Bank Nifty FutureThe Highs for BNF ARE VIRTUALLY UPON US.. Here is how I see the structure currently. Unable to move past 41904 ( give or take 150 points), a FALL follows .To what extent is the FALL?????
1. The Move down from 41820 to 32551 ( marked LINK wave W) = 9569 points.
2. Link wave X follows up retracing to 50% of the down move, and Falls to create Link wave Y at 32335.
3. Where can the next Link wave X go to?????? It will be 32335 + 9569 points = 41904 plus minus 150 points
4. 41904 plus minus 100-150 points to the upside will be the KEY to this market on MONDAY.
5. Where can the link wave Z go down to ????? ( THIS CAN ALSO BE INTERPRETTED AS 5 TOP DONE, A wave DOWN done, B wave UP in PLAY CURRENTLY AND C wave DOWN TO FOLLOW . Hence in MOST cases, C=A ...... so Link wave Z/( C) will be ..... ( assuming this to be the TOP) 41904 minus 9569 points = 32335 to 32000
Remember something .... B wave UP will in all probability OVERSHOOT the Length of A wave, so since A was 9569 points, B will be just a little above this figure. That will mark the TOP of the MARKET for NOW.