NQ: the case for a sell and the case for a buy

I have been only focused on NQ this week. To my analizing it is the most interesting setup of the instruments I trade to my eyes. I have been watching my usuals like GC, CL, ES and the Russell but right now they do not interest me.

Right now I am long NQ with my stop loss at break even or also the top of the purple rectangle. the rectangle is the do nothing zone. Or if you want to do something here I suggest that you sit on your hands because I will be sitting on mine.

Trade setups:

- wait for price to drop below the do nothing rectangle. The bottom of this rectangle is support. If it breaks below this it will potential be resistance if it is retested and hold (confirmation),
- as I alway will say, you can be aggressive and find a position before confirmation. Or play safe and make a position on confirmation. You can see my target for my shorts down below my entry.

Long set up:
-price is already in my long zone so I am in my position. I played it safe which is more uncommon for me as I usually like aggressive entry. But I waited for confirmation this time and support held so far. If you are wanting to be long you can enter right now, or wait if support is tested again.

I don’t know which direction NQ will move but I like what I see if NQ goes up. You can see my 2 targets for long entry. Fact is I am going to go on a limb a say that if NQ has an up day then Friday NQ will close at 13621 and maybe a good chance for close at 13827 for a really big long. I don’t usually predict prices, but for fun I am now. But this is only if NQ finishes up tomorrow. And since nobody is ever good at predicting closing price I will probably be wrong, but my long targets number 1 and number 2 are still valid targets. I don’t have a good guess for closing price if NQ sells off tomorrow because I see more variables for a short case.

So that’s it for now. We will see how it goes. As I always say, play safe and use stops. And whether you are short or long I hope everybody makes money.

Please comment or give me a thumbs up if you find my idea interesting or helpful. I love all of you that take the time to read me. Even if my English isn’t so good. Lol

♥ Ms Bunny
Chart PatternsfuturesindexTechnical IndicatorsLONGNQshorttrendTrend Analysis
