NewsEventsUsdLibrary "NewsEventsUsd"
This library provides date and time data of the high imact news events on USD. Data source is csv exported from and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
USD high imact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
USD high imact news date and time from 2020 to 2023
lib_trackingLibrary "lib_tracking"
tracking highest and lowest with anchor point to track over dynamic periods, e.g. to track a Session HH/LL live and get the bar/time of the LTF wick that matches the HTF HH/LL
// why anchored replacements for ta.highest / ta.highestbars / ta.lowest / ta.lowestbars:
// 1. they require a fixed length/lookback which makes it easier to calculate, but
// 2. this prevents us from tracking the HH/LL of a changing timeframe, e.g. live tracking the HH/LL of a running session or unfinished higher timeframe
// 3. tracking with anchor/start/reset flag allows to persist values until the next start/reset, so no other external storage is required
track_highest(value, reset, track_this_bar)
value (float)
reset (bool) : boolean flag to restart tracking from this point (a.k.a anchor)
track_this_bar (bool) : allows enabling and disabling of tracking, e.g. before a session starts or after it ends, values can be kept until next reset.
track_lowest(value, reset, track_this_bar)
value (float)
reset (bool) : boolean flag to restart tracking from this point (a.k.a anchor)
track_this_bar (bool) : allows enabling and disabling of tracking, e.g. before a session starts or after it ends, values can be kept until next reset.
track_hl_htf(htf, value_high, value_low)
htf (string) : the higher timeframe in pinescript string notation
value_high (float)
value_low (float)
RelativeValue█ OVERVIEW
This library is a Pine Script™ programmer's tool offering the ability to compute relative values, which represent comparisons of current data points, such as volume, price, or custom indicators, with their analogous historical data points from corresponding time offsets. This approach can provide insightful perspectives into the intricate dynamics of relative market behavior over time.
Relative values
In this library, a relative value is a metric that compares a current data point in a time interval to an average of data points with corresponding time offsets across historical periods. Its purpose is to assess the significance of a value by considering the historical context within past time intervals.
For instance, suppose we wanted to calculate relative volume on an hourly chart over five daily periods, and the last chart bar is two hours into the current trading day. In this case, we would compare the current volume to the average of volume in the second hour of trading across five days. We obtain the relative volume value by dividing the current volume by this average.
This form of analysis rests on the hypothesis that substantial discrepancies or aberrations in present market activity relative to historical time intervals might help indicate upcoming changes in market trends.
Cumulative and non-cumulative values
In the context of this library, a cumulative value refers to the cumulative sum of a series since the last occurrence of a specific condition (referred to as `anchor` in the function definitions). Given that relative values depend on time, we use time-based conditions such as the onset of a new hour, day, etc. On the other hand, a non-cumulative value is simply the series value at a specific time without accumulation.
Calculating relative values
Four main functions coordinate together to compute the relative values: `maintainArray()`, `calcAverageByTime()`, `calcCumulativeSeries()`, and `averageAtTime()`. These functions are underpinned by a `collectedData` user-defined type (UDT), which stores data collected since the last reset of the timeframe along with their corresponding timestamps. The relative values are calculated using the following procedure:
1. The `averageAtTime()` function invokes the process leveraging all four of the methods and acts as the main driver of the calculations. For each bar, this function adds the current bar's source and corresponding time value to a `collectedData` object.
2. Within the `averageAtTime()` function, the `maintainArray()` function is called at the start of each anchor period. It adds a new `collectedData` object to the array and ensures the array size does not exceed the predefined `maxSize` by removing the oldest element when necessary. This method plays an essential role in limiting memory usage and ensuring only relevant data over the desired number of periods is in the calculation window.
3. Next, the `calcAverageByTime()` function calculates the average value of elements within the `data` field for each `collectedData` object that corresponds to the same time offset from each anchor condition. This method accounts for cases where the current index of a `collectedData` object exceeds the last index of any past objects by using the last available values instead.
4. For cumulative calculations, the `averageAtTime()` function utilizes the `isCumulative` boolean parameter. If true, the `calcCumulativeSeries()` function will track the running total of the source data from the last bar where the anchor condition was met, providing a cumulative sum of the source values from one anchor point to the next.
