TNX - 10Yr Yield /'Come on IN Equity Dip Buyers"

By HK_L61
The waters warm - just fine and we assure you there are no
predatory creatures lurking about.

Please ignore the Trend.

Our assumptions include:

The Herd is always Correct.

CNCB and Lacy Hunt are "Pitch Perfect".

Rates are heading lower, towards ZERO.

TLT's hiccup this morning is nothing, simply a
small bump on the road until 172.

Debt doesn't matter, It's in the "Future" - we
never subscribe to the idea of "Back to the Future"
as our overlords are merely us from the Future...

We are cocksure confident - "This is It~!" No more
down, only up, the SELL is Over.

No one would dare SELL Bonds here with Negative
Real Returns.

No one would demand higher rates, ever... regardless
of the insurmountable DEBT Load.

The FED won't' permit the Bond Vigilantes to Price in
Inflation again as it is - wait for it... "TRANSitory.

Yeah, naw, wrong again desperados.

Looking rather forward to the NEXT SELL in TLT.

- HK
10yrnote10yryieldBeyond Technical AnalysisFundamental AnalysisTNXTrend Analysis
