Price Action [Morty]This price action indicator uses the higher timeframe SSL channel to identify trends.
The long entry signal is a bullish candlestick pattern when the price retraces to EMA20 in an uptrend.
The short entry signal is a bearish candlestick pattern when the price retraces to the EMA20 in a downrend.
Currently, this indicator shows engulfing patterns, pin bar patterns, 2 bar reversal patterns and harami patterns.
It also shows a volatility squeeze signal when the Bollinger bands is within the Kelter channels.
The buy and sell signal can also be filter by the ADX indicator greater than a threshold.
You can set your stoploss to the previous low/high when you go long/short.
The risk/reward ratio could be 1 to 1.5.
This indicator can be used in any market.
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
EMA 20/50/100/200 Daily-WeeklyHello!
In case this helps others when using EMA's on multiple timeframes, I decided to publish this script I modified.
It adds the EMA for 20/50/100/200 timeframes and gives them the color white, orange, red, green respectively.
The weekly timeframe will get the corresponding weekly EMA.
The monthly timeframe will get the corresponding monthly EMA.
The daily timeframe, and all timeframes below this, will get the daily timeframe. The idea that that a ticker symbol might respect with strength the daily EMA's - you'll be able to move to a smaller timeframe and still view the daily EMA's in an effort to better view how close the ticker came to taking a specific EMA.
Média 8, 21, 56, 200 SEMANAL - Augusto BackesFique tranquilo, aqui tem todas as médias que o Backes utiliza dentro de um indicador só, aproveite :)
Aggregated BTC SpreadThis script is used to aggregate the bitcoin spread on futures contracts on different platforms.
It works by averaging the for every selected exchange, and apply an EMA of .
It is supporting
Binance (USD / USDT)
Cloud Ribbon ++ by [JohnnySnow]Inspired by my favorite EMA ribbon - "EMA Ribbon " by fskrypt.
This Ribbon ADD the option to choose the avarage algorithm of the ribbon .
Created also to be more friendly to read along with trendlines and Fibonacci retracements.
For those like me that NOT use this ribbon to find exact price action but instead, to have a grasp of possible Support/Resistance strenght ahead.
High transparency lines and a configurable color palette for filling the background give the ribbon a look of support/ Resistance cloud Strenght.
Each MA length, line, and background color can be easily configured.
GreatBlueTradingTeam FibDev SignalsScript Purpose:
This script was designed to look for trend reversals and be used with other TA tools to help build confluence for day traders.
TA Used:
Without diverging too much information, this script relies on Highs, Lows, Opens, EMAs, Standard Deviations, Fib Numbers, and Fib Levels.
Script Overview:
First we look at the price action found on the Daily chart to create a set of zones using Fibs and Standard Deviations thats serves as our gauge on how far the price will move on any given day. Then, we create another set of zones ("intraday" zones if you will) that are built on much faster price action and relevant to the chart time period that is selected. These zones are also created using a combination of Fibs and Standard Deviations. From here, we compare the intraday price action with these two zones and look for areas where we feel overbought or oversold conditions are forming to create the bullish or bearish signals provided by the indicator.
Script Shortcomings:
Due to the fact this script is looking for breaks in trends, or trend reversals, it is subject to high risk especially in times of strong market trends where it could experience repeated failed signals. We recommend using this script in combination with other forms of TA for additional confluence as well as general market awareness that may influence trends and market behavior.
Script Access:
Please PM us to obtain information about accessing this script, or view our profile for contact information.
LoTek - Horizontal Multi Time-Frame EMAsThis script retrieves user definable EMA values from different timeframes and plots a Horizontal Line on the chart for the corresponding timeframe. Labels are switchable as well. This can help you identify an EMA squeeze on lower time frames quickly. In this image, I'm viewing QRDO on 1HR and can tell that the price is just above the D10.
Indicator Functions with Factor and HeikinAshiHello all,
This indicator returns below selected indicators values with entered parameters.
