PCR TradingThe Put Call Ratio (PCR) is a tool in the stock market to understand how investors feel about a stock or the market's future. It compares the number of put options to call options traded. More puts traded mean investors expect prices to fall (bearish). More calls traded mean investors expect prices to rise (bullish).
A PCR above 1 indicates that the put volume has exceeded the call volume. It indicates an increase in the bearish sentiment. A PCR below 1 indicates that the call volume exceeds the put volume. It signifies a bullish market ahead.
Option and Database TradingThe 80% Rule is a Market Profile concept and strategy. If the market opens (or moves outside of the value area ) and then moves back into the value area for two consecutive 30-min-bars, then the 80% rule states that there is a high probability of completely filling the value area.
The defining feature of day trading is that traders do not hold positions overnight; instead, they seek to profit from short-term price movements occurring during the trading session.It can be considered one of the most profitable trading methods available to investors.
Top Trader SetupThe 3 5 7 rule is a risk management strategy in trading that emphasizes limiting risk on each individual trade to 3% of the trading capital, keeping overall exposure to 5% across all trades, and ensuring that winning trades yield at least 7% more profit than losing trades.
What is a good setup for day trading? A good day trading setup includes a powerful computer or laptop, high-resolution monitor or monitors, ergonomic desk and chair, reliable charting software, high-speed internet connection, and access to real-time news feeds and stock scanners.
Data Trading in optionsOptions data captures information on options contracts, including pricing and trading volumes, useful for investment strategies. Discover our guide and top options data providers.
By analysing the information provided in the option chain, traders can identify potential trading opportunities and make informed decisions about buying or selling options contracts. Option chains are used by traders to analyse and evaluate the market's expectations of an asset's future price movements.
Option chainAn options chain displays all available option contracts for a security, organized by expiration date and strike price. Options chains typically show each contract's bid price, ask price, volume, open interest, and implied volatility (IV).
Option chains also allows traders with the option to select the best expiration date for their options trading. The option's expiration date is the day it will stop being tradeable. Traders may use the option chain to identify the expiry date that provides the optimal balance of risk and return for their transaction.
Professional TradingWhat Is Technical Analysis?
Technical analysis is a method of evaluating statistical trends in trading activity, typically involving price movement and volume. It is used to identify trading and investment opportunities.
Unlike fundamental analysis, which attempts to evaluate a security's value based on financial information such as sales and earnings, technical analysis focuses on price and volume to draw conclusions about future price movements.
Key Takeaways
Technical analysis is used to evaluate price trends and patterns and thereby identify potential investments and trading opportunities.
Technical analysts believe past trading activity and a security's price changes can be valuable indicators of the security's future price movements.
Technical analysis may be contrasted with fundamental analysis, which focuses on a company's financials rather than historical price patterns or stock trends.
Technical analysis was introduced by Charles Dow.
Advanced Technical TradingWhat Is Price Action?
Price action is the movement of a security's price plotted over time. Price action forms the basis for all technical analyses of a stock, commodity, or other asset charts.
Many short-term traders rely exclusively on price action and the formations and trends extrapolated from it to make trading decisions. Technical analysis as a practice is a derivative of price action since it uses past prices in calculations that can then be used to inform trading decisions.
Key Takeaways
Price action generally refers to the changes of a security's price over time.
Different looks can be applied to a chart to make trends in price action more obvious for traders. This is especially true when analyzing data covering different time periods.
Technical analysis formations and chart patterns are derived from price action.
Technical analysis tools like moving averages are also calculated from price action and projected into the future to inform trades.
Though many use price action to forecast future prices, prior price action does not guarantee future results.
Technical Analysis Part - 3Volume can confirm divergence signals by indicating the strength and conviction behind price movements. High volume during divergence signals strengthens the reliability of the signal, while low volume may indicate weaker market sentiment.
The basic rule of thumb is that an RSI value over 70 indicates a stock is “overbought” and may see its price fall in the future. Meanwhile, an RSI value of 30 or lower can mean that the price could go up. An RSI of 50 is often seen as neutral, meaning the stock has not been either overbought or oversold.
