Most undervalued UK stocks

UK stocks that are oversold are listed below and sorted by Relative Strength Index: it shows the speed and magnitude of price changes. With these, traders can gain from the future rebound and play on price instability.
RSI (14)
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
SCSPSEED CAPITAL SOLUTIONS PLC ORD GBP0.00250.000.750 GBX0.00%00.001.39 M GBP0.00%Finance
ORNTORIENT TELECOMS PLC ORD GBP0.100.008.00 GBX0.00%00.00800 K GBP0.00%Communications
GVMHGRAND VISION MEDIA HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.10.000.975 GBX0.00%0938.8 K GBP−0.00 GBP+30.00%0.00%Commercial services
PPUALPUMA ALPHA VCT PLC ORD GBP0.010.0098 GBX0.00%028.18 M GBP−0.12 GBP−449.55%3.08%Miscellaneous
KENKENDRICK RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.00030.010.250 GBX−1.96%264 K1.39638.13 K GBP−0.00 GBP+2.17%0.00%Non-energy minerals
WHIW.H.IRELAND GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.010.012.54 GBX0.00%00.005.96 M GBP0.00%Finance
AGTAAGRITERRA LTD ORD GBP0.100.010.700 GBX0.00%7.15 K21.72502.8 K GBP−0.03 GBP0.00%Process industries
EVSTEVEREST GLOBAL PLC ORD GBP0.020.021.150 GBX0.00%00.00889.97 K GBP0.00%Retail trade
SORTSORTED GROUP HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.6250.0336.0 GBX0.00%1 K0.732.75 M GBP−0.86 GBP0.00%Technology services
HVTHEAVITREE BREWERY ORD GBP0.050.04276 GBX0.00%00.009.69 M GBP10.100.27 GBP−12.22%2.09%Consumer services
FKEFISKE ORD GBP0.250.0457.5 GBX0.00%00.006.8 M GBP5.300.11 GBP+117.00%1.74%Finance
KWGKINGSWOOD HOLDINGS LTD ORD GBP0.050.058.50 GBX−8.11%5 K0.5163.47 M GBP−0.05 GBP+37.50%0.00%Finance
REDCRED CAPITAL PLC ORD GBP0.010.1017.0 GBX0.00%0Finance
WTEWESTMOUNT ENERGY LTD ORD NPV0.420.650 GBX0.00%00.00936.34 K GBP−0.01 GBP+74.76%300.72%Finance
HSMHEATH(SAMUEL)& SONS ORD GBP0.100.72300 GBX0.00%00.007.6 M GBP9.900.30 GBP−10.09%4.35%Producer manufacturing
PCHPACIFIC GLOBAL HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.010.832.00 GBX0.00%00.001.58 M GBP−0.00 GBP+90.00%0.00%Finance
BISIBISICHI PLC ORD GBP0.100.9793.0 GBX0.00%00.009.93 M GBP3.890.24 GBP−55.26%7.53%Energy minerals
PULSPULSAR GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.051.7845.0 GBX0.00%8710.0157.46 M GBP0.00%Technology services
TASTTASTY ORD GBP0.0012.330.625 GBX0.00%00.001.3 M GBP0.210.03 GBP0.00%Consumer services
DIALDIALES GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0042.9820.5 GBX0.00%20.75 K0.9810.79 M GBP−0.01 GBP−81.54%7.32%Industrial services
Strong buy
EARNEARNZ PLC ORD GBP0.043.134.950 GBX0.00%37.16 K0.845.06 M GBP−0.23 GBP+53.27%0.00%Electronic technology
CMXCATALYST MEDIA GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.103.5055.0 GBX−12.00%5.9 K11.4513.15 M GBP40.740.01 GBP−89.14%6.40%Commercial services
BIOMBIOME TECHNOLOGIES ORD GBP0.053.631.000 GBX−20.00%703.46 K2.99644.45 K GBP−0.34 GBP−17.60%0.00%Producer manufacturing
STGSTRIP TINNING HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.013.8123.6 GBX0.00%3 K1.604.28 M GBP−0.17 GBP+10.73%0.00%Electronic technology
Strong buy
GR1TGRIT REAL ESTATE INCOME GRP LTD ORD NPV3.878.50 GBX0.00%65 K3.1141 M GBP−0.15 GBP−91.61%13.93%Finance