Also you can add factorization, functions candles, function HeikinAshi and more to the plot.
Version 1: returns series only source and Length with already defined default values
Version 2: returns series with source, Length, p1 and p2 parameters according to the indicator definition (ex: )
for defining multi arguments (See indicators list) indicator input value usable with verison=V2 selected.. ex: for alma( src , len ,offset=0.85,sigma=6), set source=source, len=length, p1=0.85 an p2=6
Add double triple, Quadruple factors to selected indicator (like converting EMA to 2-DEMA, 3-TEMA, 4-QEMA...)
Log: Use log, log10 on function entries
PType: Plotting type of the function on the screen
Original :use original values
Org. Range (-1,1): usable for indicators between range -1 and 1
Stochastic: Convert indicator values by using stochastic calculation between -1 & 1. (use AT/% length to better view)
PercentRank: Convert indicator values by using Percent Rank calculation between -1 & 1. (use AT/% length to better view)
ST/%: length for plotting Type for stochastic and Percent Rank options
Smooth: Use SWMA for smoothing the function
Plot Candles: Display the selected indicator as candle by implementing values
Plot Ind: Display result of indicator with selected source
HeikinAshi: Display Selected indicator candles with Heikin Ashi calculation
hide = 'DONT DISPLAY', //Dont display & calculate the indicator. (For my framework usage)
alma = 'alma( src , len ,offset=0.85,sigma=6)', // Arnaud Legoux Moving Average
ama = 'ama( src , len ,fast=14,slow=100)', //Adjusted Moving Average
acdst = 'accdist()', // Accumulation/distribution index.
cma = 'cma( src , len )', //Corrective Moving average
dema = 'dema( src , len )', // Double EMA (Same as EMA with 2 factor)
ema = 'ema( src , len )', // Exponential Moving Average
gmma = 'gmma( src , len )', //Geometric Mean Moving Average
hghst = 'highest( src , len )', //Highest value for a given number of bars back.
hl2ma = 'hl2ma( src , len )', //higest lowest moving average
hma = 'hma( src , len )', // Hull Moving Average .
lgAdt = 'lagAdapt( src , len ,perclen=5,fperc=50)', //Ehler's Adaptive Laguerre filter
lgAdV = 'lagAdaptV( src , len ,perclen=5,fperc=50)', //Ehler's Adaptive Laguerre filter variation
lguer = 'laguerre( src , len )', //Ehler's Laguerre filter
lsrcp = 'lesrcp( src , len )', //lowest exponential esrcpanding moving line
lexp = 'lexp( src , len )', //lowest exponential expanding moving line
linrg = 'linreg( src , len ,loffset=1)', // Linear regression
lowst = 'lowest( src , len )', //Lovest value for a given number of bars back.
pcnl = 'percntl( src , len )', //percentile nearest rank. Calculates percentile using method of Nearest Rank.
pcnli = 'percntli( src , len )', //percentile linear interpolation. Calculates percentile using method of linear interpolation between the two nearest ranks.
rema = 'rema( src , len )', //Range EMA (REMA)
rma = 'rma( src , len )', //Moving average used in RSI . It is the exponentially weighted moving average with alpha = 1 / length.
sma = 'sma( src , len )', // Smoothed Moving Average
smma = 'smma( src , len )', // Smoothed Moving Average
supr2 = 'super2( src , len )', //Ehler's super smoother, 2 pole
supr3 = 'super3( src , len )', //Ehler's super smoother, 3 pole
strnd = 'supertrend( src , len ,period=3)', //Supertrend indicator
swma = 'swma( src , len )', //Sine-Weighted Moving Average
tema = 'tema( src , len )', // Triple EMA (Same as EMA with 3 factor)
tma = 'tma( src , len )', //Triangular Moving Average
vida = 'vida( src , len )', // Variable Index Dynamic Average
vwma = 'vwma( src , len )', // Volume Weigted Moving Average
wma = 'wma( src , len )', //Weigted Moving Average
angle = 'angle( src , len )', //angle of the series (Use its Input as another indicator output)
atr = 'atr( src , len )', // average true range . RMA of true range.
