Most actively traded US stocks in pre-market

US stocks below were the most actively traded in the pre-market. They often show large price movements and potential for gains (or additional risk). Stocks are sorted by pre-market volume, but have other important stats too.
Pre-market Vol
Pre-market Close
Pre-market Chg
Pre-market Chg %
Pre-market Gap %
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
SOARVolato Group, Inc.
42.1 M0.4001 USD0.1783 USD+80.37%+106.45%0.3352 USD+51.13%160.01 M9.98 M USD−93.32%
CCTNTCheetah Net Supply Chain Service Inc.
39.12 M7.87 USD6.00 USD+320.86%+4.28%4.85 USD+159.36%102.09 M20.03 M USD
CHRSCoherus BioSciences, Inc.
26.82 M2.05 USD0.68 USD+49.64%+1.46%1.99 USD+44.89%95.91 M228.7 M USD−44.76%
PSQHPSQ Holdings, Inc.
18.26 M4.43 USD2.37 USD+115.04%+1.46%3.72 USD+80.76%73.99 M129.44 M USD−51.88%
RGTIRigetti Computing, Inc.
13.37 M2.94 USD−0.08 USD−2.65%+2.98%3.08 USD+1.82%49.01 M745.06 M USD+92.80%
AGRIAgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd.
13.09 M0.0320 USD−0.0055 USD−14.57%0.00%0.0297 USD−20.59%31.39 M4.6 M USD+359.01%
CCTORCitius Oncology, Inc.
12.77 M1.23 USD0.21 USD+20.59%+33.33%1.69 USD+65.66%92.13 M120.48 M USD−28.76%
SMCISuper Micro Computer, Inc.
11.22 M44.36 USD2.36 USD+5.62%+4.86%40.98 USD−2.43%149.11 M24 B USD+13.71%
SHIMShimmick Corporation
11.03 M3.59 USD0.79 USD+28.21%+39.29%2.69 USD−3.93%19.37 M90.91 M USD
OPTTOcean Power Technologies, Inc.
10.58 M0.3653 USD−0.3347 USD−47.81%−28.57%0.3260 USD−53.43%68.48 M88.36 M USD+6.13%
TGLTreasure Global Inc.
9.19 M0.2080 USD−0.0140 USD−6.31%+8.11%0.2130 USD−4.05%10.97 M3.13 M USD
KULRKULR Technology Group, Inc.
7.16 M1.42 USD0.01 USD+0.71%+12.06%1.37 USD−2.84%28.41 M293.49 M USD+121.76%
ACHRArcher Aviation Inc.
4.61 M6.41 USD−0.89 USD−12.19%−0.41%6.95 USD−4.79%34.52 M2.96 B USD+33.68%
KITTNauticus Robotics, Inc.
4.34 M1.12 USD0.00 USD0.00%+19.64%1.14 USD+1.74%6.95 M7.3 M USD−91.87%
XTIAXTI Aerospace, Inc.
4.26 M0.0460 USD−0.0016 USD−3.36%+2.94%0.0460 USD−3.36%28.9 M9.96 M USD−13.61%
3.91 M0.1740 USD0.1683 USD11 M2.63 M USD
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
3.04 M138.38 USD−0.25 USD−0.18%−0.17%138.79 USD+0.12%70.4 M3.4 T USD+204.39%
PCGPacific Gas & Electric Co.
2.9 M20.98 USD0.43 USD+2.09%+0.97%20.78 USD+1.12%32.81 M44.42 B USD+18.04%
JFBRJeffs' Brands Ltd
2.78 M2.82 USD0.24 USD+9.30%−0.39%2.65 USD+2.78%5.55 M1.91 M USD
CTMXCytomX Therapeutics, Inc.
2.76 M1.22 USD0.13 USD+11.47%+18.35%1.22 USD+11.47%9.89 M95.08 M USD−25.57%
MARAMARA Holdings, Inc.
2.64 M24.48 USD−1.15 USD−4.49%−1.56%25.00 USD−2.48%36.22 M8.04 B USD+206.36%
JOBYJoby Aviation, Inc.
2.61 M7.51 USD−0.60 USD−7.40%−2.59%8.06 USD−0.68%12.23 M6.16 B USD+29.27%
ZJKZJK Industrial Co., Ltd.
2.53 M18.03 USD11.69 USD+184.38%+2.52%13.09 USD+106.44%13.78 M388.32 M USD
PRZOParaZero Technologies Ltd.
2.44 M1.67 USD−0.10 USD−5.65%−6.21%1.41 USD−20.62%7.42 M15.68 M USD+27.14%
CLSKCleanSpark, Inc.
