What Is the RSI Indicator & RSI DivergenceRSI - Relative Strength Index Indicator:
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis that measures the magnitude of recent price changes to evaluate overbought or oversold conditions in the price of a stock or other asset. The RSI is displayed as an oscillator (a line graph that moves between two extremes) and can have a reading from 0 to 100. It is important to note that the RSI does not indicate whether a stock is a buy or a sell; rather, it provides insight into the current trend of the stock.
The RSI is a versatile indicator that can be used by traders of all levels and can be adapted for any style of trading. For example, a trader may use the RSI to identify support or resistance levels, or to spot divergences that can be used to predict future price movements. The RSI can also be used to locate potential trading opportunities by looking for overbought or oversold conditions. Furthermore, the RSI can be used in combination with other indicators, such as moving averages, to gain a better understanding of the market’s overall trend.
Formula of RSI:
The RSI is calculated using a formula that compares the magnitude of recent gains against recent losses over a specified period. The formula for the RSI is:
RSI = 100 - (100 / (1 + (Average of Upward Price Movements / Average of Downward Price Movements)))
What is periods in RSI:
Periods in RSI (Relative Strength Index) are the number of time periods used to calculate the RSI. The most commonly used period for RSI is 14, but other periods such as 7, 9, and 25 are also used. This number represents the number of time periods that are used to calculate the RSI, so a period of 14 would mean the RSI is being calculated using the last 14 time periods.
RSI divergence:
RSI divergences are a type of technical analysis used to identify potential trend reversals in the markets. They are based on the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and are used to spot potential trend reversals before they occur.
A divergence occurs when the price of an asset makes a higher high, but the RSI makes a lower high. This suggests that the current rally is losing momentum and may reverse course. Similarly, a lower low in the price and a higher low in the RSI may signal an impending rally.
Divergences are best used in conjunction with other technical indicators and analysis to confirm price action. It is also important to keep in mind that divergences do not always lead to reversals and may simply signal a period of consolidation before the price continues its current trend.
Divergence Cheat Sheet / Types of Divergence:
Part 1: Equity Derivatives - A Beginner's GuideWhat are derivatives?
Basic interpretation : something which is based on another source.
A derivative is a contract or product whose value derives from the value of the base asset. The base asset is called the underlying asset.
i.e., Sugar prices will rise if sugarcane prices increase due to low production. It means sugarcane is the underlying asset of sugar because the value of sugar is associated with sugarcane.
There is a broad range of underlying assets:
Metals: lead, gold, silver, copper, zinc, nickel, tin, etc.
Energy: coal, natural gas, etc.
Agri commodities: corn, cotton, pulses, wheat, sugar, etc.
Financial assets: Stocks, bonds, forex, etc.
There are two types of derivatives:
1. Exchange-traded: A standardized derivative contract, listed and traded on an organized exchange.
2. Over-the-counter/off-exchange trading/pink sheet trading:
A derivative product in which counterparties buy or sell a contract or product at a negotiated price without exchange
Instruments of derivatives market:
There are four instruments in the derivatives market:
1. Forward:
Forward is a non-standard agreement or agreement between two parties that allows you to buy/sell the asset at the agreed price for a pre-decided date of the contract.
Forwards are negotiated between two pirates, so the terms and conditions of the contract are customized.
These are called over-the-counter(OTC).
2. Future:
Future contracts are similar to forwarding contracts, but the deal is made through an organized and regulated exchange rather than negotiated between two counterparties.
A futures contract is an exchange-traded forward contract.
3. Options:
A derivative contract that gives the right but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a stated strike price on or before a specified date.
Buyers of options- Pays the premium and buys the right
Sellers of options - Receives the premium with the obligation to buy/sell underlying assets.
4. Swap:
A swap is a derivative contract between two counterparties to exchange for the cash flows or liabilities from two different financial instruments.
It is an introduction article. I will cover all these topics in detail.
Swap helps participants manage risk associated with volatility risk interest rate, currency exchange rates, & commodity prices.
Index = Portfolio of securities
An Index shows how investors experience the economy. Is it progressing or not?
A Stock market index gathers data from a variety of companies of industries. The data forms an overall picture and helps investors compare market performance through past and current prices.
Financial indices represent the price movement of bonds, shares, Treasury Bills, etc.
Importance of Index:
1. An index is an indication of a specific sector or gross market.
2. It helps investors to pick the right stock
3. An index is a statistical indicator. It represents an overall change or part of a change in the economy.
4. In OTC & exchange-traded markets, It used as an underlying asset for derivatives trading
5. An index helps to measure for evaluation of portfolio performance.
6. Portfolio managers use indices as investment benchmarks.
7. Index illustrates investor sentiments.
Types of index:
There are four classifications for indices:
Equal Weighted Index:
Each company is given the same weightage in the composition of this index. Equal-weighted indexes are more diversified than market capitalization-weighted indexes. This index focuses on value investing.
Free-float index:
In finance, equity divides into different among various stakeholders like promoters, institutions, corporates, individuals, etc.
A tradable stake for trading is called a free-float share.
i.g, If XYZ company has issued 5 lakh shares with the face value of Rs 10, but of these, 2 lakh shares are owned by the promoter, then the free-float market capitalization is Rs 30 lakh.
Free-float market capitalization: Free-floating shares * Price of shares
Market capitalization-weighted index:
In this index, each stock is given weightage according to its market capitalization.
High market cap = High weightage
Low market cap = low weightage
Market Cap= Current market price * total number of outstanding shares
i. e, if XYZ company has 1,000,000 outstanding shares and a market price of 55 rs per share will have a market capitalization of 55,000,000.
Index: Nifty 50
Price Weighted Index:
High price = More weightage
Low price = Low weightage
Popular price-weighted index: Dow Jones industrial average & Nikkei 225
I will upload second part soon.
Thank you :)
How to compare relative performance between stocks and indices ?You can compare the relative performance by using the compare option on charts. The compare function tool is used to compare the market movements of two or more different symbols simultaneously. Popular use for a comparison chart is comparing two companies within the same sector.
Click on the Compare or Add symbol button (displayed as plus sign) on the toolbar along the top of the chart, search and add the indices/stock which you would like to compare. You will see a representation of the percentage comparison from the beginning price point to the current price.
To delete the comparison line right-click on it and click on ‘Remove’.
This example is comparison chart of Nifty Bank and Nifty PSU Bank.
After 12 years i.e. 1st November, 2010 - 7th November, 2022:
Nifty Bank - 214% Positive
Nifty PSU Bank - 31% Negative
Nifty PSU Bank has given breakout.
I hope this little information on comparing indices/stocks is useful. Please feel free to write any additional information in the comments section below.
Thanks and happy learning/trading.
Disclaimer: This is for demonstration and educational purpose only. This is not buying or selling recommendations. I am not SEBI registered. Please consult your financial advisor before taking any trade.
MIDCAP MANIA MIGHT COME TO A TEMPORARY HALT!!!Midcaps have had a smart up move since the past fortnight and the Midcap index has reached a level where in it had faced resistance and went through distribution and gave way. Today at the day's close, it reached the same level and formed a Doji kind of pattern which indicated indecisiveness. The Rsi has reached a level where in a pullback on the downside might not be ruled out. Also on MACD , as it is a lagging indicator you might see it converging on the down side in the days to come.
There is a possibility the index might move up a bit or stay sideways but a lot of Midcaps gave way in today's trade and that could be an indication of things to come.
Be safe , book your profits!
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