UK companies with small market cap

Explore UK companies with the smallest capitalization: their shares might be pretty volatile, but sometimes — more profitable. The smallest value companies are on top: study all available data to make informed decisions.
Market cap
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Analyst Rating
TTRAFTRAFALGAR PROPERTY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0001215.44 K GBP0.0245 GBX0.00%512.26 K0.21−0.00 GBP+59.09%0.00%Finance
IINSPINSPIRIT ENERGY HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.00001230.88 K GBP0.0028 GBX0.00%21.28 M1.140.00%Producer manufacturing
FFPPFRAGRANT PROSPERITY HLDGS LTD ORD NPV (DI)264.45 K GBP0.426 GBX0.00%00.00−0.00 GBP+10.00%0.00%Finance
GILDGUILD ESPORTS PLC ORD GBP0.001281.74 K GBP0.0350 GBX0.00%2.91 M0.21−0.01 GBP+45.30%0.00%Consumer services
RROCROCKPOOL ACQUISITIONS PLC ORD GBP0.05286.31 K GBP2.26 GBX0.00%0−0.04 GBP−69.66%0.00%Finance
CCORCORPUS RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.0001339.07 K GBP0.0260 GBX−5.45%6.57 M0.09−0.01 GBP−27.27%0.00%Finance
CLAICEL AI PLC ORD GBP0.001361.35 K GBP0.0600 GBX0.00%364.34 K0.010.00%Health technology
CCHFCHESTERFIELD RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.001390.99 K GBP0.276 GBX−8.33%12.34 K0.06−0.02 GBP−94.81%0.00%Finance
WWEBWEBIS HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.01413 K GBP0.1250 GBX+19.05%4.66 M1.85−0.00 GBP−37.50%0.00%Consumer services
IINXI-NEXUS GLOBAL PLC ORD GBP0.10414 K GBP1.25 GBX−10.71%186.06 K0.88−0.02 GBP+53.42%0.00%Technology services
SSIVSIVOTA PLC ORD GBP0.01440.48 K GBP3.50 GBX0.00%0−0.64 GBP0.00%Finance
HHAMAHAMAK GOLD LTD ORD NPV (DI)587.8 K GBP0.725 GBX0.00%00.00−0.01 GBP+88.95%0.00%Non-energy minerals
AAMOIANEMOI INTERNATIONAL LTD ORD USD0.001 (DI)628.17 K GBP0.400 GBX0.00%00.00−0.00 GBP+8.70%0.00%Finance
AAGTAAGRITERRA LTD ORD GBP0.10639.28 K GBP0.890 GBX0.00%5.27 K0.67−0.03 GBP0.00%Process industries
CCOROCORO ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.001645.04 K GBP0.0226 GBX0.00%2.96 M0.100.320.00 GBP0.00%Energy minerals
DDKEDUKEMOUNT CAPITAL PLC ORD GBP0.00001655.13 K GBP0.0310 GBX0.00%3.57 M0.190.00%Finance
MMASTMAST ENERGY DEVELOPMENTS PLC ORD GBP0.001660.85 K GBP0.1550 GBX0.00%4.71 M0.67−0.01 GBP+1.49%0.00%Utilities
AAC8ACCELER8 VENTURES PLC ORD GBP0.01675 K GBP100.0 GBX+11.11%7.36 K−0.09 GBP+67.12%0.00%Finance
JJADEJADE ROAD INVESTMENTS LTD ORD NPV (DI)684.98 K GBP0.180 GBX0.00%25 K0.020.00%Miscellaneous
KKENKENDRICK RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.0003725.72 K GBP0.290 GBX0.00%00.00−0.00 GBP+2.17%0.00%Non-energy minerals
PPIPPIPEHAWK ORD GBP0.01726.26 K GBP2.00 GBX0.00%53.29 K0.35−0.05 GBP+31.87%0.00%Electronic technology
BBCEBEACON ENERGY PLC ORD NPV740.47 K GBP0.0040 GBX0.00%61.42 M0.630.00 GBP0.00%Energy minerals
NNFXNUFORMIX PLC ORD GBP0.0005745.14 K GBP0.0525 GBX0.00%6.59 M0.22−0.00 GBP+66.67%0.00%Health technology
