Sri Lankan companies with the highest profit per employee

Profit per employee calculates how much profit each employee brings to the company over a period of time. The metric can show how profitable a company is relative to the number of employees that it has.
Net income / employees
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
LOLC.N0000LOLC HOLDINGS PLC41.548 M LKR378.00 LKR+2.16%8.332 K0.30177.368 B LKR5.9363.77 LKR+223.74%0.00%Finance
DIST.N0000DISTILLERIES COMPANY OF SRI LANKA PLC15.57 M LKR25.4 LKR0.00%214.16 K2.35116.84 B LKR8.193.10 LKR−22.69%11.14%Consumer non-durables
DIAL.N0000DIALOG AXIATA PLC6.661 M LKR8.7 LKR+1.16%592.023 K0.1980.043 B LKR7.411.17 LKR+44.16%15.40%Communications
UAL.N0000UNION ASSURANCE PLC4.818 M LKR46.0 LKR+2.22%26.002 K1.0526.577 B LKR7.326.29 LKR+16.45%19.40%Finance
NTB.N0000NATIONS TRUST BANK PLC4.623 M LKR109.25 LKR+3.80%7.533 K0.0436.113 B LKR2.6641.01 LKR2.20%Finance
Strong buy
SAMP.N0000SAMPATH BANK PLC4.289 M LKR70.0 LKR+2.94%288.488 K0.5382.206 B LKR3.7118.89 LKR8.35%Finance
Strong buy
CIC.N0000CIC HOLDINGS PLC4.268 M LKR66.2 LKR+0.30%54.466 K1.3823.357 B LKR2.4027.62 LKR+68.80%3.79%Producer manufacturing
LOFC.N0000LOLC FINANCE PLC4.26 M LKR5.1 LKR0.00%7.572 M4.20168.704 B LKR7.790.65 LKR−9.71%0.00%Finance
DFCC.N0000DFCC BANK4.023 M LKR67.1 LKR+0.15%27.437 K0.2829.204 B LKR2.8023.95 LKR4.23%Finance
GRAN.N0000CEYLON GRAIN ELEVATORS PLC3.995 M LKR158.00 LKR+1.28%21.05 K0.229.465 B LKR3.2748.30 LKR−19.33%11.41%Process industries
BRWN.N0000BROWN & COMPANY PLC3.81 M LKR100.0 LKR0.00%26.883 K2.3121.262 B LKR17.185.82 LKR0.00%Distribution services
CFIN.N0000CENTRAL FINANCE COMPANY PLC3.75 M LKR104.00 LKR+1.96%3.57 K0.1023.645 B LKR2.9135.72 LKR+3.44%4.33%Finance
GREG.N0000AMBEON HOLDINGS PLC3.669 M LKR39.2 LKR+7.40%12.014 K2.6913.418 B LKR5.626.97 LKR+86.18%4.52%Commercial services
TAFL.N0000THREE ACRE FARMS PLC3.582 M LKR280.00 LKR+1.63%1.957 K0.376.593 B LKR2.49112.33 LKR+122.05%10.00%Process industries
COMB.N0000COMMERCIAL BANK OF CEYLON PLC3.551 M LKR82.5 LKR+3.51%566.654 K0.51131.505 B LKR3.6022.93 LKR5.10%Finance
Strong buy
AEL.N0000ACCESS ENGINEERING PLC3.548 M LKR20.8 LKR+1.96%72.795 K0.1320.8 B LKR2.857.30 LKR+261.09%7.21%Industrial services
TILE.N0000LANKA TILES PLC3.455 M LKR47.5 LKR+2.81%32.071 K0.6612.573 B LKR4.6010.32 LKR−6.23%12.03%Producer manufacturing
KCAB.N0000KELANI CABLES PLC3.414 M LKR284.25 LKR+0.09%9660.346.104 B LKR3.1989.24 LKR−6.77%3.57%Producer manufacturing
LMF.N0000LANKA MILK FOODS (CWE) PLC3.108 M LKR25.8 LKR+1.18%176.038 K0.4410.359 B LKR1.9813.04 LKR+912.18%2.43%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
CINS.N0000CEYLINCO INSURANCE PLC3.031 M LKR2,598.75 LKR+8.24%1.022 K0.3650.21 B LKR5.91439.65 LKR−8.86%2.16%Finance
AAIC.N0000SOFTLOGIC LIFE INSURANCE PLC2.882 M LKR58.0 LKR+5.26%27.483 K0.3421.45 B LKR5.5910.37 LKR+55.63%6.56%Finance
