DABUR | Trade NiveshTrade Nivesh Trade Plans: Sell Below 395.55 with the Stop Loss of 397.65Shortby TradeNivesh0
PETRONET | Trade NiveshTrade Nivesh Trade Plans: Buy Above 249.7 with the Stop Loss of 246.5Shortby TradeNivesh1
ULTRACEMCO | Trade NiveshULTRACEMCO | Trade Nivesh Trade Plans: Buy Above 4651 with the Stop Loss of 4594.5Shortby TradeNivesh1
HDFCBANK | Trade NiveshHDFCBANK | Trade Nivesh Buy Above 2479.75 with the Stop Loss of 2454.45Shortby TradeNivesh0
IBULHSGFIN | Trade NiveshTrade Plans: Buy Above 623.75 with the Stop Loss of 615.6IShortby TradeNivesh1
SUNPHARMA | Trade NiveshSUNPHARMA Trade Nivesh Trade Plans: Sell Below 377.95 with the Stop Loss of 384.2Shortby TradeNivesh330
JSWSTEEL | Trade NiveshTrade Nivesh : Buy Above 261.6 with the Stop Loss of 254.25Shortby TradeNivesh0
JINDALSTEL |Trade NiveshTrade Nivesh Trade Plans: Buy Above 141.95 with the Stop Loss of 139.2Shortby TradeNivesh1
L&TFH | TRADE NIVESHTRADENIVESH VIEW :- Trade Plans: Sell Below 123.05 with the stop loss of 124.95 OPEN TGT Shortby TradeNivesh0
BHARTIARTL | TRADE NIVESHTRADE NIVESH VIEW Buy Above 364.75 with the stop loss of 361.9 OPEN TARGET IDEA Shortby TradeNivesh0
INDUSINDBK | TRADE NIVESH TRADE NIVESH VIEW Buy Above 1561.2 with the stop loss of 1536Shortby TradeNivesh0
TVSMOTOR | TRADE NIVESH TRADE NIVESH VIEW :- Sell Below 478.15 with the Stop Loss of 481.35 Shortby TradeNivesh0
JSWENERGY | TRADENIVESHTRADE NIVESH VIEW :- Sell Below 69.9 with the stop loss of 70.5 ITS OPEN TARGET TRADE Shortby TradeNivesh0
INFRATEL | Trade NiveshTrade Nivesh INFRATEL Trade Plans: Buy Above 276.45 with the stoploss of 270.6IShortby TradeNivesh0
RBLBANK | Trade Nivesh Trade Nivesh Trade Plans: Buy Above 672.75 with the stoploss of 662.4by TradeNivesh0
TECHM | Trade NiveshTrade Nivesh Trade Plans Sell Below 733.05 with the stop loss of 742.9 by TradeNivesh0