To summarize, the `averageAtTime()` function continually stores values with their corresponding times in a `collectedData` object for each bar in the anchor period. When the anchor resets, this object is added to a larger array. The array's size is limited by the specified number of periods to be averaged. To correlate data across these periods, time indexing is employed, enabling the function to compare corresponding points across multiple periods.
The library simplifies the complex process of calculating relative values through its intuitive functions. Follow the steps below to use this library in your scripts.
Step 1: Import the library and declare inputs
Import the library and declare variables based on the user's input. These can include the timeframe for each period, the number of time intervals to include in the average, and whether the calculation uses cumulative values. For example:
import TradingView/RelativeValue/1 as TVrv
indicator("Relative Range Demo")
string resetTimeInput = input.timeframe("D")
int lengthInput =, "No. of periods")
Step 2: Define the anchor condition
With these inputs declared, create a condition to define the start of a new period (anchor). For this, we use the change in the time value from the input timeframe:
bool anchor = timeframe.change(resetTimeInput)
Step 3: Calculate the average
At this point, one can calculate the average of a value's history at the time offset from the anchor over a number of periods using the `averageAtTime()` function. In this example, we use True Range (TR) as the `source` and set `isCumulative` to false:
float pastRange = TVrv.averageAtTime(, lengthInput, anchor, false)
Step 4: Display the data
You can visualize the results by plotting the returned series. These lines display the non-cumulative TR alongside the average value over `lengthInput` periods for relative comparison:
plot(pastRange, "Past True Range Avg",, 70), 1, plot.style_columns)
plot(, "True Range", close >= open ?, 50) :, 50), 1, plot.style_columns)
This example will display two overlapping series of columns. The green and red columns depict the current TR on each bar, and the light gray columns show the average over a defined number of periods, e.g., the default inputs on an hourly chart will show the average value at the hour over the past five days. This comparative analysis aids in determining whether the range of a bar aligns with its typical historical values or if it's an outlier.
• The foundational concept of this library was derived from our initial Relative Volume at Time script. This library's logic significantly boosts its performance. Keep an eye out for a forthcoming updated version of the indicator. The demonstration code included in the library emulates a streamlined version of the indicator utilizing the library functions.
• Key efficiencies in the data management are realized through array.binary_search_leftmost() , which offers a performance improvement in comparison to its loop-dependent counterpart.
• This library's architecture utilizes user-defined types (UDTs) to create custom objects which are the equivalent of variables containing multiple parts, each able to hold independent values of different types . The recently added feature was announced in this blog post.
• To enhance readability, the code substitutes array functions with equivalent methods .
Look first. Then leap.
This library contains the following functions:
calcCumulativeSeries(source, anchor)
Calculates the cumulative sum of `source` since the last bar where `anchor` was `true`.
source (series float) : Source used for the calculation.
anchor (series bool) : The condition that triggers the reset of the calculation. The calculation is reset when `anchor` evaluates to `true`, and continues using the values accumulated since the previous reset when `anchor` is `false`.
Returns: (float) The cumulative sum of `source`.
averageAtTime(source, length, anchor, isCumulative)
Calculates the average of all `source` values that share the same time difference from the `anchor` as the current bar for the most recent `length` bars.
source (series float) : Source used for the calculation.
length (simple int) : The number of reset periods to consider for the average calculation of historical data.
anchor (series bool) : The condition that triggers the reset of the average calculation. The calculation is reset when `anchor` evaluates to `true`, and continues using the values accumulated since the previous reset when `anchor` is `false`.
isCumulative (simple bool) : If `true`, `source` values are accumulated until the next time `anchor` is `true`. Optional. The default is `true`.
Returns: (float) The average of the source series at the specified time difference.
LibraryTimeframeHelperLibrary "LibraryTimeframeHelper"
Helper functions to work with timeframes: to get the next higher TF, and to make the string pretty for use in labels. Perhaps I'll add more later.
f_getHigherTF(): Converts the input timeframe into the next one up in the list of commonly used timeframes. NOTE: You can NOT use a TF from this function as input to a call if called from this library because it gets converted to a series (since there's nothing special about this function, I expect this probably goes for any library). However, you CAN copy the code and use it directly in your script, in which case the output is only a simple variable and thus suitable for the timeframe of a call.
_TF (string) - The timeframe to convert.
Returns: : A string in standard timeframe format.
f_prettifyTF(): Converts the input timeframe from standard timeframe format to the format shown by TradingView on a chart. The output is not suitable for use as an input timeframe of a call.