HDFC.N0000HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION BANK OF SL2.673 M LKR31.9 LKR+3.24%1000.052.064 B LKR1.1527.80 LKR0.00%Finance
SUN.N0000SUNSHINE HOLDINGS PLC2.625 M LKR57.8 LKR+0.52%556.046 K6.7028.338 B LKR6.339.13 LKR+110.23%5.21%Retail trade
Strong buy
HNB.N0000HATTON NATIONAL BANK PLC2.558 M LKR159.75 LKR+3.06%1.255 M2.1387.906 B LKR3.1450.90 LKR2.46%Finance
Strong buy
LFIN.N0000LB FINANCE PLC2.351 M LKR63.5 LKR0.00%204.894 K7.5035.127 B LKR3.5917.71 LKR+14.49%9.07%Finance
NDB.N0000NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BANK PLC2.09 M LKR65.0 LKR+1.56%56.702 K0.7527.008 B LKR3.9416.48 LKR2.96%Finance
SEYB.N0000SEYLAN BANK PLC2.042 M LKR43.0 LKR−2.27%2.315 K0.2124.408 B LKR3.2913.07 LKR2.16%Finance
TKYO.N0000TOKYO CEMENT COMPANY (LANKA) PLC2.014 M LKR43.5 LKR+1.16%71.435 K1.2518.671 B LKR8.485.13 LKR−57.47%4.60%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
HAYC.N0000HAYCARB PLC1.937 M LKR75.5 LKR+1.34%29.081 K2.2322.165 B LKR5.8212.98 LKR+8.17%7.51%Producer manufacturing
AACL.N0000ACL CABLES PLC1.792 M LKR77.0 LKR+0.65%106.774 K3.6818.447 B LKR4.7916.09 LKR+1.20%1.62%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
ABL.N0000AMANA BANK PLC1.565 M LKR21.4 LKR+0.94%28.729 K0.6011.629 B LKR4.744.51 LKR0.00%Finance
SFCL.N0000SENKADAGALA FINANCE PLC1.495 M LKR349.25 LKR−0.14%60.0630.198 B LKR19.1018.28 LKR+215.46%0.51%Finance
RCL.N0000ROYAL CERAMICS LANKA PLC1.489 M LKR29.4 LKR+0.68%97.15 K0.2732.683 B LKR4.516.53 LKR+13.55%9.83%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
WATA.N0000WATAWALA PLANTATIONS PLC1.38 M LKR84.0 LKR+0.60%28.596 K0.5717.078 B LKR7.8210.74 LKR−8.34%17.86%Consumer non-durables
PLC.N0000PEOPLE'S LEASING & FINANCE PLC1.377 M LKR10.7 LKR+1.90%286.858 K2.2123.052 B LKR5.352.00 LKR+19.64%6.54%Finance
VFIN.N0000VALLIBEL FINANCE PLC1.368 M LKR36.6 LKR+0.27%4.9 K0.168.618 B LKR3.999.17 LKR+71.80%5.46%Finance
CDB.N0000CITIZENS DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS FINANCE PLC1.313 M LKR200.00 LKR+1.01%430.0613.135 B LKR4.7941.73 LKR+137.64%3.50%Finance
PABC.N0000PAN ASIA BANKING CORPORATION PLC1.263 M LKR18.5 LKR+0.54%490.09 K1.628.187 B LKR4.194.42 LKR1.35%Finance
HASU.N0000HNB ASSURANCE PLC1.214 M LKR59.8 LKR−0.33%3910.018.97 B LKR4.9212.16 LKR+3.84%6.52%Finance
LWL.N0000LANKA WALLTILE PLC1.09 M LKR47.2 LKR+0.43%29.343 K1.5312.967 B LKR4.739.98 LKR−37.50%9.89%Producer manufacturing
CTEA.N0000DILMAH CEYLON TEA COMPANY PLC1.063 M LKR1,030.00 LKR+0.59%20517.2321.256 B LKR16.0464.21 LKR+212.61%1.76%Consumer non-durables
HHL.N0000HEMAS HOLDINGS PLC1.048 M LKR71.4 LKR+3.48%13.396 K0.0442.502 B LKR7.159.99 LKR+39.42%4.78%Health services
Strong buy
VONE.N0000VALLIBEL ONE PLC1.035 M LKR43.0 LKR+0.47%1.221 M5.5848.859 B LKR4.898.79 LKR+16.55%6.99%Distribution services
PINS.N0000PEOPLE'S INSURANCE PLC918.271 K LKR21.4 LKR+1.90%2.841 K0.744.358 B LKR9.722.20 LKR−36.33%0.00%Finance
