Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SAGroupe Bruxelles Lambert SAGroupe Bruxelles Lambert SA

Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA

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GBLBF bonds

Below is the list of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA corporate bonds. Investors often opt for a company's bonds for their increased stability in times of market volatility. Study prices, yields, and other stats and find a reliable investment.
Price %
Coupon %
Maturity date
Outstanding amt
Face value
Min denom amt
4.40%099.29%1.88%2025-06-19500 M EUR100,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURGroupe Bruxelles Lambert SA
BE276748GBL 21/31
3.55%083.29%0.13%2031-01-28500 M EUR100,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURGroupe Bruxelles Lambert SA
A3LHS0GROUPE BRUXELLES LAMBERT SA 2023-15.05.33 REG S3.51%0103.12%4.00%2033-05-15500 M EUR100,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURGroupe Bruxelles Lambert SA
BE633941981GBL 22/25 CV REGS
3.22%099.22%2.13%2025-11-29500 M EUR100,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURGroupe Bruxelles Lambert SA
BBE632766059SAGERPAR 21/26 ZO CV
3.14%096.75%0.00%2026-04-01500 M EUR100,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURSagerpar NV
A3K81PGROUPE BRUXELLES LAMBERT SA 2022-06.09.29 REG S2.96%0100.64%3.13%2029-09-06500 M EUR100,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURGroupe Bruxelles Lambert SA