Technical Analysis Part - 4The MACD is a momentum indicator that can be used to anticipate changes in market sentiment. However, it is not foolproof: experienced traders look to other metrics, such as trading volume, for a more complete perspective on market sentiment.
Key Takeaways
The moving average convergence divergence (MACD) is a popular momentum indicator that is used in technical analysis.
The MACD is calculated by comparing exponential moving averages in a security's price.
The MACD line is charted alongside a nine-day moving average of the MACD line, called the signal line, and a histogram representing the difference between these two curves.
Traders use the MACD histogram to anticipate changes in market momentum.
MACD analysis can still generate false price predictions. Experienced traders use additional metrics and fundamental analysis to support their forecasts.
Trading Medicine Options are a type of contract that gives the buyer the right to buy or sell a security at a specified price at some point in the future. An option holder is essentially paying a premium for the right to buy or sell the security within a certain time frame.
Is option trading profitable? Options trading is a risky endeavor but can be profitable if done correctly. There is no guarantee that any particular trading strategy will be consistently successful, but a few methods have proven to be effective more often than not.
PCR Part - 1What is PCR in share market? A Put-Call Ratio is a technical indicator used in derivative markets. It gauges market sentiment by comparing the open interest or trading volume of put options to call options. A high ratio generally suggests a bearish outlook, while a low ratio indicates a bullish sentiment.
A PCR value below 1 is indicative of the fact that more Call options are being purchased relative to the Put options which signals that investors are anticipating a bullish outlook for the markets ahead.
Advanced Rsi Divergence TradingRSI Divergence occurs when the Relative Strength Index indicator starts reversing before price does. A bearish divergence consists of an overbought RSI reading, followed by lower high on RSI. At the same time, price must make a higher high on the second peak, where the RSI is lower.
If used correctly, RSI divergence can be profitable, providing early signals of trend reversals. However, it also carries risks, and traders should use it alongside other indicators and proper risk management strategies.
Technical Analysis MACD HIstogram Key Takeaways
The moving average convergence divergence (MACD) is a popular momentum indicator that is used in technical analysis.
The MACD is calculated by comparing exponential moving averages in a security's price.
The MACD line is charted alongside a nine-day moving average of the MACD line, called the signal line, and a histogram representing the difference between these two curves.
Traders use the MACD histogram to anticipate changes in market momentum.
MACD analysis can still generate false price predictions. Experienced traders use additional metrics and fundamental analysis to support their forecasts.
This example should demonstrate how observing the MACD histogram can help anticipate changes in trends in both short-term and long-term price momentum. It is important for traders to learn to recognize these trends and not bet against them. Fighting a trend is a sure way to get pummeled.
Data Trading Part -1 It proves useful for assessing the depth and liquidity of specific strikes. It aids traders to find option premium against its corresponding maturity date and strike price. Option chain serves as a warning against breakouts or sharp moves in the index.
How It Works: A long straddle options strategy involves simultaneously buying a call option and a put option on the same underlying asset with the same strike price and expiration date. This strategy becomes profitable when the stock significantly shifts in one direction or another.
DATABASE TRADING WITH OPTION CHAINOption chain data is the complete picture pertaining to option strikes of a particular stock or index in a single frame. In the Option chain frame, the strike price is at the center and all data pertaining to calls and puts on the same strike are presented next to each other.
Traders use an options chain to choose the specific option contracts that best align with their trading strategy. They can select options with the desired strike prices and expiration dates based on their market outlook. Options chains are crucial for assessing and managing risk.
Beginner to Advanced Trading
Every successful investor has one thing in common, they read as many investment books as they can. Trading in the share market requires a basic knowledge of all the aspects that can influence the prices of shares, and it can be gathered by reading books regularly.
Skills #1 and #2 – Research and Analysis. ...
Skill #3 – Adapting Your Market Analysis to Changing Market Conditions. ...
Skill #4 – Staying in the Game. ...
