Most actively traded Russian stocks

The most active Russian stocks in the market can be found below. Companies are sorted by daily volume and supplied with other stats to help you find out why they are so popular right now.
Vol * Price
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
TCSGIPJSC TCS Holding2.75 B RUB2,541.6 RUB+0.06%1.08 M0.12516.4 B RUBFinance
SBERSberbank1.7 B RUB236.19 RUB−0.36%7.26 M0.135.43 T RUB3.2772.28 RUBFinance
GAZPGazprom678.15 M RUB121.83 RUB−0.05%5.57 M0.112.97 T RUBEnergy minerals
LKOHLUKOIL488.44 M RUB6,795.0 RUB−0.05%71.88 K0.094.74 T RUBEnergy minerals
YDEXYANDEX444.26 M RUB3,436.0 RUB−0.69%129.29 K0.12
SGZHSegezha400.99 M RUB1.573 RUB−2.84%254.92 M0.4828.07 B RUBProcess industries
AFKSAFK Sistema329.37 M RUB13.199 RUB−0.80%24.95 M0.11133.11 B RUBCommunications
MTLRMechel326.9 M RUB95.44 RUB−0.97%3.43 M0.1555 B RUBNon-energy minerals
ROSNRosneft323.37 M RUB447.15 RUB−0.47%723.18 K0.124.87 T RUB3.06146.11 RUB+208.02%Energy minerals
PLZLPolus302.71 M RUB14,438.0 RUB+0.20%20.97 K0.111.96 T RUB6.132,353.96 RUB+90.75%Non-energy minerals
AFLTAeroflot263.72 M RUB57.53 RUB−1.07%4.58 M0.10238.35 B RUBTransportation
VTBRVTB230.3 M RUB75.55 RUB−0.12%3.05 M0.11413.81 B RUB4,905.840.02 RUBFinance
GMKNNorNickel GMK218.57 M RUB107.10 RUB−1.09%2.04 M0.061.7 T RUB0.11973.47 RUB−74.11%Non-energy minerals
VKCOVK International Public JS Com213.45 M RUB284.0 RUB−0.28%751.58 K0.3267.63 B RUBTechnology services
MOEXMoscowExchange206.47 M RUB195.96 RUB−0.75%1.05 M0.15453.19 B RUBFinance
NVTKNOVATEK195.06 M RUB842.2 RUB−0.66%231.61 K0.112.66 T RUB3.89216.67 RUB+849.42%Energy minerals
NLMKNLMK158.37 M RUB121.94 RUB−0.76%1.3 M0.12756.7 B RUBNon-energy minerals
SNGSSurgut154.65 M RUB23.655 RUB−0.27%6.54 M0.181.32 T RUBEnergy minerals
SMLTSamolet140.85 M RUB1,306.0 RUB−1.25%107.85 K0.0382.3 B RUBFinance
MGNTMagnit130.85 M RUB4,397.0 RUB−0.71%29.76 K0.13457.73 B RUB7.83561.51 RUB+0.28%Retail trade
TATNTatneft-3107.49 M RUB536.0 RUB−0.17%200.55 K0.051.27 T RUBEnergy minerals
ALRSALROSA88.1 M RUB49.61 RUB−0.54%1.78 M0.09374.73 B RUBNon-energy minerals
UGLDUGC86.32 M RUB0.6594 RUB+0.86%130.91 M0.07
CHMFSeverstal84.94 M RUB1,116.6 RUB−0.30%76.07 K0.08965.22 B RUBNon-energy minerals
MAGNMMK83.87 M RUB34.050 RUB−1.36%2.46 M0.13399.04 B RUBNon-energy minerals
MTSSMTS83.37 M RUB181.95 RUB−0.84%458.22 K0.11372.7 B RUBCommunications
POSIPJSC Positive Group80.8 M RUB2,015.2 RUB+0.44%40.1 K0.08130.69 B RUBFinance
HEADIPJSC Headhunter74.54 M RUB4,320 RUB−0.25%17.25 K0.06
RNFTRussNeft NK70.2 M RUB122.25 RUB−0.41%574.21 K0.1437.27 B RUBEnergy minerals
PIKKPIK SZ59.39 M RUB479.6 RUB+0.06%123.84 K0.07319.88 B RUBConsumer durables
