UK stocks that lost the most in price

UK companies below are the biggest stock losers today. They are outsiders now, but may provide trade opportunities in the future, so make sure to check all their stats.
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
TUNTUNGSTEN WEST PLC ORD GBP0.01−34.61%3.25 GBX2.09 M2.649.38 M GBP−0.08 GBP−1.18%0.00%Non-energy minerals
MROMELROSE INDUSTRIES PLC ORD GBP0.001−18.18%556.4 GBX16.05 M4.418.73 B GBP−0.04 GBP−23.36%0.81%Electronic technology
TLYTOTALLY PLC ORD GBP0.1−16.13%3.25 GBX3.69 M0.527.62 M GBP−0.01 GBP−28.00%0.00%Health services
Strong buy
SPISPIRE HEALTHCARE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01−15.99%188.5 GBX8.03 M21.79903.49 M GBP27.650.07 GBP+30.15%0.94%Health services
Strong buy
HBRHARBOUR ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.00002−11.50%189.4 GBX11.98 M5.563.61 B GBP19.330.10 GBP9.59%Energy minerals
Strong buy
FLKFLETCHER KING PLC ORD GBP0.10−10.96%32.6 GBX86.02 K42.373.74 M GBP11.050.03 GBP+34.86%6.16%Finance
RTORENTOKIL INITIAL ORD GBP0.01−10.77%346.2 GBX18.04 M3.549.75 B GBP28.470.12 GBP−19.36%2.34%Commercial services
PEBPEBBLE BEACH SYSTEMS GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.025−10.34%6.50 GBX456.36 K14.809.03 M GBP5.240.01 GBP+33.33%0.00%Technology services
THRUTHRUVISION GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01−10.00%2.26 GBX57.32 K0.884.34 M GBP−0.02 GBP−615.15%0.00%Electronic technology
Strong buy
LIVLIVERMORE INVESTMENTS GROUP LTD ORD NPV−9.71%63.0 GBX79.72 K4.30114.92 M GBP6.660.09 GBP+1,612.73%4.68%Finance
CTGCHRISTIE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.02−9.52%95.0 GBX8.47 K5.8027.5 M GBP−0.13 GBP−975.68%0.95%Commercial services
SYMSYMPHONY ENVIRONMENTAL TECH PLC ORD GBP0.01−9.52%2.86 GBX265.61 K3.517.09 M GBP−0.01 GBP+18.90%0.00%Process industries
EUAEURASIA MINING PLC ORD GBP0.001−9.39%5.55 GBX19.78 M0.56176.36 M GBP−0.00 GBP+97.96%0.00%Non-energy minerals
URUURU METALS LTD ORD NPV (DI)−9.38%145 GBX3.12 K2.122.63 M GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
HTGHUNTING ORD GBP0.25−6.68%286.5 GBX2.08 M4.03498.5 M GBP4.740.60 GBP+718.00%2.68%Industrial services
Strong buy
ITHITHACA ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.01−6.67%126.0 GBX2.9 M2.692.23 B GBP14.620.09 GBP13.32%Energy minerals
DELTDELTIC ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.1−6.45%3.63 GBX963.87 K5.473.61 M GBP−0.23 GBP−496.31%0.00%Miscellaneous
Strong buy
PEGPETARDS GROUP ORD GBP0.01−6.06%7.75 GBX12.5 K1.935.01 M GBP−0.03 GBP−1,580.00%0.00%Electronic technology
SRBSERABI GOLD PLC ORD GBP0.10−5.99%149.0 GBX417.49 K0.66120.04 M GBP7.280.20 GBP+336.25%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
INFINFORMA PLC ORD GBP0.001−5.80%772.4 GBX5.79 M1.1210.82 B GBP34.890.22 GBP−25.88%2.27%Technology services
Strong buy
BORBORDERS & SOUTHERN PETROLEUM ORD GBP0.01−5.77%4.90 GBX641.45 K0.3643.23 M GBP−0.00 GBP0.00%0.00%Energy minerals
EARNEARNZ PLC ORD GBP0.04−5.71%4.950 GBX145.74 K4.765.37 M GBP−0.23 GBP+53.27%0.00%Electronic technology
JSEJADESTONE ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.001−5.63%24.3 GBX736.86 K0.33139.34 M GBP−0.09 GBP+50.16%0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
