This is not an idea. This reference for the future re-introduction of Pham Regression Strategy (PRS). PRS is versatile, can be used by exclusively or inclusively, by itself or adapted to your trading style.
PRS currently runs on 3-4 indicator systems. I call it "indicator system" because each of them is a layering of a specific type of indicator. For example a singular simple moving average like 50-day MA is one indicator. A moving average ribbon is a set of moving averages that closely follow each other: like 10-, 20-, 30-, 40-, 50-period moving average. But it is still "one" indicator in the sense that it is limited to a specific time frame. Whereas a moving average ribbon system (and I will introduce a script later to feature this idea), will allow you to see MUCH MUCH MORE THAN YOU THOUGHT WAS POSSIBLE. This is because it illustrates several "sets" of moving averages that can be defined against each other. This will define trend on every time frame made possible by supporting software and computing power. This will also explicitly define what is meant by up or down and bull or bear. While this may seem to be too much information right now, I PROMISE IT IS MUCH MORE SIMPLE THAN IT LOOKS ONCE WE GET THE DEFINITIONS DOWN AND GET ON THE SAME PAGE FIRST. In the future, I will attempt to boil it down to 2 systems, 1 price and 1 volume. But this part of the work must become before that.
Honestly, If you are a successful experienced trader, I can get you immersed in 10 minutes. In order to make this accessible to regular people, this part of the work is unavoidable at one point or another. So it's best that I get started on this now. This system, once popularized, I believe will become the future foundation of technical analysis. Furthermore, it will eliminate the need for 80% of indicators that exist, 90% when it comes to commodities, 98% when it comes to gold specifically.
That's all for now. I will write and write and write here for a while before the re-introduction of PRS. In the mean time, I will post shorter ideas to compliment this process but will be less involved in trade support (i.e. that's the idea and you are on your own, SIZE YOUR POSITIONS AND MANAGE YOUR RISK!!).
Thank you for reading. Will update later.
- Minh Quang Pham, Saturday June 13th, 2020.