_TF (string) - The timeframe to convert.
Returns: : A string in prettified timeframe format.
SessionAndTimeFct_publicLibrary "SessionAndTimeFct_public"
is_in_session(sessionTime, sessionTimeZone)
: Check if actual bar is in specific session with specific time zone
is_session_start(sessionTime, sessionTimeZone)
: Check if actual bar the first bar of a specific session
: Check if a new day started
: Check if a new week started
: Check if a new month started
is_element_to_show_with_tf_up(base, value)
: Check if an element is to show compared to a specific timeframe >
is_element_to_show_with_tf_down(base, value)
: Check if an element is to show compared to a specific timeframe <
FrizLabz_Time_Utility_MethodsLibrary "FrizLabz_Time_Utility_Methods"
Some time to index and index to time helper methods made them for another library thought I would try to make
them as methods
UTC helper function this adds the + to the positive utc times, add "UTC" to the string
and can be used in the timezone arg of for format_time()
utc : (int) | +/- utc offset
Returns: string | string to be added to the timezone paramater for utc timezone usage
from a time to index
bar_amount : (int) | default - 1)
Returns: int bar_time
from time to bar_index
_time : (int)
Returns: int time_to_index | bar_index that corresponds to time provided
from a time quanity to bar quanity for use with .
_time : (int)
Returns: int bars_back | yeilds the amount of bars from current bar to reach _time provided
from bars_back to time
Returns: int | using same logic as this will return the
time of the bar = to the bar that corresponds to bars_back
bar_index to UNIX time
index : (int)
Returns: int time | time in unix that corrresponds to the bar_index
to_utc(time_or_index, timezone, format)
method to use with a time or bar_index variable that will detect if it is an index or unix time
and convert it to a printable string
time_or_index : (int) required) | time in unix or bar_index
timezone : (int) required) | utc offset to be appled to output
format : (string) | default - "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") | the format for the time, provided string is
default one from str.format_time()
Returns: string | time formatted string
Gets the location paramaters of a Line
line : (line)
Returns: tuple
Gets the location paramaters of a Box
box : (box)
Returns: tuple
Gets the location paramaters and text of a Label
label : (label)
Returns: tuple
Gets line 1 and 2 from a Linefill
linefill : (linefill)
Returns: tuple
Format(line, timezone)
converts Unix time in time or index params to formatted time
and returns a tuple of the params as string with the time/index params formatted
line : (line) | required
timezone : (int) | default - na
Returns: tuple
Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend, color, style, width)
similar to with the exception
of not needing to include y2 for a flat line, y1 defaults to close,
and it doesnt require xloc.bar_time or xloc.bar_index, if no x1
x1 : (int) default - time
y1 : (float) default - close
x2 : (int) default - last_bar_time/last_bar_index | not required for line that ends on current bar
y2 : (float) default - y1 | not required for flat line
extend : (string) default - extend.none | extend.left, extend.right, extend.both
color : (color) default - chart.fg_color
style : (string) default - line.style_solid | line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed,
line.style_arrow_both, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right
Returns: line
Box(left, top, right, bottom, extend, border_color, bgcolor, text_color, border_width, border_style, txt, text_halign, text_valign, text_size, text_wrap)
similar to but only requires top and bottom to create box,
auto detects if it is bar_index or time used in the (left) arg. xloc.bar_time and xloc.bar_index are not used
args are ordered by purpose | position -> colors -> styling -> text options
left : (int) default - time
top : (float) required
right : (int) default - last_bar_time/last_bar_index | will default to current bar index or time
depending on (left) arg
bottom : (float) required
extend : (string) default - extend.none | extend.left, extend.right, extend.both
border_color : (color) default - chart.fg_color
bgcolor : (color) default -,75)
text_color : (color) default - chart.bg_color
border_width : (int) default - 1
border_style : (string) default - line.style_solid | line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed,
txt : (string) default - ''
text_halign : (string) default - text.align_center | text.align_left, text.align_right
text_valign : (string) default - text.align_center | text.align_top, text.align_bottom
text_size : (string) default - size.normal | size.tiny, size.small, size.large, size.huge
text_wrap : (string) default - text.wrap_auto | text.wrap_none
Returns: box
Label(x, y, txt, yloc, color, textcolor, style, size, textalign, text_font_family, tooltip)
similar to but only requires no args to create label,
auto detects if it is bar_index or time used in the (x) arg. xloc.bar_time and xloc.bar_index are not used
args are ordered by purpose | position -> colors -> styling -> text options
x : (int) default - time
y : (float) default - high or low | depending on bar direction
txt : (string) default - ''
yloc : (string) default - yloc.price | yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar
color : (color) default - chart.fg_color
textcolor : (color) default - chart.bg_color
style : (string) default - label.style_label_down | label.style_none
label.style_flag, label.style_circle, label.style_arrowup, label.style_arrowdown,
label.style_label_up, label.style_label_down, label.style_label_left, label.style_label_right,
label.style_label_lower_left, label.style_label_lower_right, label.style_label_upper_left,
label.style_label_upper_right, label.style_label_center, label.style_square,
size : (string) default - size.normal | size.tiny, size.small, size.large, size.huge
textalign : (string) default - text.align_center | text.align_left, text.align_right
text_font_family : (string) default - font.family_default | font.family_monospace
tooltip : (string) default - na
Returns: label
EventsLibrary "Events"
Returns the list of dates supported by this library as a string array.