bbr = 'bbr( src , len ,mult=1)', // bollinger %%
bbw = 'bbw( src , len ,mult=2)', // Bollinger Bands Width . The Bollinger Band Width is the difference between the upper and the lower Bollinger Bands divided by the middle band.
cci = 'cci( src , len )', // commodity channel index
cctbb = 'cctbbo( src , len )', // CCT Bollinger Band Oscilator
chng = 'change( src , len )', //Difference between current value and previous, source - source.
cmo = 'cmo( src , len )', // Chande Momentum Oscillator . Calculates the difference between the sum of recent gains and the sum of recent losses and then divides the result by the sum of all price movement over the same period.
cog = 'cog( src , len )', //The cog (center of gravity ) is an indicator based on statistics and the Fibonacci golden ratio.
cpcrv = 'copcurve( src , len )', // Coppock Curve. was originally developed by Edwin "Sedge" Coppock (Barron's Magazine, October 1962).
corrl = 'correl( src , len )', // Correlation coefficient . Describes the degree to which two series tend to deviate from their ta. sma values.
count = 'count( src , len )', //green avg - red avg
dev = 'dev( src , len )', // Measure of difference between the series and it's ta. sma
fall = 'falling( src , len )', //ta.falling() Test if the `source` series is now falling for `length` bars long. (Use its Input as another indicator output)
kcr = 'kcr( src , len ,mult=2)', // Keltner Channels Range
kcw = 'kcw( src , len ,mult=2)', //ta.kcw(). Keltner Channels Width. The Keltner Channels Width is the difference between the upper and the lower Keltner Channels divided by the middle channel.
macd = 'macd( src , len )', // macd
mfi = 'mfi( src , len )', // Money Flow Index
nvi = 'nvi()', // Negative Volume Index
obv = 'obv()', // On Balance Volume
pvi = 'pvi()', // Positive Volume Index
pvt = 'pvt()', // Price Volume Trend
rise = 'rising( src , len )', //ta.rising() Test if the `source` series is now rising for `length` bars long. (Use its Input as another indicator output)
roc = 'roc( src , len )', // Rate of Change
rsi = 'rsi( src , len )', // Relative strength Index
smosc = 'smi_osc( src , len ,fast=5, slow=34)', //smi Oscillator
smsig = 'smi_sig( src , len ,fast=5, slow=34)', //smi Signal
stdev = 'stdev( src , len )', //Standart deviation
trix = 'trix( src , len )' , //the rate of change of a triple exponentially smoothed moving average .
tsi = 'tsi( src , len )', //True Strength Index
vari = 'variance( src , len )', //ta.variance(). Variance is the expectation of the squared deviation of a series from its mean (ta. sma ), and it informally measures how far a set of numbers are spread out from their mean.
wilpc = 'willprc( src , len )', // Williams %R
wad = 'wad()', // Williams Accumulation/Distribution .
wvad = 'wvad()' //Williams Variable Accumulation/Distribution
I will update the indicator list when I will update the library
Thanks to tradingview, @RodrigoKazuma for their open source indicators
+ Donchian ChannelsThis version of Donchian Channels uses two source options so that one can create a channel using highs and lows rather than one or the other or closes. My thinking was that this would create a more accurate portrayal of price action (or at least contain the greatest scope of it) as seen through the lens of a Donchian Channel. This was actually part of the genesis of my idea around my Ultimate Moving Average.
Besides the single top and bottom plot for the DC's extremities, I've enabled the ability to create outer bands with a variable width that the user can adjust to their preference. I think it's quite nice. I use it in the DC in my other non-overlay indicators.