CCRVCRAVEN HOUSE CAPITAL PLC ORD USD1762.11 K GBP0.250 USD0.00%00.00−0.18 GBP+83.81%0.00%Finance
ZEDZENOVA GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.001771.24 K GBP0.550 GBX0.00%50.59 K0.19−0.01 GBP+26.92%0.00%Process industries
CRTMCRITICAL METALS PLC ORD GBP0.005774.98 K GBP1.075 GBX−6.52%541.85 K15.01−0.04 GBP+19.19%0.00%Finance
OORNTORIENT TELECOMS PLC ORD GBP0.10800 K GBP8.00 GBX0.00%030.770.00 GBP−35.00%0.00%Communications
CCTAICATENAI PLC ORD GBP0.002887.79 K GBP0.226 GBX0.00%5000.00−0.00 GBP+91.67%0.00%Commercial services
GGVMHGRAND VISION MEDIA HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.1938.8 K GBP0.975 GBX0.00%704−0.00 GBP+30.00%0.00%Commercial services
UUKRUKRPRODUCT GROUP LIMITED ORD GBP0.1991.83 K GBP2.50 GBX0.00%00.001.560.02 GBP+1,233.33%0.00%Consumer non-durables
TTRLSTRELLUS HEALTH PLC ORD GBP0.00061.01 M GBP0.625 GBX0.00%300 K0.10−0.03 GBP+15.72%0.00%Technology services
BBLUBLUE STAR CAPITAL ORD GBP0.0011.02 M GBP0.0200 GBX0.00%12.02 M0.14−0.00 GBP−266.67%0.00%Finance
GGUNGUNSYND PLC ORD GBP0.000851.02 M GBP0.110 GBX0.00%4 M2.35−0.00 GBP+57.50%0.00%Health technology
SDXSDX ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.011.02 M GBP0.526 GBX+5.00%4 M3.410.00%Energy minerals
CRTXCRISM THERAPEUTICS CORPORATION ORD NPV1.02 M GBP11.8 GBX0.00%31.09 K0.61−0.04 GBP+87.01%0.00%Commercial services
KKATKATORO GOLD PLC ORD GBP0.0011.04 M GBP0.0650 GBX0.00%451.39 K0.11−0.00 GBP+70.00%0.00%Non-energy minerals
VVALVALIRX ORD GBP0.0011.06 M GBP0.776 GBX−3.13%3.57 M0.69−0.02 GBP+32.81%0.00%Health technology
EEVSTEVEREST GLOBAL PLC ORD GBP0.021.08 M GBP1.40 GBX0.00%00.001.430.01 GBP0.00%Retail trade
CCMRSCRITICAL MINERAL RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.011.09 M GBP1.40 GBX+7.69%1.6 M1.19−0.02 GBP+80.42%0.00%Non-energy minerals
NNTOGNOSTRA TERRA OIL & GAS COMPANY PLC ORD GBP0.00011.12 M GBP0.0230 GBX−2.13%21.51 M0.21−0.00 GBP−300.00%0.00%Energy minerals
WWSBNWISHBONE GOLD PLC ORD GBP0.001 (DI)1.12 M GBP0.205 GBX0.00%14.03 M2.58−0.00 GBP+45.95%0.00%Non-energy minerals
UUOGUNITED OIL & GAS PLC ORD GBP0.000011.13 M GBP0.0976 GBX0.00%30.39 M0.490.00%Energy minerals
VRSVERSARIEN PLC ORD GBP0.00011.13 M GBP0.0320 GBX+4.92%374.02 M3.88−0.04 GBP+6.29%0.00%Producer manufacturing
VVELAVELA TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP0.00011.14 M GBP0.0060 GBX0.00%99.15 M8.06−0.00 GBP0.00%Finance
MMDZMEDIAZEST ORD GBP0.00011.23 M GBP0.0725 GBX0.00%135.99 K0.05−0.00 GBP−50.00%0.00%Electronic technology
JJWNGJAYWING PLC ORD GBP0.051.26 M GBP1.35 GBX0.00%00.00−0.03 GBP+81.66%0.00%Commercial services
WTEWESTMOUNT ENERGY LTD ORD NPV1.3 M GBP0.800 GBX−11.11%679.28 K4.09−0.01 GBP+74.76%217.19%Finance
ENETETHERNITY NETWORKS LTD ORD ILS0.001 (DI)1.3 M GBP0.1250 GBX−3.85%41.95 M0.340.00%Electronic technology
BBANKFIINU PLC ORD GBP0.101.37 M GBP0.500 GBX0.00%15.61 K0.07−0.02 GBP−3.23%0.00%Finance