2.41 M13.35 USD−1.17 USD−8.06%−5.92%13.88 USD−4.41%29.22 M3.58 B USD+292.97%
TAT&T Inc.
2.26 M23.49 USD0.79 USD+3.48%+0.18%23.61 USD+3.99%29.23 M169.37 B USD+42.27%
ENLVEnlivex Therapeutics Ltd.
2.13 M1.21 USD0.13 USD+12.04%0.00%1.17 USD+8.29%3.47 M25.03 M USD−49.82%
SOUNSoundHound AI, Inc.
2.02 M8.79 USD−0.16 USD−1.79%+0.78%8.88 USD−0.84%19.24 M3.28 B USD+383.89%
NNLSPNLS Pharmaceutics Ltd.
2.02 M3.04 USD0.01 USD+0.33%+0.33%2.56 USD−15.51%3.44 M6.33 M USD−35.89%
LEVThe Lion Electric Company
1.84 M0.3056 USD0.0186 USD+6.48%+7.94%0.3336 USD+16.24%23.12 M75.47 M USD−85.87%
IONQIonQ, Inc.
1.73 M31.58 USD−0.48 USD−1.50%+5.27%32.69 USD+1.95%11.96 M7.07 B USD+180.35%
COEPCoeptis Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.
1.63 M0.1962 USD−0.0066 USD−3.25%0.00%0.1980 USD−2.37%2.1 M8.14 M USD−73.23%
EOSEEos Energy Enterprises, Inc.
1.51 M3.30 USD0.41 USD+14.19%+0.69%2.99 USD+3.43%11.47 M651.38 M USD+214.58%
TSLATesla, Inc.
1.48 M351.80 USD−5.29 USD−1.48%−1.14%351.33 USD−1.61%30.69 M1.13 T USD+45.66%
INTCIntel Corporation
1.42 M23.70 USD−0.23 USD−0.96%+0.29%22.65 USD−5.35%59.55 M97.69 B USD−43.12%
SVMHSRIVARU Holding Limited
1.42 M0.0229 USD0.0003 USD+1.33%+0.44%0.0225 USD−0.44%11.87 M12.33 M USD
MLGOMicroAlgo, Inc.
1.41 M0.2086 USD−0.0234 USD−10.09%−3.45%0.1913 USD−17.54%10.64 M38.16 M USD−85.27%
LICNLichen China Limited
1.37 M2.00 USD0.03 USD+1.52%+0.51%1.96 USD−0.46%4.2 M74.03 M USD+100.86%
QUBTQuantum Computing Inc.
1.32 M6.00 USD−0.11 USD−1.81%+2.29%6.03 USD−1.31%14.65 M712.85 M USD+751.50%
AMCRAmcor plc
1.31 M10.51 USD−0.06 USD−0.57%−0.47%10.56 USD−0.09%3.61 M15.26 B USD+11.86%
SNTISenti Biosciences, Inc.
1.2 M9.98 USD−0.02 USD−0.20%+13.50%7.08 USD−29.20%5.47 M32.49 M USD−39.41%
UMACUnusual Machines, Inc.
1.15 M13.05 USD−2.02 USD−13.44%+11.08%12.88 USD−14.53%7.28 M106.91 M USD
RKLBRocket Lab USA, Inc.
1.15 M23.78 USD−0.38 USD−1.55%+2.67%23.17 USD−4.10%17.62 M11.58 B USD+426.41%
QBTSD-Wave Quantum Inc.
1.15 M2.70 USD−0.06 USD−2.17%+5.07%2.71 USD−1.99%12.71 M605.96 M USD+220.86%
SOFISoFi Technologies, Inc.
1.14 M15.90 USD−0.01 USD−0.06%+0.25%15.77 USD−0.90%19.98 M17.11 B USD+147.65%
TNXPTonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.
1.12 M0.1866 USD−0.0002 USD−0.11%+0.91%0.1895 USD+1.45%16.96 M35.42 M USD+229.26%
PLUGPlug Power, Inc.
1.04 M2.23 USD−0.07 USD−3.04%+1.30%2.15 USD−6.52%38.46 M1.96 B USD−18.03%
LCIDLucid Group, Inc.
997.66 K2.10 USD−0.03 USD−1.41%−0.94%2.10 USD−1.64%22.87 M6.31 B USD−36.09%
TZUPThumzup Media Corporation
978.43 K5.45 USD0.29 USD+5.63%+5.04%5.07 USD−1.74%2 M47.61 M USD
IDAIT Stamp Inc.
