Russian companies with the highest revenue

Make use of the list below: these Russian companies show the highest revenue and are sorted by this metric. It can be helpful for growth investors looking for companies making more sales than anybody else.
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
ROSNRosneft9.163 T RUB460.65 RUB+0.80%2.979 M0.494.843 T RUB3.15146.11 RUB+208.02%Energy minerals
SBERSberbank5.679 T RUB240.86 RUB+0.79%14.639 M0.345.397 T RUB3.3372.28 RUBFinance
VTBRVTB3.052 T RUB78.19 RUB+1.39%7.486 M0.26414.129 B RUB5,077.270.02 RUBFinance
MGNTMagnit2.545 T RUB4,530.5 RUB+0.23%53.235 K0.16460.639 B RUB8.07561.51 RUB+0.28%Retail trade
NVTKNOVATEK1.372 T RUB866.6 RUB−0.16%477.038 K0.212.636 T RUB4.00216.67 RUB+849.42%Energy minerals
ENPGEN+ GROUP IPJSC ORD SHS1.254 T RUB315.50 RUB+0.37%95.446 K0.36200.822 B RUBNon-energy minerals
GMKNNorNickel GMK1.233 T RUB102.94 RUB+2.12%10.219 M0.441.541 T RUB0.11973.47 RUB−74.11%Non-energy minerals
AFKSAFK Sistema1.046 T RUB12.500 RUB−0.23%54.474 M0.33120.905 B RUBCommunications
RUALRUSAL1.045 T RUB36.065 RUB+0.46%10.334 M0.35545.429 B RUB14.262.53 RUB−82.51%Non-energy minerals
CHMFSeverstal728.314 B RUB1,125.4 RUB+1.11%318.161 K0.34932.381 B RUBNon-energy minerals
RTKMRostelecom707.801 B RUB61.31 RUB−0.55%1.98 M0.30214.719 B RUB6.609.29 RUB−6.60%Communications
LENTLenta IPJSC ORD SHS615.5 B RUB1,029.0 RUB+1.08%22.312 K0.37118.073 B RUBRetail trade
MTSSMTS605.991 B RUB186.70 RUB−0.16%707.1 K0.18373.697 B RUBCommunications
TRMKTMK544.265 B RUB104.90 RUB+0.40%640.2 K0.23109.913 B RUB10.539.96 RUB+47.59%Non-energy minerals
PLZLPolus469.607 B RUB15,258.0 RUB+0.45%79.104 K0.232.067 T RUB6.482,353.96 RUB+90.75%Non-energy minerals
PHORPhosAgro440.304 B RUB5,015 RUB0.00%10.559 K0.24649.442 B RUB6.62757.24 RUB+0.98%Process industries
MVIDM.video434.39 B RUB93.9 RUB−2.09%756.163 K0.3317.24 B RUB−60.57 RUB−16.29%Distribution services
MTLRMechel405.884 B RUB103.57 RUB−0.38%9.158 M0.3057.984 B RUBNon-energy minerals
KMAZKAMAZ370.312 B RUB111.6 RUB−0.09%128.52 K0.2978.998 B RUB12.209.15 RUB−9.37%Producer manufacturing
VEON-RXVEON Ltd. ORD SHS338.63 B RUB26.00 RUB+1.17%15.02 K0.47224.94 B RUB−146.32 RUB0.00%Communications
Strong buy
LSRGLSR236.197 B RUB726.8 RUB+0.64%256.482 K0.5674.408 B RUB2.40303.04 RUB+59.14%Finance
MSRSRosseti Moscow Region229.309 B RUB1.1255 RUB+0.31%1.785 M0.1254.649 B RUB2.370.48 RUB+148.02%Utilities
FLOTSovcomflot196.175 B RUB91.62 RUB+2.37%1.727 M0.30212.562 B RUBTransportation
RASPRaspadskaya189.164 B RUB264.70 RUB+0.09%69.45 K0.13176.053 B RUB62.814.21 RUB−97.26%Energy minerals