LRELANCASHIRE HLDGS COM SHS USD0.50−5.48%587 GBX1.37 M2.551.52 B GBP5.001.18 GBP+362.09%2.86%Finance
CLXCALNEX SOLUTIONS PLC ORD GBP0.00125−5.45%52.0 GBX95.45 K1.8348.34 M GBP−0.01 GBP−119.82%1.69%Electronic technology
CELCELADON PHARMACEUTICALS PLC ORD GBP0.01−5.41%17.50 GBX32.44 K0.1912.74 M GBP−0.08 GBP+36.80%0.00%Process industries
STBSECURE TRUST BANK PLC ORD GBP0.40−5.29%430 GBX51.06 K0.4785.6 M GBP3.231.33 GBP−0.08%6.06%Finance
Strong buy
STCMSTEPPE CEMENT ORD NPV−5.26%13.50 GBX27.1 K0.7431.21 M GBP36.490.00 GBP−87.71%0.00%Non-energy minerals
MULMULBERRY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.05−5.13%92.5 GBX12.2 K4.6968.3 M GBP−0.61 GBP−1,078.90%0.00%Consumer non-durables
HSBAHSBC HOLDINGS PLC ORD USD0.50−5.11%881.0 GBX29.8 M0.88165.27 B GBP9.120.97 GBP+5.37%5.22%Finance
RENXRENALYTIX PLC ORD GBP0.0025−5.00%9.50 GBX15.5 K0.2133.12 M GBP−0.20 GBP+50.89%0.00%Technology services
QLTQUILTER PLC ORD GBP0.08167−4.91%153.1 GBX2.85 M0.982.17 B GBP−0.03 GBP−183.66%3.35%Finance
SYSSYSGROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01−4.88%19.6 GBX17.33 K0.5017.07 M GBP−0.12 GBP−804.62%0.00%Technology services
ATNATERIAN PLC ORD GBP0.1−4.85%49.0 GBX2.53 K0.546.59 M GBP−0.07 GBP+75.58%0.00%Non-energy minerals
KLSOKELSO GROUP HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.01−4.81%2.58 GBX325 K3.75Commercial services
ADVTADVANCEDADVT LIMITED ORD NPV (DI)−4.69%153 GBX164.92 K0.26213.12 M GBP21.720.07 GBP0.00%Finance
Strong buy
TRLSTRELLUS HEALTH PLC ORD GBP0.0006−4.65%2.04 GBX463.61 K0.183.47 M GBP−0.03 GBP+15.72%0.00%Technology services
DECDIVERSIFIED ENERGY COMPANY PLC ORD GBP0.20−4.60%912.0 GBX243.38 K1.20566.98 M GBP0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
SEPLSEPLAT ENERGY PLC NGN0.5 (DI)−4.59%176.5 GBX205.49 K0.181.09 B GBP8.640.20 GBP+76.34%5.35%Energy minerals
Strong buy
RFXRAMSDENS HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.01−4.40%218 GBX206.17 K4.5172.91 M GBP8.470.26 GBP+6.96%4.92%Finance
Strong buy
CWRCERES POWER HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.10−4.39%63.10 GBX1.18 M0.44127.89 M GBP−0.21 GBP+17.08%0.00%Electronic technology
FINFINSETA PLC ORD GBP0.01−4.35%33.0 GBX148.56 K0.8919.81 M GBP7.500.04 GBP0.00%Retail trade
PSDLPHOENIX SPREE DEUTSCHLAND LTD ORD NPV−4.25%163.5 GBX26.35 K1.17156.57 M GBP0.00%Finance
FCHFUNDING CIRCLE HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.001−4.23%99.5 GBX890.37 K1.69309.97 M GBP−0.12 GBP−33.69%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
PATPANTHERA RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.01−4.17%11.50 GBX1.98 M0.6924.11 M GBP−0.01 GBP+40.49%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
GSCUGREAT SOUTHERN COPPER PLC ORD GBP0.01−4.17%3.46 GBX7.1 M0.72Non-energy minerals
NANONANOCO GROUP ORD GBP0.10−4.13%7.90 GBX580.53 K1.3216.04 M GBP−0.00 GBP−114.16%0.00%Electronic technology
RCDORICARDO ORD GBP0.25−3.98%217 GBX236.46 K0.16140.57 M GBP−0.09 GBP−794.85%5.62%Commercial services
TEAMTEAM PLC ORD NPV−3.92%12.3 GBX73.48 K0.477.49 M GBP0.00%Finance
