in this stock.
2. It is a good price to buy (invest) now. The current price is Rs 183 approx.
Thank you for your time.
Disclaimer: The analysis and idea I have shared is of my own. Please do your own due diligence before investing. The reward always comes with a risk.