FESHDVMP172.004 B RUB44.66 RUB+1.04%821.1 K0.22130.445 B RUB15.042.97 RUB−78.27%Transportation
CHMKCMK161.506 B RUB5,545 RUB+1.84%1.004 K1.9217.217 B RUBNon-energy minerals
RENIRenaissance Insurance133.656 B RUB95.02 RUB+1.09%212.89 K0.4252.354 B RUBFinance
MRKCRosseti Centr128.454 B RUB0.4156 RUB+0.24%15.134 M0.1317.504 B RUB2.870.14 RUB+80.67%Utilities
UPROUnipro PAO118.632 B RUB1.622 RUB+0.56%19.324 M0.21101.698 B RUBUtilities
BELUNovaBev Group116.888 B RUB627 RUB+2.62%66.529 K1.029.654 B RUBConsumer non-durables
MOEXMoscowExchange108.748 B RUB190.01 RUB+0.36%1.499 M0.25432.585 B RUBFinance
RGSSRosgosstrakh85.165 B RUB0.2178 RUB+0.28%869 K0.14106.32 B RUBFinance
KUBERosseti Kuban75.079 B RUB131.8 RUB+1.38%3.93 K0.5851.866 B RUBUtilities
ELFVEl5-Ener60.815 B RUB0.5460 RUB+0.33%7.082 M0.2419.249 B RUB3.960.14 RUBUtilities
SELGSeligdar55.792 B RUB44.88 RUB−1.28%2.216 M0.6946.824 B RUBNon-energy minerals
TGKBTGK-250.478 B RUB0.006990 RUB+1.30%340 M0.4810.263 B RUBUtilities
BBGESAO "Boguchanskaya GES" ORD33.316 B RUB14.396 RUB+10.74%1.201 K7.375 B RUBUtilities
AQUAINARCTIKA28.48 B RUB590.5 RUB+1.46%30.782 K0.3751.144 B RUB9.6061.53 RUB−63.92%Process industries
STSBStavropolEnergoSbyt24.593 B RUB3.080 RUB+1.15%166 K0.573.451 B RUBUtilities
TUZATuimaz. Zavod Avtobetonovozov10.903 B RUB229.0 RUB0.00%4.54 K0.261.882 B RUBTransportation
KGKCKurganskaja Gener.Kompanija9.532 B RUB44.6 RUB+0.45%1.64 K0.226.154 B RUB6.856.51 RUB+742.47%Utilities
NKHPNKHP9.243 B RUB699.0 RUB−0.07%3.42 K0.1547.284 B RUBTransportation
YAKGYaTEK8.247 B RUB58.50 RUB+0.34%11.41 K0.3048.209 B RUBUtilities
KOGKKorshunovskii GOK7.865 B RUB38,800 RUB−2.51%30.339.955 B RUBNon-energy minerals
ROSTROSINTER RESTAURANTS7.166 B RUB134.0 RUB−0.59%2.69 K0.852.198 B RUBConsumer services
EELTEuropean Eltech4.999 B RUB12.00 RUB−1.15%151.76 K0.656.699 B RUBElectronic technology
ABIOARTGEN1.368 B RUB92.46 RUB+4.29%3.467 M1.668.214 B RUB31.432.94 RUB+1,176.14%Health services
LVHKLevenguk1.31 B RUB34.35 RUB+0.44%2.6 K0.221.811 B RUB−6.47 RUB−340.22%Electronic technology
UNKLUzhno-Uralskiy nikel. komb.298.214 M RUB6,150 RUB+0.49%1910.043.67 B RUBNon-energy minerals
LNZLLenzoloto153 M RUB11,560 RUB0.00%860.0813.839 B RUBNon-energy minerals
ALRSALROSA48.24 RUB−0.35%6.298 M0.31356.538 B RUBNon-energy minerals
EUTREvroTrans111.60 RUB+1.73%1.159 M0.26
IGSTIzhstal 2ao6,340 RUB−0.63%400.356.307 B RUBNon-energy minerals
VSYDViborgskii sudostr. Zavod12,550 RUB−3.46%110.5325.061 B RUBProducer manufacturing
KKZSBPAO "Kuzbass Pow Company" PFR12.000 RUB0.00%510Utilities
MGKLMGKL2.1630 RUB+3.10%6.074 M0.99
RKKERKK Energia18,390 RUB+6.79%4853.1231.123 B RUBElectronic technology