AFRNAFERIAN PLC ORD GBP0.014.083.00 GBX0.00%2.72 K0.113.34 M GBP0.00%Technology services
PMPPORTMEIRION GROUP ORD GBP0.054.38126.5 GBX−0.78%99.92 K3.3217.54 M GBP−0.80 GBP−335.98%2.75%Consumer durables
VNETVIANET GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.104.3967.0 GBX0.00%3.03 K0.1419.43 M GBP20.060.03 GBP+1,291.67%1.57%Producer manufacturing
FMETFULCRUM METALS PLC ORD GBP0.014.946.50 GBX0.00%102.54 K1.02Non-energy minerals
PALMPANTHER METALS PLC ORD NPV.5.0539.0 GBX0.00%2.54 K0.112.02 M GBP−0.40 GBP−385.43%0.00%Non-energy minerals
LLALUNGLIFE AI INC ORD SHS USD0.0001(DI)REG S CAT35.485.500 GBX0.00%0−0.13 GBP+31.22%0.00%Health services
SRESSUNRISE RESOURCES ORD GBP0.000015.620.0205 GBX0.00%150 K0.111.12 M GBP−0.00 GBP0.00%0.00%Non-energy minerals
TMOTIME OUT GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0015.8834.6 GBX0.00%74.84 K1.30123.27 M GBP−0.02 GBP+67.47%0.00%Consumer services
Strong buy
FLKFLETCHER KING PLC ORD GBP0.106.2432.6 GBX0.00%00.003.33 M GBP11.050.03 GBP+34.86%6.92%Finance
PCIPPCI-PAL PLC ORD GBP0.016.2453.5 GBX−3.60%69.85 K0.7440.21 M GBP−0.01 GBP+83.30%0.00%Finance
INGINGENTA PLC ORD GBP0.106.6058.0 GBX−4.92%28.19 K1.238.85 M GBP6.280.09 GBP−42.28%6.72%Technology services
INHCINDUCTION HEALTHCARE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0057.206.50 GBX−3.70%2.5 K0.146.23 M GBP−0.05 GBP+70.70%0.00%Technology services
SBSISCHRODER BSC SOCIAL IMPACT TST PLC ORD GBP0.017.2969.5 GBX0.00%9770.1256.83 M GBP4.23%Miscellaneous
4GBL4GLOBAL PLC ORD GBP0.017.4038.5 GBX0.00%6730.0810.14 M GBP−0.01 GBP−146.30%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
CRTXCRISM THERAPEUTICS CORPORATION ORD NPV7.896.50 GBX0.00%13.52 K0.38565.85 K GBP−0.04 GBP+87.01%0.00%Commercial services
RBWRAINBOW RARE EARTHS LTD ORD NPV8.049.50 GBX−7.77%2.06 M3.8566.3 M GBP−0.01 GBP+70.88%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
SUHSUTTON HARBOUR GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.018.127.25 GBX0.00%7390.0610.36 M GBP−0.03 GBP−74.73%0.00%Transportation
TRXTISSUE REGENIX GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0018.7342.5 GBX0.00%770.0030.27 M GBP−0.01 GBP+48.12%0.00%Health technology
TPXTPXIMPACT HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.018.9423.5 GBX0.00%75.67 K1.8521.66 M GBP−0.18 GBP+36.28%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
CMOCMO GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.019.051.48 GBX−1.67%548.69 K0.081.08 M GBP−0.03 GBP−395.65%0.00%Retail trade
Strong buy
ZEDZENOVA GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0019.160.226 GBX−3.83%1.72 M2.99564.53 K GBP0.00%Process industries
SYNSYNERGIA ENERGY LTD NPV10.040.0286 GBX0.00%6.72 M0.124.44 M GBP−0.00 GBP+75.00%0.00%Energy minerals
ASCASOS PLC ORD GBP0.03510.13276.0 GBX−4.37%281.68 K1.14343.78 M GBP−2.84 GBP−30.29%0.00%Retail trade
IGEIMAGE SCAN HLDGS ORD GBP0.0110.652.20 GBX−2.22%104.28 K0.373.08 M GBP14.670.00 GBP+66.67%0.00%Electronic technology
SPISPIRE HEALTHCARE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0111.25173.4 GBX−0.80%2.84 M2.06703.48 M GBP28.100.06 GBP−6.66%1.20%Health services