MMSYSMICROSAIC SYSTEMS PLC ORD GBP0.000011.48 M GBP0.8250 GBX0.00%125.08 K0.58−0.15 GBP+41.60%0.00%Health technology
NNTVONATIVO RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.0000011.48 M GBP0.0022 GBX−8.33%789.46 M0.30−0.00 GBP+89.86%0.00%Energy minerals
DEMGDELTEX MEDICAL GROUP ORD GBP0.00011.52 M GBP0.0800 GBX0.00%5 K0.010.00%Health technology
PPYCPHYSIOMICS ORD GBP0.0041.52 M GBP0.800 GBX+6.67%8.17 M2.41−0.00 GBP+8.16%0.00%Commercial services
GGFINGFINITY PLC ORD GBP0.00011.53 M GBP0.0426 GBX0.00%14.07 M0.150.00%Technology services
MMACMARECHALE CAPITAL PLC ORD GBP0.0081.54 M GBP1.45 GBX0.00%122.22 K0.75−0.00 GBP+60.00%0.00%Finance
ZZNTZENTRA GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.011.55 M GBP4.00 GBX0.00%10 K0.15−0.09 GBP−41.22%0.00%Finance
AARGOARGO GROUP LTD ORD USD0.011.56 M GBP4.00 GBX0.00%00.00−0.26 GBP−4,708.93%0.00%Finance
DDSGDILLISTONE GROUP ORD GBP0.051.58 M GBP7.25 GBX−6.45%42.19 K33.14−0.00 GBP−275.00%0.00%Technology services
PPCHPACIFIC GLOBAL HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.011.58 M GBP2.00 GBX0.00%31.67 K−0.00 GBP+90.00%0.00%Finance
HHMIHARVEST MINERALS LTD ORD NPV (DI)1.59 M GBP0.550 GBX0.00%254.56 K2.63−0.01 GBP−506.67%0.00%Process industries
SSCSPSEED CAPITAL SOLUTIONS PLC ORD GBP0.00251.62 M GBP0.875 GBX0.00%00.000.00%Finance
SSALSPACEANDPEOPLE ORD GBP0.11.64 M GBP84.0 GBX0.00%00.005.310.16 GBP0.00%Commercial services
MIRIMIRRIAD ADVERTISING PLC ORD GBP0.000011.7 M GBP0.1650 GBX0.00%00.00−0.02 GBP0.00%Commercial services
GGEMRGEM RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.00011.82 M GBP0.600 GBX0.00%16.77 K0.03−0.01 GBP+36.59%0.00%Non-energy minerals
RRCGHRC365 HOLDING PLC ORD GBP0.011.88 M GBP1.250 GBX0.00%100.14 K0.33−0.03 GBP−469.23%0.00%Technology services
TTRACT42 IOT TRACKING SOLUTIONS PLC ORD NPV1.93 M GBP3.50 GBX0.00%00.00−0.01 GBP+37.13%0.00%Electronic technology
SRESSUNRISE RESOURCES ORD GBP0.000011.94 M GBP0.0375 GBX0.00%10 M1.56−0.00 GBP0.00%0.00%Non-energy minerals
CCLCOCLOUDCOCO GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.011.94 M GBP0.276 GBX0.00%200 K0.16−0.00 GBP−7.14%0.00%Technology services
AAIQAIQ LTD ORDS GBP0.01 (DI)1.94 M GBP3.00 GBX0.00%190.01−0.01 GBP+54.10%0.00%Technology services
VVASTVAST RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.0011.96 M GBP0.0725 GBX−3.33%28.79 M0.54−0.02 GBP+49.22%0.00%Non-energy minerals
TTASTTASTY ORD GBP0.0011.98 M GBP0.950 GBX0.00%00.000.320.03 GBP0.00%Consumer services
TTHALTHALASSA HOLDINGS LTD ORD SHS USD0.01 (DI)2.07 M GBP24.6 GBX−5.77%13.91 K3.66−0.02 GBP+94.31%0.00%Finance
JJANJANGADA MINES PLC ORD GBP0.00042.2 M GBP0.825 GBX−2.94%245.14 K1.02−0.00 GBP+45.95%0.00%Non-energy minerals
PPHSCPHSC ORD GBP0.102.21 M GBP21.0 GBX−2.33%15 K46.3220.390.01 GBP−53.18%9.30%Commercial services