Besides this additional functionality, the indicator has options to plot lines between the basis and the upper and lower bands, so, basically, splitting the upper and lower channel in half.
There is no magic number to the lookback. I chose 233 as default because it's a fibonacci sequence number and I'm more interested in using the DC like a very long period bias indicator, and the longer lookback gives a much wider window (because highs and lows are so spread apart) with which other faster indicators (supertrend, shorter period moving averages, etc.) can work without making the screen a clutter.
The color of the basis may also be made relevant to higher timeframe information. What I mean by this is that you can set it so that the basis of the current timeframe is colored based on the candle close of the higher timeframe of your choosing. If you're looking at an hourly chart, and you set the color to Daily, the basis will be colored based on the candle close (above or below the basis) of the previous day. If the previous daily close was above the basis, that positive color will be reflected in the basis, even if the current hourly candle closes are below the hourly basis. This could potentially be useful for setting a higher timeframe directional bias and reacting off price crossing the lower timeframe basis (or whatever your trigger for entering a trade might be). This is also optional in my Ultimate Moving Average indicator.
You can also set the entire indicator to whatever time frame you want if you want to see where the actual basis, or other levels are on that higher timeframe.
Further additions include fibonacci retracement levels. These are calculated off the high and the low of the Donchian Channels themselves.
You will see that there are only three retracement levels (.786, .705, .382), one of which is not a fib level, but what some people call the 'OTE,' or optimal trade entry. If you want more info on the OTE just web search it. So, why no .618 or .236? Reason being that the .618 overlaps the .382, and the .236 is extremely close to the .786. This sounds confusing, but the retracement levels I'm using are derived from the high and low, so it was unnecessary to have all five levels from each. I could have just calculated from the high, or just from the low, and used all the levels, but I chose to just calculate three levels from the high and three from the low because that gives a sort of mirror image balance, and that appeals to me, and the utility of the indicator is the same.
The plot lines are all colored, and I've filled certain zones between them. There is a center zone filled between both .382 levels, and an upper and lower zone filled between the .786 and either the high or the low.
If you like the colored zones, but don't like the plots because they cause screen compression, turn off the plots under the "style" tab.
There are alerts for candle closes across every line.
I should state that, regarding the fibs, obviously the length of the Channels is going to affect to what levels price retraces to. A shorter lookback means you will see more changes in highs and lows, and therefore retraces are often going to be full retraces within the bands unless price is trending hard. A longer lookback means you will see smaller retraces. Using this in conjunction with key high timeframe levels and/or a moving average can give great confidence in a trade entry. Additionally, if you have a short bias it may help in finding levels or entering a trade on a pullback. It could also be good for trade targets. But again, the lookback you choose for this indicator is going to dictate its use in the system you're building or already have. A 9 EMA and a 200 EMA, while fundamentally the same, are going to be used somewhat differently while doing your chart analysis.
Additional images below.
Same image as main, but with supertrend and my +UMA to help with chart analysis.
Image with the fib stuff turned on.
Zoomed out image with the same.
Shorter lookback period.
Zoomed in image of shorter lookback.
Moving Average Gradient (MAG) The Moving Average Gradient Indicator uses multiple Moving Averages to create a gradient. It creates continually more faint MAs, filled upwards or downwards to the price at a certain opacity. It can be used efficiently for stocks, forex, crypto, and more. This indicator combines numerous Moving Averages of your choice, a few of which include:
Using this indicator will make entries more simple because crossovers and crossovers can more easily be detected, either manually or using alerts. These multiple Moving Averages allow for a smoothed out price trend, and the filtering of irregular and odd short-term price fluctuations. Due to the ample count of price trends that are widely used, it is difficult to view the market through the eyes of all types of investors/traders. This indicator manages to counter exactly that, you will be able to see all existing trends and enter/exit positions accordingly. This indicator can be used with all chart types and works well with many other indicators. It allows for complete customization and offers easy-to-understand settings which can be designated to a certain individual. You can modify every single factor of the MAs which allows for an even more personalized and adapted Indicator that reflects your trading/ investing inquiries. Most importantly, it looks cool.
