Top losing US stocks in pre-market

US stocks in the list below dropped the most in price before the market opened. Traders watch pre-market losers to detect downtrends: check available metrics to prepare for regular trading hours.
Pre-market Chg %
Pre-market Close
Pre-market Chg
Pre-market Vol
Pre-market Gap %
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
NKLANikola Corporation
−38.10%0.4658 USD−0.2867 USD4.75 M−24.25%0.4743 USD−36.97%43.28 M40.06 M USD−90.59%
BILLBILL Holdings, Inc.
−33.26%64.30 USD−32.05 USD1.51 M−28.40%65.77 USD−31.74%21.36 M6.81 B USD+21.95%
CYNCyngn Inc.
−29.67%0.0595 USD−0.0251 USD29.12 M−27.90%0.0601 USD−28.96%93.92 M1.65 M USD+0.51%
ELFe.l.f. Beauty, Inc.
−24.85%66.50 USD−21.99 USD1.17 M−22.03%71.78 USD−18.88%19.21 M4.04 B USD−28.21%
GUTSFractyl Health, Inc.
−24.22%1.22 USD−0.39 USD417−24.22%1.58 USD−2.17%102.48 K75.76 M USD
NWLNewell Brands Inc.
−20.85%7.67 USD−2.02 USD121.55 K+8.77%6.99 USD−27.92%22.64 M2.91 B USD+23.20%
DGLYDigital Ally, Inc.
−20.83%0.1790 USD−0.0471 USD833.77 K0.00%0.1703 USD−24.70%2.15 M1.34 M USD−49.61%
SBETSharpLink Gaming, Inc.
−19.13%0.4422 USD−0.1046 USD605.19 K−11.30%0.4507 USD−17.57%1.95 M2.82 M USD−53.55%
SGBXSafe & Green Holdings Corp.
−18.97%0.94 USD−0.22 USD792.82 K−11.21%0.72 USD−37.66%4.4 M4.36 M USD−42.66%
CCJMBCallan JMB Inc.
−18.51%5.15 USD−1.17 USD54.53 K−0.63%4.35 USD−31.17%361.53 K
SRCE1st Source Corporation
−17.86%54.00 USD−11.74 USD600−1.13%64.83 USD−1.38%40.82 K1.59 B USD+7.43%
ALMSAlumis Inc.
−17.30%5.45 USD−1.14 USD13.25 K−16.54%5.76 USD−12.59%1.14 M313.39 M USD
GPROGoPro, Inc.
−17.07%0.90 USD−0.18 USD341.73 K−16.97%0.86 USD−19.92%7.7 M136.13 M USD−66.35%
GHMGraham Corporation
−16.33%39.56 USD−7.72 USD11.78 K+2.58%39.31 USD−16.86%460.52 K428.08 M USD+132.52%
STIMNeuronetics, Inc.
−16.29%2.98 USD−0.58 USD1.63 M−17.70%3.09 USD−13.34%7.36 M98.93 M USD−19.27%
NTRPNextTrip, Inc.
−16.11%5.26 USD−1.01 USD4.91 K−2.23%5.40 USD−13.88%75.76 K8.6 M USD+325.18%
PROPPrairie Operating Co.
−15.97%7.26 USD−1.38 USD98.91 K+2.08%6.50 USD−24.77%866.11 K149.01 M USD+178.00%
LTRXLantronix, Inc.
−15.95%3.53 USD−0.67 USD28.5 K−13.33%3.17 USD−24.49%1.33 M122.01 M USD−37.13%
NBIXNeurocrine Biosciences, Inc.
−15.74%126.82 USD−23.69 USD72.72 K−13.61%122.05 USD−18.91%4.27 M12.36 B USD+7.82%
RETOReTo Eco-Solutions, Inc.
−15.32%0.4700 USD−0.0850 USD192.52 K−4.61%0.3850 USD−30.63%555.59 K7.84 M USD+21.39%
LESLLeslie's, Inc.
−14.73%1.91 USD−0.33 USD12.77 K−11.16%1.71 USD−23.88%15.07 M315.78 M USD−68.76%
LYTLytus Technologies Holdings PTV. Ltd.
−14.40%0.2900 USD−0.0488 USD203.14 K−4.13%0.2685 USD−20.75%1.05 M6.13 M USD+329.78%
BFSTBusiness First Bancshares, Inc.
−13.77%24.11 USD−3.85 USD100−13.77%27.37 USD−2.11%25.38 K808.55 M USD+37.24%
INBXInhibrx Biosciences, Inc.
−13.51%11.20 USD−1.75 USD100−13.51%13.14 USD+1.47%40.03 K190.21 M USD
MUXMcEwen Mining Inc.
−13.41%7.49 USD−1.16 USD86.36 K−7.63%7.25 USD−16.18%6.4 M383.71 M USD+37.78%
LLIPOLipella Pharmaceuticals Inc.
−12.47%4.07 USD−0.58 USD351.14 K−10.54%3.50 USD−24.73%1.52 M4.23 M USD
RNXTRenovoRx, Inc.
−12.33%1.28 USD−0.18 USD59.81 K−24.66%1.14 USD−21.92%636.69 K27.36 M USD+194.99%
GPREGreen Plains, Inc.
−11.94%7.30 USD−0.99 USD52.82 K−4.70%6.67 USD−19.60%3.58 M430.9 M USD−56.34%
EGHT8x8 Inc
−11.62%2.51 USD−0.33 USD22.15 K−2.82%2.70 USD−5.11%852.3 K354.91 M USD−16.95%
WBTNWEBTOON Entertainment Inc.