RTKMRostelecom57.67 M RUB56.65 RUB−1.68%1.02 M0.12207.41 B RUB18.003.15 RUB−72.08%Communications
RUALRUSAL52.51 M RUB37.625 RUB−0.45%1.4 M0.05584.25 B RUB14.872.53 RUB−82.51%Non-energy minerals
UWGNOVK49.22 M RUB50.60 RUB−0.98%972.67 K0.09152.99 B RUBProducer manufacturing
SIBNGazprom neft36.3 M RUB533.70 RUB−0.25%68.02 K0.042.6 T RUBEnergy minerals
BSPBBSP34.3 M RUB327.81 RUB−0.86%104.64 K0.12155.46 B RUBFinance
CBOMMKB31.1 M RUB6.956 RUB−0.87%4.47 M0.18233.27 B RUBFinance
SVAVSollers Avto27.74 M RUB724.0 RUB−0.96%38.31 K0.2723.74 B RUBConsumer durables
UPROUnipro PAO27.25 M RUB1.735 RUB−1.53%15.71 M0.06112.35 B RUBUtilities
IRAOInter RAO25.68 M RUB3.9240 RUB−0.19%6.54 M0.05410.61 B RUBUtilities
SPBESPB Exchange23.03 M RUB117.9 RUB−1.67%195.38 K0.0815.95 B RUBFinance
ASTRAstra Group22.98 M RUB499.90 RUB−0.61%45.96 K0.06
SVCBSovcombank22.41 M RUB13.685 RUB−0.73%1.64 M0.03
EUTREvroTrans22.01 M RUB110.80 RUB0.00%202.96 K0.04
TRMKTMK20.99 M RUB101.88 RUB−0.68%206.01 K0.12110.12 B RUB10.239.96 RUB+47.59%Non-energy minerals
UNACOb.aviastroitelnaya korp.20.66 M RUB0.7155 RUB+0.28%28.87 M0.22695.61 B RUBElectronic technology
LSRGLSR20.14 M RUB760.4 RUB−0.78%26.48 K0.0779.7 B RUB2.51303.04 RUB+59.14%Finance
LENTLenta IPJSC ORD SHS19.72 M RUB1,022.0 RUB+0.59%19.3 K0.52119.64 B RUBRetail trade
FLOTSovcomflot19.6 M RUB89.79 RUB−0.26%218.27 K0.05217.07 B RUBTransportation
LEASEuroplan19.2 M RUB612.9 RUB−2.22%31.32 K0.11
IRKTYakovlev-319.06 M RUB28.80 RUB−0.35%661.8 K0.06345.27 B RUBElectronic technology
MRKCRosseti Centr15.66 M RUB0.4438 RUB−2.59%35.29 M0.3719.94 B RUB3.060.14 RUB+80.67%Utilities
MVIDM.video14.32 M RUB94.1 RUB−2.59%152.13 K0.0517.71 B RUB−60.57 RUB−16.29%Distribution services
SFINSFI14.12 M RUB1,437.6 RUB−0.64%9.82 K0.0473.46 B RUBFinance
FEESFGC ROSSETI14.05 M RUB0.07586 RUB−0.91%185.18 M0.05164.26 B RUBUtilities
SOFLSoftline11.43 M RUB120.42 RUB−0.40%94.95 K0.07
SELGSeligdar10.74 M RUB40.74 RUB−0.78%263.52 K0.0743.79 B RUBNon-energy minerals
PHORPhosAgro10.49 M RUB5,351 RUB−0.50%1.96 K0.02690.75 B RUB7.36726.97 RUB+24.00%Process industries
FESHDVMP9.98 M RUB45.32 RUB−1.29%220.23 K0.03133.28 B RUB15.262.97 RUB−78.27%Transportation
RASPRaspadskaya9.8 M RUB263.05 RUB−0.81%37.25 K0.10174.89 B RUB62.424.21 RUB−97.26%Energy minerals
NMTPNMTP9.79 M RUB8.285 RUB+0.30%1.18 M0.12159.57 B RUBTransportation
DATAArenadata Group8.64 M RUB119.84 RUB−0.38%72.1 K0.10
OZPHOzon Pharmaceuticals8.59 M RUB28.74 RUB+1.20%298.78 K0.26
WUSHWHOOSH Holding7.75 M RUB158.90 RUB−0.03%48.75 K0.05
GTRKGTM7.17 M RUB285.4 RUB−0.73%25.14 K0.0416.74 B RUBTransportation