XSGXEROS TECHNOLOGY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0012.21 M GBP0.426 GBX0.00%2.35 K0.00−0.02 GBP+49.73%0.00%Producer manufacturing
KKRSKERAS RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.012.24 M GBP2.36 GBX0.00%19.19 K0.82−0.01 GBP+24.07%0.00%Non-energy minerals
DDISDISTIL PLC ORD GBP0.0012.25 M GBP0.135 GBX−12.90%11.21 M2.52−0.00 GBP−142.86%0.00%Consumer non-durables
TTCFTHERACRYF PLC ORD GBP0.00252.26 M GBP0.525 GBX0.00%150 K0.94−0.01 GBP+26.23%0.00%Health services
FFCMFIRST CLASS METALS PLC ORD GBP0.0012.27 M GBP2.26 GBX0.00%17.5 K0.06−0.02 GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
BBIOMBIOME TECHNOLOGIES ORD GBP0.052.32 M GBP4.50 GBX0.00%132.46 K5.74−0.34 GBP−17.60%0.00%Producer manufacturing
SSYMESUPPLY@ME CAPITAL PLC ORD GBP0.000022.37 M GBP0.0035 GBX+6.06%128.06 M0.090.00 GBP+100.00%0.00%Technology services
NN4PN4 PHARMA PLC ORD GBP0.0042.37 M GBP0.600 GBX0.00%332.09 K0.30−0.00 GBP0.00%0.00%Health technology
TTRAKTRAKM8 HLDGS ORD GBP0.012.37 M GBP4.76 GBX0.00%00.00−0.02 GBP−206.79%0.00%Technology services
MMBOMOBILITYONE LTD ORD GBP0.0252.39 M GBP2.26 GBX0.00%00.00−0.03 GBP−900.00%0.00%Technology services
RRRRRED ROCK RESOURCES ORD GBP0.00012.4 M GBP0.0416 GBX−2.35%5.11 M0.180.00%Non-energy minerals
BBSFABSF ENTERPRISE PLC ORD GBP0.012.45 M GBP2.38 GBX0.00%179.97 K1.06−0.02 GBP−10.67%0.00%Finance
EMEEMPYREAN ENERGY ORD GBP0.00012.49 M GBP0.0976 GBX0.00%4.72 M0.13−0.01 GBP+73.59%0.00%Energy minerals
TTYMTERTIARY MINERALS PLC ORD GBP0.00012.51 M GBP0.0676 GBX0.00%22.36 M0.91−0.00 GBP+50.00%0.00%Non-energy minerals
BBODBOTSWANA DIAMONDS PLC ORD GBP0.00252.52 M GBP0.210 GBX0.00%760.15 K1.130.00%Non-energy minerals
AMGOAMIGO HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.00252.57 M GBP0.450 GBX0.00%167.46 K0.11−0.01 GBP+83.06%0.00%Finance
SSNTSABIEN TECHNOLOGY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.032.6 M GBP11.0 GBX0.00%38.19 K0.90−0.02 GBP+26.57%0.00%Producer manufacturing
SENXSERINUS ENERGY PLC ORD NPV2.6 M GBP2.30 GBX+6.98%597.04 K3.19−0.08 GBP−72.55%0.00%Energy minerals
UURUURU METALS LTD ORD NPV (DI)2.63 M GBP160 GBX0.00%3520.090.00%Non-energy minerals
NNBBNORMAN BROADBENT PLC ORD GBP0.012.68 M GBP4.00 GBX0.00%00.0014.810.00 GBP0.00%Commercial services
MMILAMILA RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.012.71 M GBP0.350 GBX−30.00%30.04 M14.06−0.00 GBP+5.88%0.00%Non-energy minerals
TOMTOMCO ENERGY PLC ORD NPV2.73 M GBP0.0700 GBX0.00%9.34 M0.14−0.00 GBP+92.65%0.00%Energy minerals
CCLONCLONTARF ENERGY ORD GBP0.00012.74 M GBP0.0336 GBX0.00%4.3 M0.03−0.00 GBP0.00%0.00%Non-energy minerals
MMFAIMINDFLAIR PLC ORD GBP0.00252.75 M GBP0.725 GBX−3.33%2.2 M0.53−0.01 GBP+35.29%0.00%Finance
LLENDSANCUS LENDING GROUP LIMITED ORD NPV2.86 M GBP0.450 GBX−10.00%5.33 K0.01−0.01 GBP+63.07%0.00%Miscellaneous
Strong buy
RREEALTONA RARE EARTHS PLC ORD GBP0.012.93 M GBP1.80 GBX0.00%1.22 M5.70−0.02 GBP+37.70%0.00%Non-energy minerals