Returns: array : Names of events supported by this library
Gets the FOMC Meeting Dates. The FOMC meets eight times a year to determine the course of monetary policy. The FOMC announces its decision on the federal funds rate at the conclusion of each meeting and also issues a statement that provides information on the economic outlook and the Committee's assessment of the risks to the outlook.
Returns: array : FOMC Meeting Dates as timestamps
Gets the FOMC Meeting Minutes Dates. The FOMC Minutes are released three weeks after each FOMC meeting. The Minutes provide information on the Committee's deliberations and decisions at the meeting.
Returns: array : FOMC Meeting Minutes Dates as timestamps
Gets the Producer Price Index (PPI) Dates. The Producer Price Index (PPI) measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output. The PPI is a leading indicator of CPI, and CPI is a leading indicator of inflation.
Returns: array : PPI Dates as timestamps
Gets the Consumer Price Index (CPI) Rekease Dates. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. The CPI is a leading indicator of inflation.
Returns: array : CPI Dates as timestamps
Gets the CSI release dates. The Consumer Sentiment Index (CSI) is a survey of consumer attitudes about the economy and their personal finances. The CSI is a leading indicator of consumer spending.
Returns: array : CSI Dates as timestamps
Gets the CCI release dates. The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) is a survey of consumer attitudes about the economy and their personal finances. The CCI is a leading indicator of consumer spending.
Returns: array : CCI Dates as timestamps
Gets the NFP release dates. Nonfarm payrolls is an employment report released monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) that measures the change in the number of employed people in the United States.
Returns: array : NFP Dates as timestamps
Gets the ECI The Employment Cost Index (ECI) is a measure of the change in the cost of labor,
SH_LibraryLibrary "SH_Library"
Returns the list of dates supported by this library as a string array.
Returns: array : Names of events supported by this library
Gets the FOMC Meeting Dates. The FOMC meets eight times a year to determine the course of monetary policy. The FOMC announces its decision on the federal funds rate at the conclusion of each meeting and also issues a statement that provides information on the economic outlook and the Committee's assessment of the risks to the outlook.
Returns: array : FOMC Meeting Dates as timestamps
Gets the FOMC Meeting Minutes Dates. The FOMC Minutes are released three weeks after each FOMC meeting. The Minutes provide information on the Committee's deliberations and decisions at the meeting.
Returns: array : FOMC Meeting Minutes Dates as timestamps
Gets the Producer Price Index (PPI) Dates. The Producer Price Index (PPI) measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output. The PPI is a leading indicator of CPI, and CPI is a leading indicator of inflation.
Returns: array : PPI Dates as timestamps
Gets the Consumer Price Index (CPI) Rekease Dates. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. The CPI is a leading indicator of inflation.
Returns: array : CPI Dates as timestamps
Gets the CSI release dates. The Consumer Sentiment Index (CSI) is a survey of consumer attitudes about the economy and their personal finances. The CSI is a leading indicator of consumer spending.
Returns: array : CSI Dates as timestamps
Gets the CCI release dates. The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) is a survey of consumer attitudes about the economy and their personal finances. The CCI is a leading indicator of consumer spending.
