Challenging Market. Slightly Green Though! - 06/25/20 RECAP

By Fineight
Hi traders,

Today was hard. Market gapped DOWN but soon found support at long-term moving averages, then basically stayed 3 hours in RANGE and in the last hour jumped UP. Just crazy and far from ideal for an intraday trader.
That's why I was very happy with even small profit and called it a day after 3 trades. No point swimming against the current if you can wair for another day.

1) M - SHORT @6.49, -1%
2) KBH - SHORT @29.38, +1.23%
3) NK - SHORT @10.90, +0.21%

*In my ID trades, I risk 1% of the account per trade and go for 2% (2:1 RRR ). Sometimes I adapt a little bit as you can see in the trades' description.*

Total PnL for the day: +0.43%
Total PnL for the week: +4.85%

Good trades,
adjustingBeyond Technical AnalysischallengeChart PatternsdifficultprofitSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend Analysis