Strong buy
EMVCEMV CAPITAL PLC ORD GBP0.0511.4244.0 GBX0.00%20.59 K0.6212.22 M GBP−0.13 GBP+3.99%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
VELAVELA TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP0.000111.600.0028 GBX0.00%1.35 B3.80531.18 K GBP−0.00 GBP0.00%Finance
RDTROSSLYN DATA TECHNOLOGIES PLC 0RD GBP0.00111.603.66 GBX−5.19%210 K0.712.85 M GBP−0.16 GBP−729.74%0.00%Technology services
BOKUBOKU INC CMN SHS USD0.0001 (DI) REG S CAT 3/144A11.81151 GBX−1.31%993.61 K1.53450.7 M GBP81.620.02 GBP+176.12%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
GROCGREENROC STRATEGIC MATERIALS PLC ORD GBP0.00112.011.25 GBX0.00%257.86 K0.703.14 M GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
ELCOELECO PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY ORD GBP0.0112.23128 GBX−3.04%46.23 K2.33109.58 M GBP36.530.03 GBP+40.73%0.65%Technology services
Strong buy
WPHOWINDAR PHOTONICS PLC ORD GBP0.0112.2842.6 GBX0.00%1.76 K0.0340.96 M GBP−0.00 GBP+92.31%0.00%Electronic technology
Strong buy
LASLONDON & ASSOCIATED PROPERTIES ORD GBP0.1012.308.75 GBX0.00%00.007.47 M GBP−0.01 GBP+82.56%0.00%Finance
POSPLEXUS HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.0112.317.06 GBX0.00%00.007.43 M GBP2.460.03 GBP0.00%Industrial services
MGNSMORGAN SINDALL GRP PLC ORD GBP0.0512.382,975 GBX−4.19%266.19 K1.161.46 B GBP10.962.72 GBP+8.43%3.85%Industrial services
PEELPEEL HUNT LIMITED ORD NPV12.4880.5 GBX0.00%47.71 K1.0493.91 M GBP−0.01 GBP+19.53%0.00%Finance
KAVKAVANGO RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.00112.550.625 GBX0.00%48.47 K0.0819.05 M GBP−0.00 GBP+34.38%0.00%Non-energy minerals
BIHBOSTON INTL HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.00112.620.350 GBX0.00%00.001.3 M GBP0.00%Finance
CLXCALNEX SOLUTIONS PLC ORD GBP0.0012512.6351.0 GBX0.00%154.84 K2.5544.82 M GBP−0.01 GBP−119.82%1.82%Electronic technology
SNTSABIEN TECHNOLOGY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0312.899.00 GBX0.00%00.002.25 M GBP−0.02 GBP+26.57%0.00%Producer manufacturing
BGOBANGO ORD GBP0.2013.0183.6 GBX0.00%64.24 K0.6564.15 M GBP−0.09 GBP−43.06%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
RNEPECOFIN U S RENEWABLES INFRA TST PLC ORD USD0.0113.0222.0 GBX0.00%7 K0.1530.89 M GBP−0.19 GBP−30,180.99%7.27%Finance
GUSGUSBOURNE PLC ORD GBP0.0113.1511.5 GBX0.00%62.16 K0.317 M GBP−0.06 GBP−33.57%0.00%Consumer non-durables
APNAPPLIED NUTRITION PLC ORD GBP0.000213.29117.6 GBX−2.49%245.77 K1.37301.5 M GBP0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
BELLBELLUSCURA PLC ORD GBP0.0113.391.675 GBX+1.52%733.77 K0.466.62 M GBP−0.10 GBP−53.82%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
POLBPOOLBEG PHARMA PLC ORD GBP0.000213.602.90 GBX−6.45%832.42 K0.6615.5 M GBP−0.01 GBP+10.20%0.00%Health technology
RAIRA INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.1013.750.750 GBX+7.14%2.5 M2.931.2 M GBP−0.01 GBP+87.04%0.00%Commercial services
LTHMLATHAM(JAMES) ORD GBP0.2514.051,030 GBX0.00%15.39 K0.93204.87 M GBP10.151.01 GBP−30.16%7.67%Distribution services