964.25 K0.3801 USD−0.0765 USD−16.75%−3.64%0.5001 USD+9.53%14.61 M11.57 M USD−66.75%
CRKNCrown Electrokinetics Corp.
938.82 K0.2569 USD−0.0091 USD−3.42%−2.26%0.2933 USD+10.26%23.37 M2.73 M USD+230.74%
PLTRPalantir Technologies Inc.
931.14 K66.39 USD0.00 USD0.00%+0.47%69.93 USD+5.32%55.4 M159.29 B USD
PLPlanet Labs PBC
910.7 K4.67 USD0.16 USD+3.55%+11.53%4.39 USD−2.66%10.59 M1.29 B USD+38.09%
CPNGCoupang, Inc.
906.45 K23.14 USD−1.71 USD−6.88%0.00%23.75 USD−4.45%22.75 M42.71 B USD+48.52%
SGBXSafe & Green Holdings Corp.
890 K0.5100 USD−0.1740 USD−25.44%−15.00%0.4987 USD−27.09%2.78 M2.19 M USD−90.25%
CDTConduit Pharmaceuticals Inc.
873.71 K0.1017 USD−0.0037 USD−3.51%+2.94%0.0985 USD−6.55%2.69 M11.5 M USD−91.72%
MSTRMicroStrategy Incorporated
862.85 K367.74 USD−12.56 USD−3.30%+0.68%376.27 USD−1.06%12.76 M84.54 B USD+1,245.61%
CCHARCharlton Aria Acquisition Corporation
849.8 K9.91 USD0.01 USD+0.10%+0.10%9.91 USD+0.10%1.09 M98.81 M USD
GNLNGreenlane Holdings, Inc.
834.87 K1.81 USD−0.05 USD−2.69%+2.15%1.78 USD−4.30%1.1 M2.38 M USD+79.87%
OPENOpendoor Technologies Inc
832.31 K2.08 USD−0.05 USD−2.35%−3.76%2.15 USD+0.70%17.81 M1.53 B USD−30.49%
MVSTMicrovast Holdings, Inc.
816.3 K1.02 USD−0.04 USD−3.77%+1.89%1.20 USD+13.12%10.32 M386.26 M USD−40.51%
KDLYKindly MD, Inc.
815.42 K1.33 USD0.19 USD+16.67%+33.33%1.47 USD+28.95%3.82 M8.79 M USD
JYDJayud Global Logistics Limited
789.93 K0.8375 USD0.1674 USD+24.98%+28.34%1.0200 USD+52.22%5.21 M25.21 M USD
RIOTRiot Platforms, Inc.
738.71 K11.80 USD−0.30 USD−2.48%+0.74%12.06 USD−0.33%10.14 M4.01 B USD+57.44%
CEROCERo Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.
733.78 K0.1995 USD0.0219 USD+12.33%+2.53%0.1850 USD+4.17%4.19 M27.81 M USD−44.92%
TANHTantech Holdings Ltd.
704.23 K0.1526 USD0.0068 USD+4.66%+5.35%0.1579 USD+8.30%6.49 M1.32 M USD−83.50%
BTBTBit Digital, Inc.
703.21 K4.38 USD−0.21 USD−4.58%−0.44%4.34 USD−5.56%7.31 M665.46 M USD+209.16%
ZZENAZenaTech, Inc.
679.5 K7.00 USD−0.26 USD−3.56%0.00%6.48 USD−10.71%2.57 M
APLTApplied Therapeutics, Inc.
678.09 K1.74 USD−0.01 USD−0.57%0.00%1.71 USD−2.29%4.38 M198.97 M USD+654.95%
XUnited States Steel Corporation
667.6 K38.20 USD−2.75 USD−6.72%−3.66%37.58 USD−8.23%7.14 M8.46 B USD+17.35%
HOVRNew Horizon Aircraft Ltd.
656.92 K0.6499 USD−0.1109 USD−14.58%−1.43%0.8300 USD+9.10%3.1 M20.4 M USD
SMRNuScale Power Corporation
639.94 K26.45 USD−0.77 USD−2.83%+4.34%25.43 USD−6.56%5.67 M6.49 B USD+979.31%
AKTSAkoustis Technologies, Inc.
629.44 K0.0913 USD−0.0086 USD−8.61%−3.90%0.0901 USD−9.81%5.47 M13.93 M USD−64.14%
MMVMultiMetaVerse Holdings Limited
616.24 K0.3916 USD−0.0384 USD−8.93%−4.65%0.3700 USD−13.95%928.04 K12.23 M USD−73.56%
GGNSGenius Group Limited
614.58 K0.8510 USD0.0553 USD+6.95%+13.48%0.8448 USD+6.17%3.55 M18.34 M USD
OMEXOdyssey Marine Exploration, Inc.