Skills #5 and #6 – Discipline and Patience. ...
Bonus Skill #7 – Record Keeping. ...
In the End.
why risk management is important in tradingWithout appropriate risk management, events like this can lead to: Loss of all your trading capital or more. Losses that are too large given your overall financial position. Having to close positions in your account at the wrong time because you don't have enough liquid funds available to cover margin.
Key Takeaways:
#Trading can be exciting and even profitable if you are able to stay focused, do due diligence, and keep emotions at bay.
#Still, the best traders need to incorporate risk management practices to prevent losses from getting out of control.
#Having a strategic and objective approach to cutting losses through stop orders, profit taking, and protective puts is a smart way to stay in the game.
Option TradingTo read an option chain, you can look for the following information:
Strike price: The price at which the stock is bought if the option is exercised
Premium: The price of the options contract, or the upfront fee paid by the investor
Expiry dates: The dates on which the option expires, which can affect the premium
Open interest (OI): The total number of outstanding option contracts that have not been settled
Implied volatility (IV): A percentage that indicates the expected price fluctuations, and the level of uncertainty or risk in the market
Bid: The best available price at which the option can be sold
Ask: The best available price at which the option can be purchased
Volume: The number of transactions that have occurred on the current trading day
Net change: The net change of LTP, where a positive change indicates a rise in price and an unfavorable change indicates a decrease in price
Bid qty: The number of buy orders for a specific strike price
Ask qty: The number of open sell orders for a specific strike price
Here are some other tips for reading an option chain:
The option chain is divided into two sections, calls and puts, with calls on the left and puts on the right
The current market price is displayed in the center
ITM call options are usually highlighted in yellow
Higher open interest usually indicates higher liquidity and market activity
Top 1% Trader SecretDetermine your risk capital, i.e., the total amount of money you're willing to risk in your trading. This should be money that you can afford to lose without it affecting your lifestyle. Calculate 1% of your risk capital. This is the maximum amount you're allowed to risk on any single trade.
For day traders and swing traders, the 1% risk rule means you use as much capital as required to initiate a trade, but your stop loss placement protects you from losing more than 1% of your account if the trade goes against you.
How to Draw Support and Resistance Like a Pro! Support and Resistance are one of the most important aspects of technical analysis but often I see traders doing it wrongly.
How to Draw Support and Resistance:
Imagine you have a chart filled with SR like the one below. Do you know which levels to pay attention to? When you’re about to start, how to plot support and resistance lines? It’s filled with nothing but lines and it doesn’t seem to make much meaning of the chart at all.
nah My approach to drawing Support and Resistance uses either
1 line or 2 lines. It is much cleaner and immediately tells you which area of the chart to pay attention to. I use a single line when price respect a level almost to the pip and i use 2 lines when price bounces off an area. I highlight only the key Support and Resistance of a chart meaning the obvious swing highs and lows. The intermediate SR i will not draw any lines so as to maintain my focus on the key areas. Besides, with enough screen time you can easily identify those intermediate Support and Resistance without any lines.
real world… You must keep in mind of the R.S.M. formula. These three things stands for:
Reaction Setup Management Now take notes because this is important… Reaction Here’s the truth: Drawing support and resistance lines aren’t the holy grail.
Banknifty , Crude oil and Copper Divergence Divergence is a technical analysis concept that occurs when the price of an asset and a technical indicator move in opposite directions. It's a sign that the price of an asset may be reversing, and it can help traders recognize and react to price changes.
Here are some things to know about divergence:
#Types of divergence
There are two types of divergence: negative and positive. Negative divergence happens when the price of a security is rising, but an indicator is falling. Positive divergence happens when the price of a security is falling, but an indicator is rising.
#When to use divergence
Divergence can help traders make decisions like tightening stop-loss or taking a profit.
#How to confirm reversals
Divergence can occur over a long period of time, so traders can use other tools like trendlines and support and resistance levels to confirm reversals.
#When to use convergence
Convergence is when the price of an asset, indicator, or index moves in the same direction as a related asset, indicator, or index