MGT.N0000HAYLEYS FABRIC PLC760.885 K LKR45.0 LKR+0.67%103.583 K1.2418.738 B LKR7.825.75 LKR6.43%Process industries
Strong buy
CWM.N0000C. W. MACKIE PLC677.625 K LKR92.5 LKR+0.54%1150.013.329 B LKR8.3811.04 LKR−37.85%8.65%Producer manufacturing
AABAN.N0000ABANS ELECTRICALS PLC677.038 K LKR219.00 LKR−2.67%3.765 K5.921.123 B LKR1.95112.38 LKR+238.98%2.28%Consumer durables
CARS.N0000CARSON CUMBERBATCH PLC655.759 K LKR266.00 LKR−4.32%2000.2352.239 B LKR4.4759.50 LKR+31.66%2.56%Distribution services
BFN.N0000ORIENT FINANCE PLC627.977 K LKR8.4 LKR0.00%1 K0.041.773 B LKR3.522.39 LKR0.00%Finance
LHCL.N0000THE LANKA HOSPITALS CORPORATION PLC621.926 K LKR76.0 LKR+1.33%18.081 K3.5717.004 B LKR9.258.22 LKR+212.34%3.95%Health services
AAF.N0000ASIA ASSET FINANCE PLC610.26 K LKR12.9 LKR+2.38%4.503 K0.161.615 B LKR5.042.56 LKR+44.63%0.00%Finance
NAMU.N0000NAMUNUKULA PLANTATIONS PLC592.735 K LKR330.50 LKR+0.15%7931.497.849 B LKR4.4274.80 LKR−33.67%3.93%Process industries
ALLI.N0000ALLIANCE FINANCE COMPANY PLC560.633 K LKR101.00 LKR+1.00%50.546 K2.123.386 B LKR2.9434.34 LKR+106.08%8.36%Finance
JKH.N0000JOHN KEELLS HOLDINGS PLC545.656 K LKR162.75 LKR+1.72%1.142 M2.32266.117 B LKR26.846.06 LKR+0.63%0.93%Retail trade
Strong buy
CARG.N0000CARGILLS (CEYLON) PLC519.346 K LKR370.00 LKR−0.07%180.0095.405 B LKR15.5723.76 LKR+19.26%4.05%Retail trade
Strong buy
BUKI.N0000BUKIT DARAH PLC512.268 K LKR385.00 LKR−3.75%1000.1239.27 B LKR4.3388.93 LKR+21.05%0.99%Producer manufacturing
CCS.N0000CEYLON COLD STORES PLC465.795 K LKR52.0 LKR+0.97%2.424 K0.0349.706 B LKR11.574.50 LKR+123.92%5.84%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
SDF.N0000SARVODAYA DEVELOPMENT FINANCE PLC457.137 K LKR12.4 LKR−3.88%1.389 K0.441.87 B LKR5.552.23 LKR+68.91%6.00%Finance
SFIN.N0000SINGER FINANCE (LANKA) PLC429.124 K LKR15.5 LKR+1.31%3.8 K0.213.132 B LKR7.702.01 LKR−0.49%5.16%Finance
AHUN.N0000AITKEN SPENCE HOTEL HOLDINGS PLC403.865 K LKR55.9 LKR+1.64%4.868 K0.2118.496 B LKR10.395.38 LKR0.00%Consumer services
TPL.N0000TALAWAKELLE TEA ESTATES PLC383.926 K LKR122.00 LKR+1.88%2.144 K1.245.783 B LKR3.7932.20 LKR−37.98%22.05%Consumer non-durables
MELS.N0000MELSTACORP PLC373.736 K LKR75.2 LKR+0.27%35.117 K0.6587.871 B LKR8.129.26 LKR−27.88%10.97%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
UBC.N0000UNION BANK OF COLOMBO PLC373.704 K LKR9.0 LKR0.00%1.64 K0.059.752 B LKR59.170.15 LKR0.00%Finance
SDB.N0000SANASA DEVELOPMENT BANK PLC360.48 K LKR30.0 LKR0.00%4500.194.925 B LKR8.243.64 LKR0.00%Finance
HARI.N0000HARISCHANDRA MILLS PLC360.041 K LKR5,100.00 LKR+34.21%50.668.446 B LKR45.22112.78 LKR+56.65%1.36%Consumer non-durables
TJL.N0000TEEJAY LANKA PLC351.564 K LKR38.3 LKR0.00%8.84 K0.1527.236 B LKR12.912.97 LKR+7,772.15%1.97%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
ELPL.N0000ELPITIYA PLANTATIONS PLC344.426 K LKR92.0 LKR−0.33%18.246 K2.326.718 B LKR4.2321.75 LKR−2.01%5.42%Non-energy minerals