CPH2CLEAN POWER HYDROGEN PLC ORD GBP0.0114.276.56 GBX−1.50%157.38 K0.9323.57 M GBP−0.02 GBP−20.95%0.00%Industrial services
CPPCPPGROUP PLC ORD GBP114.5086.0 GBX−1.71%2.87 K13.148.02 M GBP−0.46 GBP+18.99%0.00%Finance
WCATWILDCAT PETROLEUM PLC ORD GBP0.00002814.780.1050 GBX0.00%7.53 K0.003.08 M GBP−0.00 GBP0.00%0.00%Energy minerals
CICCONYGAR INVESTMENT COMPANY ORD GBP0.0514.9433.0 GBX0.00%5.08 K0.0419.68 M GBP−0.56 GBP−14.01%0.00%Miscellaneous
TIDECRIMSON TIDE PLC ORD GBP0.115.8979.0 GBX−3.07%3.37 K0.225.36 M GBP−0.01 GBP+86.97%0.00%Technology services
ABDXABINGDON HEALTH PLC ORD GBP0.0002516.036.76 GBX0.00%115.17 K1.4913.07 M GBP−0.00 GBP+62.83%0.00%Health technology
INFINFORMA PLC ORD GBP0.00116.29742.6 GBX−4.25%7.33 M1.0910.24 B GBP33.540.22 GBP−25.88%2.40%Technology services
Strong buy
PR1PRI0R1TY INTELLIGENCE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.00316.304.00 GBX0.00%75 K0.84Finance
DECDIVERSIFIED ENERGY COMPANY PLC ORD GBP0.2016.38885.5 GBX−0.56%374.14 K1.67528.14 M GBP0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
PRESPRESSURE TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP0.0516.5131.0 GBX0.00%12.15 K0.2411.99 M GBP0.00%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
TANDTAN DELTA SYSTEMS PLC ORD GBP0.00116.7319.0 GBX0.00%00.0013.91 M GBP−0.02 GBP0.00%Producer manufacturing
OXBOXFORD BIOMEDICA ORD GBP0.5016.83286.0 GBX−2.72%188.38 K0.55311.57 M GBP−1.44 GBP−125.86%0.00%Health technology
CKNCLARKSON ORD GBP0.2517.053,455 GBX−21.66%465.7 K7.171.36 B GBP12.952.67 GBP−4.26%2.36%Transportation
Strong buy
CWRCERES POWER HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.1017.1061.10 GBX−2.47%620.2 K0.38121.4 M GBP−0.21 GBP+17.08%0.00%Electronic technology
HBRHARBOUR ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.0000217.42189.20 GBX−0.13%4.57 M1.273.19 B GBP−0.08 GBP10.83%Energy minerals
Strong buy
BODBOTSWANA DIAMONDS PLC ORD GBP0.002517.460.110 GBX0.00%2.32 M0.751.32 M GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
CCLCARNIVAL PLC ORD USD1.6617.521,380.0 GBX−4.83%1.2 M1.3920.7 B GBP12.771.08 GBP0.00%Consumer services
SBDSSILVER BULLET DATA SERVICES GROUP P ORD GBP0.0117.5343.0 GBX+2.38%4800.027.34 M GBP−0.17 GBP+46.73%0.00%Commercial services
EGTEUROPEAN GREEN TRANSITION PLC ORD GBP0.002517.598.750 GBX0.00%550.00Utilities
XPPXP POWER LTD ORD GBP0.01 (DI)17.74903 GBX−2.90%62.47 K0.98258.31 M GBP−0.40 GBP+10.97%0.00%Producer manufacturing
HRNHORNBY PLC ORD GBP0.0117.7719.0 GBX−5.00%39.72 K1.2733.67 M GBP−0.07 GBP−48.24%0.00%Consumer durables
SKASHUKA MINERALS PLC ORD GBP0.0117.934.26 GBX−10.53%202.8 K3.623.1 M GBP−0.02 GBP+63.24%0.00%Non-energy minerals
SFRSEVERFIELD PLC ORD GBP0.02518.2824.2 GBX+0.83%1.51 M0.4970.51 M GBP22.620.01 GBP−84.29%15.42%Industrial services
KATKATORO GOLD PLC ORD GBP0.000118.920.0375 GBX0.00%5 M0.24836.03 K GBP−0.00 GBP+70.00%0.00%Non-energy minerals
UFOALIEN METALS LTD COM SHS NPV (DI)19.030.0626 GBX−3.85%15.03 M0.874.88 M GBP−0.00 GBP+25.00%0.00%Non-energy minerals
PHEPOWERHOUSE ENERGY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.00519.050.650 GBX−15.58%31.91 M4.5232.31 M GBP−0.00 GBP+95.69%0.00%Utilities