Returns: array : CCI Dates as timestamps
Gets the NFP release dates. Nonfarm payrolls is an employment report released monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) that measures the change in the number of employed people in the United States.
Returns: array : NFP Dates as timestamps
Gets the ECI The Employment Cost Index (ECI) is a measure of the change in the cost of labor,
ISODateTimeLibrary "ISODateTime"
Get year, month, day from date string.
dateStr : : ISO 8601 format, i.e. "2022-05-04T14:00:00.001000-04:00" or "2022-05-04T14:00:00Z"
Returns: array of int
Get hour, minute, seconds from date string.
dateStr : : ISO 8601 format, i.e. "2022-05-04T14:00:00.001000-04:00" or "2022-05-04T14:00:00Z"
Returns: array of int
Get UTC timezone.
dateStr : : ISO 8601 format, i.e. "2022-05-04T14:00:00.001000-04:00" or "2022-05-04T14:00:00Z"
Returns: string UTC timezone
Global_Economic_CalendarLibrary of economic events. Created to display events on the desired chart through the indicator.
Countries: USA, China, Eurozone, Russia
Importance: 3 stars
Source: Investing
Библиотека экономических событий. Создана для отображения событий на нужном графике через индикатор.
Страны: США, Китай, Еврозона, Россия
Важность: 3 звезды
Источник: Investing
Traders_Reality_LibLibrary "Traders_Reality_Lib"
This library contains common elements used in Traders Reality scripts
calcPvsra(pvsraVolume, pvsraHigh, pvsraLow, pvsraClose, pvsraOpen, redVectorColor, greenVectorColor, violetVectorColor, blueVectorColor, darkGreyCandleColor, lightGrayCandleColor)
calculate the pvsra candle color and return the color as well as an alert if a vector candle has apperared.
Situation "Climax"
Bars with volume >= 200% of the average volume of the 10 previous chart TFs, or bars
where the product of candle spread x candle volume is >= the highest for the 10 previous
chart time TFs.
Default Colors: Bull bars are green and bear bars are red.
Situation "Volume Rising Above Average"
Bars with volume >= 150% of the average volume of the 10 previous chart TFs.
Default Colors: Bull bars are blue and bear are violet.
pvsraVolume : the instrument volume series (obtained from request.sequrity)
pvsraHigh : the instrument high series (obtained from request.sequrity)
pvsraLow : the instrument low series (obtained from request.sequrity)
pvsraClose : the instrument close series (obtained from request.sequrity)
pvsraOpen : the instrument open series (obtained from request.sequrity)
redVectorColor : red vector candle color
greenVectorColor : green vector candle color
violetVectorColor : violet/pink vector candle color
blueVectorColor : blue vector candle color
darkGreyCandleColor : regular volume candle down candle color - not a vector
lightGrayCandleColor : regular volume candle up candle color - not a vector
adr(length, barsBack)
length : how many elements of the series to calculate on
barsBack : starting possition for the length calculation - current bar or some other value eg last bar
@return adr the adr for the specified lenght
adrHigh(adr, fromDo)
Calculate the ADR high given an ADR
adr : the adr
fromDo : boolean flag, if false calculate traditional adr from high low of today, if true calcualte from exchange midnight
@return adrHigh the position of the adr high in price
adrLow(adr, fromDo)
adr : the adr
fromDo : boolean flag, if false calculate traditional adr from high low of today, if true calcualte from exchange midnight
@return adrLow the position of the adr low in price
given a session in the format 0000-0100:23456 split out the hours and minutes
sessXTime : the session time string usually in the format 0000-0100:23456
calcSessionStartEnd(sessXTime, gmt)
calculate the start and end timestamps of the session
sessXTime : the session time string usually in the format 0000-0100:23456
gmt : the gmt offset string usually in the format GMT+1 or GMT+2 etc
drawOpenRange(sessXTime, sessXcol, showOrX, gmt)
draw open range for a session
sessXTime : session string in the format 0000-0100:23456
sessXcol : the color to be used for the opening range box shading
showOrX : boolean flag to toggle displaying the opening range
gmt : the gmt offset string usually in the format GMT+1 or GMT+2 etc
@return void
drawSessionHiLo(sessXTime, show_rectangleX, show_labelX, sessXcolLabel, sessXLabel, gmt, sessionLineStyle)
sessXTime : session string in the format 0000-0100:23456
show_rectangleX : show the session high and low lines
show_labelX : show the session label
sessXcolLabel : the color to be used for the hi/low lines and label
sessXLabel : the session label text
gmt : the gmt offset string usually in the format GMT+1 or GMT+2 etc