UTARUTAir Aviacompany7.14 M RUB16.48 RUB+5.37%433.5 K0.36132.81 B RUBTransportation
KUBERosseti Kuban6.74 M RUB172.4 RUB−2.71%39.11 K0.7064.39 B RUBUtilities
RENIRenaissance Insurance6.62 M RUB100.54 RUB−0.46%65.88 K0.0656.59 B RUBFinance
AQUAINARCTIKA6.2 M RUB587.0 RUB+0.09%10.56 K0.1152.07 B RUB9.5461.53 RUB−63.92%Process industries
HYDRRusGidro5.97 M RUB0.4996 RUB−0.64%11.95 M0.05223.95 B RUBUtilities
MBNKMTS Bank4.81 M RUB1,352.0 RUB+0.41%3.56 K0.0847.1 B RUBFinance
ROLORusolovo PAO4.75 M RUB0.6162 RUB+0.06%7.7 M0.2418.66 B RUBNon-energy minerals
DELICarsharing Russia4.63 M RUB203.85 RUB+1.44%22.72 K0.13
MRKPRosseti Centr i Privoljye4.39 M RUB0.3359 RUB−1.03%13.07 M0.1837.77 B RUBUtilities
MDMGMD Medical Group IPJSC4.37 M RUB875.1 RUB+0.84%4.99 K0.04
TGKNTGK-144.21 M RUB0.00782 RUB+0.13%537.8 M0.0610.86 B RUBUtilities
BANEBashneft ANK4.11 M RUB2,195.5 RUB−0.36%1.87 K0.04376.85 B RUBEnergy minerals
KMAZKAMAZ3.3 M RUB110.3 RUB+0.36%29.89 K0.1079.21 B RUB12.059.15 RUB−9.37%Producer manufacturing
ELMTELEMENT3.27 M RUB0.15570 RUB−1.02%20.99 M0.32
MSRSRosseti Moscow Region3.1 M RUB1.1305 RUB−0.53%2.74 M0.3255.28 B RUB2.380.48 RUB+148.02%Utilities
TGKATGK-13.02 M RUB0.006624 RUB−0.63%455.6 M0.1625.86 B RUBUtilities
VSMOCorp. VSMPO-AVISMA2.77 M RUB23,120 RUB+0.87%1200.14269.79 B RUBNon-energy minerals
VRSBTNS energo Voroneg2.68 M RUB442.0 RUB−0.67%6.07 K0.3627.12 B RUBUtilities
BELUNovaBev Group2.66 M RUB631 RUB−0.32%4.22 K0.0410.18 B RUBConsumer non-durables
ENPGEN+ GROUP IPJSC ORD SHS2.6 M RUB312.05 RUB−0.54%8.33 K0.03204.18 B RUBNon-energy minerals
RBCMGK RBK2.35 M RUB12.345 RUB−1.08%190.4 K0.044.48 B RUBTechnology services
AMEZAshinckiy metzavod PAO2.32 M RUB74.20 RUB−2.37%31.2 K0.0537.13 B RUBNon-energy minerals
ABIOARTGEN2.23 M RUB83.02 RUB−0.81%26.83 K0.037.81 B RUB28.222.94 RUB+1,176.14%Health services
DIASDiasoft2.19 M RUB4,473.5 RUB−0.03%4900.05
APTKApteki 36,61.79 M RUB10.144 RUB−0.29%176.61 K0.1177.6 B RUBRetail trade
MSNGMosEnrg1.79 M RUB2.1945 RUB−0.68%814 K0.0489.04 B RUBUtilities
MRKURosseti Ural1.77 M RUB0.3512 RUB−0.85%5.04 M0.1931.34 B RUBUtilities
HNFGHENDERSON1.76 M RUB549.6 RUB−0.25%3.2 K0.07
OGKBOGK-21.74 M RUB0.3147 RUB−0.76%5.53 M0.0743.86 B RUBUtilities
GECOGENETICO1.67 M RUB28.25 RUB+0.36%58.98 K0.15
LIFEFarmsintez1.66 M RUB3.565 RUB+2.59%464.3 K0.281.54 B RUBHealth technology
VLHZVHZ1.58 M RUB171.2 RUB+2.39%9.25 K0.50860.96 M RUBProcess industries
MRKVRosseti Volga1.56 M RUB0.06105 RUB−0.25%25.61 M0.1711.46 B RUBUtilities
NKHPNKHP1.55 M RUB678.0 RUB−0.80%2.29 K0.1446.51 B RUBTransportation
LPSBLESK1.29 M RUB70.85 RUB+0.43%18.2 K0.0611 B RUBUtilities
AVANAKB "AVANGARD"1.24 M RUB819 RUB−0.36%1.51 K0.3167.22 B RUBFinance