BBMKKBELORETSK METAL PLANT ORD450.0 RUB−3.85%35Non-energy minerals
SVCBSovcombank12.525 RUB+1.42%8.707 M0.29
SSARNSaratovnefteprodukt2,700.0 RUB+8.00%101.673 B RUBDistribution services
TGKNTGK-140.00769 RUB0.00%925.3 M0.1510.443 B RUBUtilities
LLMBZLambumiz425.15 RUB−0.27%434
LPSBLESK64.90 RUB+0.54%22.7 K0.3710.039 B RUBUtilities
SSBPLAO "EnergosbyT Plyus" ORD44.000 RUB−4.13%1.004 K
CNTLCentrlnyi Telegraf10.68 RUB+0.19%55.4 K0.152.195 B RUBCommunications
ABRDAbrau-Durso191.4 RUB+1.81%16.73 K0.3818.424 B RUBConsumer non-durables
MMMMZMMK-METIZ ORD85.30 RUB+21.41%64Producer manufacturing
BRZLBuryatzoloto1,951 RUB+1.19%7780.1413.549 B RUBNon-energy minerals
KKUNP"NC Kubannefteproduct" ORD670.0 RUB−0.96%816.953 B RUBDistribution services
ZZHDYAO "Railways of Yakutia" ORD115.40 RUB1 KTransportation
NNTZLNITEL32.69 RUB−2.39%15.553 KElectronic technology
WUSHWHOOSH Holding166.81 RUB+1.60%265.654 K0.33
YYROG"Gazprom GR Yaroslavl" ORD19,395 RUB+8.84%29Industrial services
MRKVRosseti Volga0.06085 RUB+1.76%61.36 M0.8511.261 B RUBUtilities
MAGNMMK36.370 RUB+1.44%7.701 M0.34400.656 B RUBNon-energy minerals
OOBNEObneftegazgeologia927.00 RUB−2.32%1616.741 B RUBEnergy minerals
IRAOInter RAO3.8335 RUB+0.01%27.461 M0.28400.165 B RUBUtilities
DIASDiasoft4,599.5 RUB0.00%1.702 K0.13
SVAVSollers Avto740.5 RUB−0.34%38.799 K0.2923.394 B RUBConsumer durables
TCSGIPJSC TCS Holding2,323.4 RUB+0.47%1.87 M0.41460.914 B RUBFinance
IIVOGAO ""GR Ivanovo" ORD7,000 RUB20Utilities
VVFLTVOLGA SHIPPING ORD2,738 RUB−2.04%31Transportation
VSMOCorp. VSMPO-AVISMA23,440 RUB+1.12%5470.42267.255 B RUBNon-energy minerals
EEMGLAO "Elektromagistral" ORD179.05 RUB+20.21%28
OZPHOzon Pharmaceuticals29.45 RUB−0.17%297.58 K0.15
KKMTXAO "Komiteks" ORD17.100 RUB+11.73%924.272 B RUBProcess industries
POSIPJSC Positive Group2,339.0 RUB+0.64%33.075 K0.17153.397 B RUBFinance
TNSEPAO GK "TNS energo"2,415 RUB+16.67%2.333 K9.1628.293 B RUBUtilities
RBCMGK RBK11.655 RUB+0.47%439.5 K0.214.241 B RUBTechnology services
SMLTSamolet1,434.0 RUB−0.28%1.164 M0.5988.551 B RUBFinance
DVECDEC2.428 RUB+1.17%439 K0.4941.335 B RUBUtilities
LSNGRosseti LenEnrg12.67 RUB+0.88%81.5 K0.26124.835 B RUBUtilities
ZAYMZaymer141.60 RUB0.00%13.56 K0.16
SSGAZAO "Saratovgaz" ORD16,995 RUB+0.12%1Utilities
AFLTAeroflot55.55 RUB−0.79%8.192 M0.24222.603 B RUBTransportation
PRFNCZPSN-Profnasteel4.840 RUB+0.21%443.8 K0.294.049 B RUBProducer manufacturing
ZILLZIL3,000 RUB+0.67%1640.427.927 B RUBConsumer durables
SSUMZAO "SUMZ" ORD1,222.0 RUB−8.09%15Non-energy minerals
LKOHLUKOIL6,900.5 RUB+0.86%268.247 K0.244.741 T RUBEnergy minerals
NAUKNPO Nauka425.0 RUB+0.12%8700.465.005 B RUBElectronic technology