sessionLineStyle : the line stile for the session high low lines
@return void
calculate market session dst on/off flags
@return indicating if DST is on or off for a particular region
timestampPreviousDayOfWeek(previousDayOfWeek, hourOfDay, gmtOffset, oneWeekMillis)
Timestamp any of the 6 previous days in the week (such as last Wednesday at 21 hours GMT)
previousDayOfWeek : Monday or Satruday
hourOfDay : the hour of the day when psy calc is to start
gmtOffset : the gmt offset string usually in the format GMT+1 or GMT+2 etc
oneWeekMillis : the amount if time for a week in milliseconds
@return the timestamp of the psy level calculation start time
get the daily open - basically exchange midnight
@return the daily open value which is float price
new_bar: check if we're on a new bar within the session in a given resolution
res : the desired resolution
@return true/false is a new bar for the session has started
to_pips Convert value to pips
val : the value to convert to pips
@return the value in pips
rLabel(ry, rtext, rstyle, rcolor, valid, labelXOffset)
a function that draws a right aligned lable for a series during the current bar
ry : series float the y coordinate of the lable
rtext : the text of the label
rstyle : the style for the lable
rcolor : the color for the label
valid : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a lable
labelXOffset : how much to offset the label from the current position
rLabelOffset(ry, rtext, rstyle, rcolor, valid, labelXOffset)
a function that draws a right aligned lable for a series during the current bar
ry : series float the y coordinate of the lable
rtext : the text of the label
rstyle : the style for the lable
rcolor : the color for the label
valid : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a lable
labelXOffset : how much to offset the label from the current position
rLabelLastBar(ry, rtext, rstyle, rcolor, valid, labelXOffset)
a function that draws a right aligned lable for a series only on the last bar
ry : series float the y coordinate of the lable
rtext : the text of the label
rstyle : the style for the lable
rcolor : the color for the label
valid : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a lable
labelXOffset : how much to offset the label from the current position
drawLine(xSeries, res, tag, xColor, xStyle, xWidth, xExtend, isLabelValid, labelXOffset, validTimeFrame)
a function that draws a line and a label for a series
xSeries : series float the y coordinate of the line/label
res : the desired resolution controlling when a new line will start
tag : the text for the lable
xColor : the color for the label
xStyle : the style for the line
xWidth : the width of the line
xExtend : extend the line
isLabelValid : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a label
labelXOffset : how much to offset the label from the current position
validTimeFrame : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a line drawn
drawLineDO(xSeries, res, tag, xColor, xStyle, xWidth, xExtend, isLabelValid, labelXOffset, validTimeFrame)
a function that draws a line and a label for the daily open series
xSeries : series float the y coordinate of the line/label
res : the desired resolution controlling when a new line will start
tag : the text for the lable
xColor : the color for the label
xStyle : the style for the line
xWidth : the width of the line
xExtend : extend the line
isLabelValid : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a label
labelXOffset : how much to offset the label from the current position
validTimeFrame : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a line drawn
drawPivot(pivotLevel, res, tag, pivotColor, pivotLabelColor, pivotStyle, pivotWidth, pivotExtend, isLabelValid, validTimeFrame, levelStart, pivotLabelXOffset)
draw a pivot line - the line starts one day into the past
pivotLevel : series of the pivot point
res : the desired resolution
tag : the text to appear
pivotColor : the color of the line
pivotLabelColor : the color of the label
pivotStyle : the line style
pivotWidth : the line width
pivotExtend : extend the line
isLabelValid : boolean param allows to turn label on and off
validTimeFrame : only draw the line and label at a valid timeframe
levelStart : basically when to start drawing the levels
pivotLabelXOffset : how much to offset the label from its current postion
@return the pivot line series
getPvsraFlagByColor(pvsraColor, redVectorColor, greenVectorColor, violetVectorColor, blueVectorColor, lightGrayCandleColor)
convert the pvsra color to an internal code
pvsraColor : the calculated pvsra color
redVectorColor : the user defined red vector color