CPGCOMPASS GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.1105−3.86%2,615 GBX4.23 M1.3146.16 B GBP40.190.65 GBP−13.60%1.75%Consumer services
BVXPBIOVENTIX PLC ORD GBP0.05−3.86%2,740 GBX7.18 K1.47148.76 M GBP17.921.53 GBP−3.42%5.44%Health technology
MPACMPAC GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.25−3.74%450 GBX157.94 K3.25140.59 M GBP14.860.30 GBP0.00%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
TPTTOPPS TILES PLC ORD GBP0.03333−3.74%29.6 GBX922.22 K3.7160.48 M GBP−0.07 GBP−511.80%7.80%Retail trade
PRTCPURETECH HEALTH PLC ORD GBP0.01−3.71%134.8 GBX648.43 K1.66336.27 M GBP−0.24 GBP−72.28%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
RDTROSSLYN DATA TECHNOLOGIES PLC 0RD GBP0.001−3.70%3.90 GBX186.05 K0.773 M GBP−0.16 GBP−729.74%0.00%Technology services
FARFERRO-ALLOY RESOURCES LTD ORD NPV−3.64%7.95 GBX484.54 K0.7340.01 M GBP−0.01 GBP−23.30%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
SRTSRT MARINE SYSTEMS PLC ORD GBP0.001−3.53%41.0 GBX132.85 K0.35106.23 M GBP0.00%Electronic technology
MTLMETALS EXPLORATION(UK) ORD GBP0.0001−3.51%5.50 GBX3.42 M1.00146.6 M GBP1.030.05 GBP+204.57%0.00%Non-energy minerals
ROODELIVEROO PLC ORD GBP0.005−3.46%125.7 GBX1.52 M0.351.91 B GBP43.050.03 GBP0.00%Technology services
PSONPEARSON ORD GBP0.25−3.41%1,290.0 GBX1.78 M0.998.81 B GBP20.330.63 GBP+20.40%1.73%Consumer services
CLIGCITY OF LONDON INVESTMENT GROUP ORD GBP0.01−3.39%342 GBX43.4 K1.36171.37 M GBP11.970.29 GBP+1.71%9.32%Miscellaneous
DOCSDR. MARTENS PLC ORD GBP0.01−3.33%61.05 GBX837.12 K0.84608.74 M GBP20.630.03 GBP−71.29%4.04%Consumer non-durables
MKSMARKS & SPENCER GROUP ORD GBP0.01−3.32%364.1 GBX9.18 M0.837.62 B GBP15.050.24 GBP+23.48%0.80%Retail trade
CABPCAB PAYMENTS HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.000333333−3.32%55.4 GBX374.26 K0.93145.62 M GBP7.280.08 GBP0.00%Finance
MSIMS INTERNATIONAL ORD GBP0.10−3.30%1,025 GBX11.85 K0.57170.48 M GBP14.320.72 GBP+71.76%2.03%Electronic technology
SNXSYNECTICS PLC ORD GBP0.20−3.28%296 GBX271.66 K4.8151.51 M GBP16.140.18 GBP+42.70%1.64%Technology services
FRGFIRERING STRATEGIC MINERALS PLC ORD EUR0.001 (DI)−3.16%4.60 GBX262.66 K0.278.75 M GBP−0.02 GBP−942.11%0.00%Non-energy minerals
ENOGENERGEAN PLC ORD GBP0.01−3.15%939.0 GBX538.97 K2.281.78 B GBP10.670.88 GBP9.64%Energy minerals
GMSGULF MARINE SERVICES PLC ORD GBP0.02−3.14%16.95 GBX2.99 M1.82187.24 M GBP5.710.03 GBP+76.79%0.00%Industrial services
Strong buy
ITXITACONIX PLC ORD GBP0.50−3.14%124 GBX12.89 K2.1917.19 M GBP−0.11 GBP+35.40%0.00%Process industries
Strong buy
TRCSTRACSIS PLC ORD GBP0.004−3.08%315 GBX89.56 K0.7698.78 M GBP198.110.02 GBP−92.87%0.74%Technology services
Strong buy
CYKCYKEL AI PLC ORD GBP0.01−3.07%3.16 GBX956.07 K0.4814.93 M GBP0.210.15 GBP0.00%Technology services
TRSTTRUSTPILOT GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01−3.05%286.0 GBX1.43 M1.171.22 B GBP91.080.03 GBP0.00%Technology services
AWEALPHAWAVE IP GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01−3.05%114.6 GBX700.31 K0.40893.95 M GBP−0.09 GBP−128.19%0.00%Technology services
GRGGREGGS ORD GBP0.02−3.03%1,762 GBX895.41 K1.251.85 B GBP11.781.50 GBP+7.37%3.58%Consumer non-durables