608.49 K0.5700 USD−0.1752 USD−23.51%−20.42%0.4748 USD−36.29%2.94 M10.32 M USD−87.91%
RIVNRivian Automotive, Inc.
606.51 K11.67 USD−0.20 USD−1.68%+0.25%11.87 USD0.00%12.8 M12.12 B USD−35.01%
CRDOCredo Technology Group Holding Ltd
544.87 K64.61 USD16.81 USD+35.17%+25.50%70.92 USD+48.37%10.85 M11.78 B USD+170.48%
WELIntegrated Wellness Acquisition Corp
533.17 K11.95 USD0.02 USD+0.17%0.00%11.93 USD0.00%602.37 K85.06 M USD−7.81%
JANXJanux Therapeutics, Inc.
503.81 K67.20 USD27.02 USD+67.25%+68.99%62.92 USD+56.58%4.85 M3.3 B USD+472.69%
RCATRed Cat Holdings, Inc.
480.82 K9.77 USD−0.79 USD−7.52%−2.51%9.36 USD−11.41%4.94 M706.36 M USD+1,023.81%
GMEGameStop Corporation
480.78 K26.49 USD−0.78 USD−2.86%−0.99%27.32 USD+0.18%3.6 M11.65 B USD+218.63%
APTOAptose Biosciences, Inc.
473.59 K0.1950 USD0.0110 USD+5.98%−2.55%0.1912 USD+3.91%803.1 K11.38 M USD−75.18%
PRCHPorch Group, Inc.
470.8 K4.46 USD0.69 USD+18.30%+1.86%5.34 USD+41.51%9.98 M540.07 M USD+130.69%
GOEVCanoo Inc.
466.92 K0.3698 USD−0.0012 USD−0.32%+1.08%0.3456 USD−6.85%4.56 M33.45 M USD−81.29%
PGHLPrimega Group Holdings Limited
460.83 K1.92 USD−0.16 USD−7.69%+0.48%1.70 USD−18.26%2.92 M40.8 M USD
AMDAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.
455.05 K142.50 USD0.44 USD+0.31%+0.59%142.35 USD+0.20%12.44 M231.01 B USD+12.92%
QSIQuantum-Si Incorporated
448.68 K1.17 USD0.03 USD+2.63%0.00%1.17 USD+2.20%3.07 M166.27 M USD−20.37%
ZETAZeta Global Holdings Corp.
445.05 K22.98 USD−1.03 USD−4.29%+2.33%24.82 USD+3.35%6.99 M5.89 B USD+177.61%, Inc.
440.74 K2.18 USD−0.02 USD−0.94%+2.73%2.63 USD+19.32%25.41 M657.79 M USD+88.15%
DBGIDigital Brands Group, Inc.
439.66 K0.1037 USD−0.0032 USD−2.99%−1.22%0.1012 USD−5.33%3.47 M3.91 M USD+71.15%
MRVLMarvell Technology, Inc.
433.31 K97.95 USD1.09 USD+1.13%+1.90%97.48 USD+0.64%7.72 M84.44 B USD+66.53%
DJTTrump Media & Technology Group Corp.
431.5 K32.06 USD−0.43 USD−1.32%−0.22%33.26 USD+2.37%12.93 M7.21 B USD+880.11%
MUMicron Technology, Inc.
429.75 K101.13 USD2.58 USD+2.62%+0.61%101.09 USD+2.57%14.35 M112.61 B USD+34.29%
LODEComstock Inc.
418.49 K0.4440 USD0.0422 USD+10.50%+7.02%0.4445 USD+10.63%3.78 M93.57 M USD+17.25%
CORZCore Scientific, Inc.
412.26 K16.30 USD0.24 USD+1.49%+1.18%16.56 USD+3.11%10.36 M4.62 B USD+2,681.60%
LUNRIntuitive Machines, Inc.
399.23 K14.42 USD−0.14 USD−0.96%+1.79%14.19 USD−2.56%4.12 M1.99 B USD+608.89%
ADILAdial Pharmaceuticals, Inc
393.62 K1.11 USD0.03 USD+3.27%−0.93%1.04 USD−2.80%764.09 K6.66 M USD+153.04%
OSOneStream, Inc.
386.63 K30.33 USD0.00 USD0.00%0.00%30.73 USD+1.30%672.47 K7.21 B USD
MDAISpectral AI, Inc.
379.84 K2.22 USD0.02 USD+0.91%+13.64%2.24 USD+1.82%2.96 M43.7 M USD−45.27%