A few of the technical settings you can change are:
Moving Average Count (Select how many do you want to be displayed.)
Moving Average Type (EMA, SMA, WMA, etc.)
Source (close, open, high, low)
Separate MA Length (The length of each Moving Average, its lookback. How many previous candles should it be based on? Choose each Moving Average's lookback length.)
You can also change the style settings of the indicators like:
Progressive opacity percentage (By how much will the next MAs fill affect the other? 1st: 50%, 3rd: 30%, 4th: 20%, 5th: 10%)
Bullish Candle Color
Bearish Candle Color
This indicator is unique because it can be used for all strategies and all trading styles, for example, day trading or long-term investing, really anything if used correctly. The reason it can be used in so many instances is a result of the detailed and in-depth settings tab. This allows the indicator to be used and to be useful in various situations and allows you to dominate the market. You can either increase the MA length difference by progressively small amounts for day trading and create bigger gaps in the MA length difference for swing trading or long-term investing. Integrated alerts also enhance your efficiency while using this indicator because you can choose to be notified at the crossovers and crossunders of a pair of Moving Averages.
The technical portion of the indicator creates and plots the chosen amount or count of Moving Averages as specified in the settings tab. Then it fills each MA using the selected color and opacity. Afterward, it adapts the moving Averages to use the inputted data from the settings tab and uses it to plot them accordingly.
(Short)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI By Nussara (strategy)This is a back test for "(Short)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI" used for a short position. It uses EMA and stochastic RSI.
The 4-hour EMA is a trend indicator in smaller timeframes. For a short position, EMA slow is above EMA fast and uses stochastic RSI to predict price turning points. Through the formula, traders can identify overbought or oversold.
Default setting
1. The 4-hour EMA defaults to EMA fast =24 and EMA slow = 33.
2. Stochastic RSI defaults K=3, D=3, RSI Length=16, and Stochastic Length = 5.
You should adjust the settings to be suitable for the products that you trade.
(Short)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI formula
Short Entry :
1. The timeframe of the chart must be less than or equal to 4 hours. If the timeframe is set higher than 4 hours, this strategy will not work.
2. 4-hour slow EMA line must be above fast EMA line, indicating an downtrend.
3. Stochastic RSI K line cross down D line and the intersection must be above 80.
If all three are true, the indicator will have a short signal.
Short Exit: Stochastic RSI K line cross up D line
This indicator is just a tool for technical analysis. It shouldn't be used as the only indication of trade because it causes you to lose your money. You should use other indicators to analyze together.
(Short)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI By Nussara(study)This strategy is called "(Short)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI" used for a short position. It uses EMA and stochastic RSI.
The 4-hour EMA is a trend indicator in smaller timeframes. For a short position, EMA slow is above EMA fast and uses stochastic RSI to predict price turning points. Through the formula, traders can identify overbought or oversold.
Default setting
1. The 4-hour EMA defaults to EMA fast =24 and EMA slow = 33.
2. Stochastic RSI defaults K=3, D=3, RSI Length=16, and Stochastic Length = 5.
You should adjust the settings to be suitable for the products that you trade.
(Short)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI formula
Short Entry :
1. The timeframe of the chart must be less than or equal to 4 hours. If the timeframe is set higher than 4 hours, this strategy will not work.
2. 4-hour slow EMA line must be above fast EMA line, indicating an downtrend.
3. Stochastic RSI K line cross down D line and the intersection must be above 80.
If all three are true, the indicator will have a short signal.
Short Exit: Stochastic RSI K line cross up D line
This indicator is just a tool for technical analysis. It shouldn't be used as the only indication of trade because it causes you to lose your money. You should use other indicators to analyze together.