TRUTRUFIN PLC ORD GBP0.91−3.01%80.5 GBX117.03 K0.7087.97 M GBP33.540.02 GBP0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
DFSDFS FURNITURE PLC ORD GBP0.10−2.99%130.0 GBX5.12 K0.02309.12 M GBP−0.02 GBP−118.48%3.06%Consumer durables
Strong buy
CGSCASTINGS ORD GBP0.10−2.94%264 GBX15.22 K0.16118.21 M GBP9.520.28 GBP−21.62%6.76%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
ETPENERAQUA TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP0.01−2.94%33.0 GBX13.46 K0.8511.3 M GBP−0.29 GBP−251.55%0.00%Industrial services
Strong buy
ITMITM POWER ORD GBP0.05−2.93%27.16 GBX2.43 M0.86172.74 M GBP−0.06 GBP+39.80%0.00%Producer manufacturing
ALLATLANTIC LITHIUM LIMITED ORD NPV (DI)−2.91%8.84 GBX1.54 M1.7863.08 M GBP−0.01 GBP+5.36%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
VNETVIANET GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.10−2.88%67.5 GBX32.8 K1.7020.16 M GBP20.210.03 GBP+1,291.67%1.51%Producer manufacturing
FARNFARON PHARMACEUTICALS OY ORD NPV (DI)−2.83%172 GBX14.71 K1.09191.9 M GBP−0.26 GBP+23.51%0.00%Health technology
IHGINTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP ORD GBP0.208521303−2.80%9,308 GBX494.93 K0.8015.03 B GBP30.843.02 GBP−14.97%1.30%Consumer services
PZCPZ CUSSONS ORD GBP0.01−2.76%81.1 GBX8.91 M6.38348.97 M GBP−0.02 GBP+80.50%4.32%Consumer non-durables
PGHPERSONAL GROUP HLDGS ORD GBP0.05−2.75%212 GBX31.95 K1.0667.93 M GBP14.830.14 GBP5.67%Finance
Strong buy
CPICAPITA PLC ORD GBP0.02066666−2.73%13.54 GBX9.64 M1.63233.98 M GBP3.070.04 GBP0.00%Commercial services
MANOMANOLETE PARTNERS PLC ORD GBP0.004−2.72%89.5 GBX13.87 K1.0040.26 M GBP426.190.00 GBP−95.19%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
SGETHE SAGE GROUP PLC GBP0.01051948−2.71%1,221.5 GBX4.48 M1.7712.37 B GBP38.770.32 GBP+54.69%1.63%Technology services
ATOMATOME PLC ORD GBP0.002−2.67%36.5 GBX96.18 K0.9418.19 M GBP−0.13 GBP+7.26%0.00%Process industries
Strong buy
MTROMETRO BANK HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.000001−2.65%84.6 GBX728.22 K0.24584.82 M GBP13.430.06 GBP−52.91%0.00%Finance
GR1TGRIT REAL ESTATE INCOME GRP LTD ORD NPV−2.63%9.25 GBX25.38 K1.3945.82 M GBP−0.15 GBP−91.61%12.46%Finance
HLMAHALMA ORD GBP0.10−2.61%2,721 GBX991.95 K1.3010.58 B GBP35.960.76 GBP+20.48%0.79%Electronic technology
FTCFILTRONIC PLC ORD GBP0.001−2.61%112 GBX1.61 M0.79251.83 M GBP23.730.05 GBP0.00%Electronic technology
GEMDGEM DIAMONDS LTD ORD USD0.01 (DI)−2.60%9.74 GBX20.27 K0.1013.97 M GBP20.290.00 GBP−81.95%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
GENLGENEL ENERGY ORD GBP0.10−2.50%62.3 GBX381.78 K0.76178.14 M GBP−0.12 GBP+76.95%0.00%Energy minerals
KMKKROMEK GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01−2.50%5.86 GBX937.93 K0.9838.49 M GBP−0.01 GBP−19.48%0.00%Health technology
SBTXSKINBIOTHERAPEUTICS PLC ORD GBP0.01−2.50%19.50 GBX169.64 K0.2546.35 M GBP−0.02 GBP+10.47%0.00%Health technology
BMYBLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING ORD GBP0.0125−2.41%568 GBX170.36 K0.67473.97 M GBP12.460.46 GBP+75.95%2.56%Consumer services
Strong buy
MOONMOONPIG GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.1−2.39%204.0 GBX3.09 M1.68707.35 M GBP−0.06 GBP−155.41%0.48%Technology services
Strong buy