SERV.N0000THE KINGSBURY PLC329.283 K LKR9.2 LKR+2.22%7.135 K0.324.453 B LKR26.640.35 LKR0.00%Consumer services
CARE.N0000PRINTCARE PLC321.116 K LKR44.9 LKR+6.90%8340.493.611 B LKR9.074.95 LKR+1.06%4.76%Commercial services
UDPL.N0000UDAPUSSELLAWA PLANTATIONS PLC301.389 K LKR71.0 LKR+1.28%4910.111.377 B LKR1.7740.00 LKR−1.08%0.00%Consumer non-durables
GHLL.N0000GALADARI HOTELS (LANKA) PLC289.979 K LKR14.0 LKR+2.19%145.842 K3.417.012 B LKR80.230.17 LKR+109.23%0.00%Consumer services
DIPD.N0000DIPPED PRODUCTS PLC254.312 K LKR31.5 LKR+1.29%388.341 K1.3818.856 B LKR4.177.55 LKR+33.77%6.35%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
ALUM.N0000ALUMEX PLC240.403 K LKR10.9 LKR+0.93%7.831 K0.096.525 B LKR−0.66 LKR+7.79%0.00%Non-energy minerals
TTRAN.N0000TRANS ASIA HOTELS PLC240.107 K LKR40.0 LKR+3.36%1000.688 B LKR54.700.73 LKR0.00%Consumer services
SPEN.N0000AITKEN SPENCE PLC220.479 K LKR112.75 LKR−0.44%31.443 K3.4345.878 B LKR7.8114.44 LKR3.76%Consumer services
CHL.N0000CEYLON HOSPITALS PLC (DURDANS)218.084 K LKR119.00 LKR+0.21%1.194 K1.524.576 B LKR10.1711.70 LKR+1.58%1.68%Health services
DPL.N0000DANKOTUWA PORCELAIN PLC216.146 K LKR19.5 LKR0.00%4.511 K0.853.17 B LKR24.070.81 LKR−63.90%0.00%Consumer durables
HPL.N0000HATTON PLANTATIONS LIMITED207.066 K LKR23.9 LKR+1.70%3.324 K0.315.656 B LKR4.455.37 LKR+23.60%12.55%Consumer non-durables
HAYL.N0000HAYLEYS PLC189.951 K LKR88.5 LKR+0.80%794.889 K5.0566.225 B LKR8.0411.01 LKR+40.20%6.06%Producer manufacturing
KVAL.N0000KELANI VALLEY PLANTATIONS PLC150.769 K LKR67.7 LKR+0.30%27.806 K1.494.672 B LKR4.0416.76 LKR−17.76%7.64%Process industries
JETS.N0000JETWING SYMPHONY LIMITED143.273 K LKR7.4 LKR+2.78%1.178 K0.044.456 B LKR34.240.22 LKR0.00%Consumer services
AGAL.N0000AGALAWATTE PLANTATIONS PLC137.771 K LKR30.0 LKR−0.66%4.45 K0.134.688 B LKR5.045.95 LKR−44.32%0.00%Process industries
REXP.N0000RICHARD PIERIS EXPORTS PLC118.098 K LKR389.75 LKR+2.30%1940.304.351 B LKR23.5116.58 LKR+92.46%3.08%Producer manufacturing
MASK.N0000MASKELIYA PLANTATIONS PLC79.745 K LKR34.0 LKR+3.03%3410.011.834 B LKR2.2315.26 LKR+32.99%0.00%Process industries
BPPL.N0000B P P L HOLDINGS LIMITED50.832 K LKR16.8 LKR+0.00%3.481 K0.025.155 B LKR1.96%Producer manufacturing
SINH.N0000SINGHE HOSPITALS LIMITED46.468 K LKR2.4 LKR−4.00%4310.021.035 B LKR32.170.07 LKR0.00%Health services
HOPL.N0000HORANA PLANTATIONS PLC28.063 K LKR36.5 LKR+0.55%5900.05912.5 M LKR10.603.44 LKR−9.42%4.52%Process industries
HAPU.N0000HAPUGASTENNE PLANTATIONS PLC25.96 K LKR29.8 LKR−1.97%4800.661.38 B LKR4.776.24 LKR+31.21%0.00%Process industries
DIMO.N0000DIESEL & MOTOR ENGINEERING PLC22.226 K LKR525.00 LKR−0.19%5400.664.847 B LKR−36.94 LKR−183.59%0.95%Retail trade
CHOT.N0000CEYLON HOTELS CORPORATION PLC2.352 K LKR17.2 LKR+1.18%7.749 K0.433.097 B LKR141.800.12 LKR0.00%Consumer services