greenVectorColor : the user defined green vector color
violetVectorColor : the user defined violet vector color
blueVectorColor : the user defined blue vector color
lightGrayCandleColor : the user defined regular up candle color
@return pvsra internal code
updateZones(pvsra, direction, boxArr, maxlevels, pvsraHigh, pvsraLow, pvsraOpen, pvsraClose, transperancy, zoneupdatetype, zonecolor, zonetype, borderwidth, coloroverride, redVectorColor, greenVectorColor, violetVectorColor, blueVectorColor, lightGrayCandleColor)
a function that draws the unrecovered vector candle zones
pvsra : internal code
direction : above or below the current pa
boxArr : the array containing the boxes that need to be updated
maxlevels : the maximum number of boxes to draw
pvsraHigh : the pvsra high value series
pvsraLow : the pvsra low value series
pvsraOpen : the pvsra open value series
pvsraClose : the pvsra close value series
transperancy : the transparencfy of the vecor candle zones
zoneupdatetype : the zone update type
zonecolor : the zone color if overriden
zonetype : the zone type
borderwidth : the width of the border
coloroverride : if the color overriden
redVectorColor : the user defined red vector color
greenVectorColor : the user defined green vector color
violetVectorColor : the user defined violet vector color
blueVectorColor : the user defined blue vector color
lightGrayCandleColor : the user defined regular up candle color
clean an array from na values
arr : the array to clean
@return if the array was cleaned
calcPsyLevels(oneWeekMillis, showPsylevels, psyType, sydDST)
calculate the psy levels
4 hour res based on how mt4 does it
mt4 code
int Li_4 = iBarShift(NULL, PERIOD_H4, iTime(NULL, PERIOD_W1, Li_0)) - 2 - Offset;
ObjectCreate("PsychHi", OBJ_TREND, 0, Time , iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_H4, iHighest(NULL, PERIOD_H4, MODE_HIGH, 2, Li_4)), iTime(NULL, PERIOD_W1, 0), iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_H4,
iHighest(NULL, PERIOD_H4, MODE_HIGH, 2, Li_4)));
so basically because the session is 8 hours and we are looking at a 4 hour resolution we only need to take the highest high an lowest low of 2 bars
we use the gmt offset to adjust the 0000-0800 session to Sydney open which is at 2100 during dst and at 2200 otherwize. (dst - spring foward, fall back)
keep in mind sydney is in the souther hemisphere so dst is oposite of when london and new york go into dst
oneWeekMillis : a constant value
showPsylevels : should psy levels be calculated
psyType : the type of Psylevels - crypto or forex
sydDST : is Sydney in DST
NumberOfVisibleBarsLibrary "NumberOfVisibleBars"
This library calculates the number of visible bars on the user screen
Calculates the number of visible bars on the user screen
No : paramters needed
Returns: The numbers of visible bars on the user screen (int)
EconomicCalendarLibrary "EconomicCalendar"
This library is a data provider for important dates and times from the Economic Calendar.
Returns the list of dates supported by this library as a string array.
Returns: array : Names of events supported by this library
Gets the FOMC Meeting Dates. The FOMC meets eight times a year to determine the course of monetary policy. The FOMC announces its decision on the federal funds rate at the conclusion of each meeting and also issues a statement that provides information on the economic outlook and the Committee's assessment of the risks to the outlook.
Returns: array : FOMC Meeting Dates as timestamps
Gets the FOMC Meeting Minutes Dates. The FOMC Minutes are released three weeks after each FOMC meeting. The Minutes provide information on the Committee's deliberations and decisions at the meeting.
Returns: array : FOMC Meeting Minutes Dates as timestamps
Gets the Producer Price Index (PPI) Dates. The Producer Price Index (PPI) measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output. The PPI is a leading indicator of CPI, and CPI is a leading indicator of inflation.
Returns: array : PPI Dates as timestamps
Gets the Consumer Price Index (CPI) Rekease Dates. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. The CPI is a leading indicator of inflation.
Returns: array : CPI Dates as timestamps
Gets the CSI release dates. The Consumer Sentiment Index (CSI) is a survey of consumer attitudes about the economy and their personal finances. The CSI is a leading indicator of consumer spending.
Returns: array : CSI Dates as timestamps
Gets the CCI release dates. The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) is a survey of consumer attitudes about the economy and their personal finances. The CCI is a leading indicator of consumer spending.