(Long)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI By Nussara(strategy)This is a back test for "(Long)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI " used for a long position. It uses EMA and stochastic RSI.
The 4-hour EMA is a trend indicator in smaller timeframes. For a long position, EMA fast is above EMA slow and uses stochastic RSI to predict price turning points. Through the formula, traders can identify overbought or oversold.
Default setting
1. The 4-hour EMA defaults to EMA fast =24 and EMA slow = 33.
2. Stochastic RSI defaults K=3, D=3, RSI Length=16, and Stochastic Length = 5.
You should adjust the settings to be suitable for the products that you trade.
(Long)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI formula
Long Entry :
1. The timeframe of the chart must be less than or equal to 4 hours. If the timeframe is set higher than 4 hours, this strategy will not work.
2. 4-hour fast EMA line must be above slow EMA line, indicating an uptrend.
3. Stochastic RSI K line cross up D line and the intersection must be below 20.
If all three are true, the indicator will have a long signal.
Long Exit: Stochastic RSI K line cross down D line
This indicator is just a tool for technical analysis. It shouldn't be used as the only indication of trade because it causes you to lose your money. You should use other indicators to analyze together.
(Long)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI By Nussara(study)This strategy is called "(Long)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI" used for a long position. It uses EMA and stochastic RSI.
The 4-hour EMA is a trend indicator in smaller timeframes. For a long position, EMA fast is above EMA slow and uses stochastic RSI to predict price turning points. Through the formula, traders can identify overbought or oversold.
Default setting
1. The 4-hour EMA defaults to EMA fast =24 and EMA slow = 33.
2. Stochastic RSI defaults K=3, D=3, RSI Length=16, and Stochastic Length = 5.
You should adjust the settings to be suitable for the products that you trade.
(Long)EMA 4H + Stochastic RSI formula
Long Entry :
1. The timeframe of the chart must be less than or equal to 4 hours. If the timeframe is set higher than 4 hours, this strategy will not work.
2. 4-hour fast EMA line must be above slow EMA line, indicating an uptrend.
3. Stochastic RSI K line cross up D line and the intersection must be below 20.
If all three are true, the indicator will have a long signal.
Long Exit: Stochastic RSI K line cross down D line
This indicator is just a tool for technical analysis. It shouldn't be used as the only indication of trade because it causes you to lose your money. You should use other indicators to analyze together.
SEMA-XSEMA-X (sema cross)
It's a simple EMA cross strategy
Rules of strategy
1. 2 EMA crossing
2. Long (Golden Cross), Short (Dead Cross)
3. Target profit, stop loss setting
You can also get big trend gains if you set a long target price.
* * *
SEMA-X (세마크로스)
간단한 EMA 교차 전략 입니다.
전략의 규칙
1. 2개의 EMA 교차
2. 매수(골든 크로스), 매도(데드 크로스)
3. 목표가, 손절가 설정
목표가를 길게 설정하면 큰 추세 이익도 얻을 수 있습니다.
5min MACD scalp by JoelThis strategy is inspired by a youtuber called Joel on Crypto. He trades this using Ema, MACD indicators and his own experience. For more information, check out his Best Crypto Scalping Strategy for the 5 Min Time Frame video. I have tried to automate this a little.
Long or Short trades are determined with a crossing of the fast Ema over the slow Ema for Long and the opposite for Short. Trades should only happen close to the crossovers. Then for Long we use the MACD indicator with a 1min TF (I had better results using the 5min) where we look for high peaks in negative values for Long and vice versa for Shorts. These should be significantly higher than other peaks (or if you will lower peaks for a Long).
Hence, the key is to detect high peaks on the histogram, which I try to achieve by checking if the last 2 values were higher than X bars back. If you want to make it even more specific, then you can turn on the additional checkbox which compares the current value to the average value of X bars back, and if it is greater than, say, 50% the value of the average (= 1.5x the average), then it's ok for the trade.
