NIO bullish short term trend

By Cyrogx6
Weekly Trend

NIO is looking bullish on the short term trend awaiting for the downtrend breakout. Looking for a rebound in a short term. Approx 2 weeks
Price action showing some divergence, with the PT of 27.50 - approx till March 24th-ish

Fundamentally, HK listing shows very strong fundamentals without any dilution on the listing.

overall trend, NIO is still within the falling wedge trend, which is major bearish on the weekly. Long term, looking at price range entry at E1 & E2

Long Term holding Duration approx 1-2 years.

Earnings date:
March 24th

just an idea, trade safe and stick with your plan :)
Good luck to all NIO holders. Diamond Hands
Took longer than it did, PT still lookin at $27 - $30-ish
those who bought at the touch of E1 congratulations :)
Fundamental AnalysisNIOTrend Analysis