Returns: array : CCI Dates as timestamps
Gets the NFP release dates. Nonfarm payrolls is an employment report released monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) that measures the change in the number of employed people in the United States.
Returns: array : NFP Dates as timestamps
SetSessionTimesLibrary "SetSessionTimes"
Indian exchanage time session library, might be useful to code indicator or strategy necessary to call exchange trading sessions at NSE and MCX.
SetSessionTimesIndiaLibrary "SetSessionTimesIndia"
This library might be useful to code an indicator or strategy that requires to call Indian trading sessions at NSE and MCX.
Tosch Market Sessions (US/GB/JP)Library "Tosch Market Sessions"
Returns if the NYSE, London SE, Tokyo SE are open
@function Returns if the NYSE (US), London SE (GB), Tokyo SE (JP) are open
bus, bgb, bjp - bool: true if the corresponding exchange is open
count - int: count of how many exchanges are open at the moment
ccolor - color: color that indicates the number of open exchanges
0 =>
1 =>
2 =>
3 => color.white
BoxLine_LibLibrary "BoxLine_Lib"
personal Library for line and box built in functions
get x1,y1,x2,y2 in a tuple
x : TODO: line
Returns: tuple of x1,y1,x2,y2
Create line with only the y1 value(when line == na) or all
when line != na set x1,y1,x2,y2 individually just 1 or all
- use just the line value to set the x2 to current bar or time will set to time
- will auto pick xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time if not used
x : (line line,int x1,float y1,int x2,float y2,
string xloc,string extend,color color,string style,int width)
Returns: Line
get left,top,right,bottom in a tuple
x : box
Returns: tuple of left,top,right,bottom
Create line with only the top,bottom value(when line == na) or all
when box != na set left,top,right,bottom individually just 1 or all
- use just the box value to set the right to current bar or time will set to time
- if right is above a number that a bar_index wouldnt be
x : box box,int left,float top,int right,
float bottom,color border_color, int border_width,
string border_style,string extend,string xloc,
color bgcolor,string text,string text_size, color text_color,
string text_halign,string text_valign,string text_wrap)
Returns: TODO: Box
LibBacktestingDayRangeLibrary "LibBacktestingDayRange"
TODO: add library description here
import Nut_Satit/CalulateWinLoss/version as backtest
rangdate(startDate, finishDate)
TODO: add function description here
startDate : TODO: add parameter startDate description here
finishDate : TODO: add parameter finishDate description here
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
time_cond : TODO: insert variable and buy or sell condition
TODO: This library regroups indicator's functions and functions i use a lot
getRENKOLEVELS(upColor1, dnColor1, HIGH, LOW, ATR)
TODO: RenkoLevels indicator by Mongolor function
upColor1 : TODO: (Type: color) renko up color
dnColor1 : TODO: (Type: color) renko down color
HIGH : TODO: (Type: float)
LOW : TODO: (Type: float)
ATR : TODO: (Type: float)
Returns: TODO: Renkolevels
Library "DateNow"
TODO: Provide today's date based on UNIX time
Use pinescript v4 functions such as year(), month() and dayofmonth().
Use pinescript v5 function such as switch.
Export as string variables.
Not using any match function such as math.floor.
Date for Day display incorrectly by shortage 1 value especially Year equal to or before 1984
Timezone issue. Example : I using GMT+8 for my timezone, try using other GMT will not work. Al least, GMT+2 to GMT+13 is working. GMT-0 to GMT+1 is not working, although already attempt using UTC-10 to UTC-1.
: DateNow
: : _timezone
Returns: : YYYY, YY, M, MM, MMM, DD
pta_plotLibrary "pta_plot"
pta_plot: This library will help you to plot different value. I will keep updating with your requirement
print_array(array_id, border_color)
Display array element as a table.
array_id : Id of your array.
border_color : Color for border (`` is used if no argument is supplied).
Returns: Display array element in bottom of the pane.
PriceTimeInteractive█ OVERVIEW
This library was intended to Get price of given time.input
Credits to TradingView for CAGR Custom Range.
: Get OHLC price of given time.input
: : Time (t) must be using time.input
Returns: : OHLC
: Get HLC price of given time.input
: : Time (t) must be using time.input
Returns: : HLC
: Get HL price of given time.input
: : Time (t) must be using time.input
Returns: : HL