I also noticed that the strategy often bought at the top or bottom, so I added a check that compares whether the last evaluated bar is the first rising bar (for Long) or falling bar (for Short). This can be turned on or off.
Target profit 0,5% and stop loss 0,4% are based on his recommendation. The strategy is set to take only 1 trade at a time , and you can have a back tester table on.
I'm still a pine script beginner, so the strategy is certainly not perfect and could be improved. If you have any tips on how to improve it further, please let me know. I will try to update it when I have time.
I would also like to thank Joel on Crypto for sharing the strategy and @ZenAndTheArtOfTrading for his great library and code (thanks to him we have a back tester table in here), but especially his educational videos on youtube, which taught me a lot about pine script.
WhaleCrew AccumulationThis script was built for the BTC weekly chart.
Purpose: Accumulation of longterm (spot) holdings.
Bull Market Support-Band:
Bundle of the 20 EMA & SMA
Often acted as support during previous bullmarkets
Some people like to trade retests/breaks of this band
Accumulation-Band (+ alerts):
Green: Possible Accumulation/DCA Opportunity
Color might change while candle is still open (e.g. Weekly Candle - 19 Jul '21, flipped green -> closed red)
Labels (+ alerts):
Break of the 200 Weekly EMA
Oversold RSI (< 30)
Highs-Lows Bands Trend FollowingTwo bands formed by moving averages of highs and lows.
The lower band should provide zone of support in uptrends while the upper band should provide zone of resistance during downtrends.
Bands that turn green in bullish trends should provide buy signals while bands that turn red in bearish trends should provide sell signals.
Simple EMA20 Strategy + StochasticThis is a Trend Following Strategy.
The intent of this strategy is to catchthe price as it trends higher than the 20-period EMA and sell immediately after the price closes below it.
I have implemented calculations from Stochastic to make sure the price is coming from an oversold area.
There is also a check to see if the 20-period EMA is trending higher than before.
EneX SignalEneX is signal that give recommendation signals for entry and exit on spot market. This indicators not suitable for leverage trading in futures market.
EneX signal consider several indicators and has entry and exit rules.
EneX signal is suitable for investors who believe in trend following strategy (disclaimer on).
This script composed by Yohan Naftali for educational purpose only. Reader who will use this signal must do own research.
Indicator and Plot Involved
1. Williams Fractals with default periods = 2
2. William Alligator Indicators with default simple moving average 8, 13, and 21
3. Exponential Moving Averages with default value EMA 50, 100, and 200
4. Relative Strength Index with default overbought level = 80 and oversold level = 20
5. Williams Fractals are joined to create support and resistance line and fill area between support and resistance lines.
Entry signal conditions
1. Entry on Weakness when bullish fractal appear on n/2 period
2. Entry when price break resistance line
All entry condition must above EMA and alligator signal and not in overbought RSI
Exit signal conditions
1. Lowest price is below Exponential Moving Average
2. Lowest price is below William alligator lines
You can easily find entry and exit points by using Entry (E), Exit(X) signals
How to use
1. Monitor chart and wait until E or X signals
2. Entry if Entry Signal (E) appear (green colored label)
3. Exit if Exit Signal (X) appear (red colored label)
4. Change indicators setting when necessary
Best Practice
1. Entry only when entry signal (E) appear
2. Never entry when price below William alligator signal
3. Exit when exit signal (X) appear
4. Not exit when exit signal appear when you believe or you have information that price will be rebound
5. Exit if you believe that current price meet your target price
6. Always wise when use EneX signals
Do your own research and consider fundamental price of asset.
The indicators provided on this script is for educational purposes only.
Author does not offer advisory or brokerage services, nor does it recommend or advise users to buy or sell particular stocks or securities.
Please examined script and give feedback for further improvement.
Range Adaptive EMA Float Series Inputuses range and change distance on arrays to allow for more control as well as any choice of input value as a controller for how tightly it grips the input signal.