−11.05%12.00 USD−1.49 USD69.43 K−12.53%11.43 USD−15.31%770.3 K1.47 B USD
FTELFitell Corporation
−10.51%5.62 USD−0.66 USD16.53 K+0.48%2.70 USD−56.96%1.59 M126.38 M USD
ZDGEZedge, Inc.
−10.20%2.64 USD−0.30 USD649−1.02%2.94 USD0.00%57.57 K41.58 M USD−5.30%
ILMNIllumina, Inc.
−9.50%111.13 USD−11.67 USD61.87 K−5.13%112.03 USD−8.77%3.45 M17.77 B USD−3.26%
NNCEWNew Century Logistics (BVI) Limited
−9.47%1.72 USD−0.18 USD138.6 K+15.26%1.65 USD−12.92%398.26 K35.57 M USD
SKXSkechers U.S.A., Inc.
−9.28%68.60 USD−7.02 USD76.23 K−12.02%66.14 USD−12.54%5.99 M9.99 B USD+18.57%
DSGNDesign Therapeutics, Inc.
−9.05%4.02 USD−0.40 USD500−15.16%4.22 USD−4.52%140.41 K238.94 M USD+113.83%
DWSNDawson Geophysical Company
−8.84%1.27 USD−0.12 USD1 K−8.84%1.42 USD+1.92%6.83 K44 M USD−18.61%
CLDICalidi Biotherapeutics, Inc.
−8.78%1.35 USD−0.13 USD48.95 K−3.38%1.33 USD−10.07%1.41 M34.49 M USD−44.17%
FLYEFly-E Group, Inc.
−8.41%0.4506 USD−0.0414 USD2.76 K−2.28%0.4773 USD−2.99%53.69 K11.74 M USD
CCSAICloudastructure, Inc.
−8.32%6.39 USD−0.58 USD23.28 K+1.87%5.69 USD−18.36%225 K83.03 M USD
AMSCAmerican Superconductor Corporation
−8.00%31.50 USD−2.74 USD93.09 K−2.19%34.37 USD+0.38%1.73 M1.36 B USD+170.70%
AATGLAlpha Technology Group Limited
−7.93%15.61 USD−1.34 USD400−23.33%16.65 USD−1.83%9.87 K254.04 M USD+24.88%
BAOSBaosheng Media Group Holdings Limited
−7.85%3.40 USD−0.29 USD13.4 K−1.08%3.68 USD−0.27%53.9 K5.65 M USD−4.29%
RYAMRayonier Advanced Materials Inc.
−7.49%6.92 USD−0.56 USD200−1.47%7.34 USD−1.83%171.65 K484.01 M USD+86.52%
RFACRF Acquisition Corp.
−7.38%7.40 USD−0.59 USD372−8.14%8.45 USD+5.76%33.6 K26.42 M USD
EQEquillium, Inc.
−7.03%0.8780 USD−0.0664 USD251.51 K−3.01%0.8583 USD−9.12%1.13 M30.41 M USD−18.73%
IPWiPower Inc.
−6.97%0.6603 USD−0.0495 USD500−3.00%0.6615 USD−6.80%53.51 K20.79 M USD+61.04%
BIAFbioAffinity Technologies, Inc.
−6.95%0.7816 USD−0.0584 USD610−4.52%0.7849 USD−6.56%19.89 K12.23 M USD
SGDSafe and Green Development Corporation
−6.78%1.65 USD−0.12 USD4.02 K−12.43%1.47 USD−16.95%170.81 K2.19 M USD
AKAa.k.a. Brands Holding Corp.
−6.74%16.18 USD−1.17 USD600−7.72%18.02 USD+3.86%12.91 K191.74 M USD+62.38%
FGFFundamental Global Inc.
−6.64%21.10 USD−1.50 USD200−2.88%22.00 USD−2.65%5.37 K27.83 M USD+105.12%
APPSDigital Turbine, Inc.
−6.61%4.66 USD−0.33 USD1.41 M−2.40%4.84 USD−3.01%18.66 M508.23 M USD−55.97%
JJLJ-Long Group Limited
−6.61%4.52 USD−0.32 USD3280.00%4.77 USD−1.45%86.04 K14.98 M USD
OGENOragenics Inc.
−6.60%0.2662 USD−0.0188 USD342.18 K−6.88%0.2590 USD−9.12%1.96 M3.26 M USD−73.90%
RIMEAlgorhythm Holdings, Inc.
−6.57%0.0199 USD−0.0014 USD31.78 M−1.41%0.0174 USD−18.31%186.93 M1.64 M USD−18.56%
NNEUPNeuphoria Therapeutics Inc.
−6.55%4.71 USD−0.33 USD22.82 K−0.79%4.76 USD−5.57%132.31 K7.75 M USD−28.49%
NDLSNoodles & Company
−6.54%1.43 USD−0.10 USD3 K−6.54%1.52 USD−0.65%115.22 K69.43 M USD−49.54%
CPIXCumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc.
−6.37%5.00 USD−0.34 USD23.3 K−3.56%4.50 USD−15.73%978.26 K63.19 M USD+15.10%
TRVITrevi Therapeutics, Inc.
−6.10%4.00 USD−0.26 USD12 K−0.23%4.32 USD+1.41%162.68 K386.06 M USD+250.76%
NOVASunnova Energy International Inc.
−6.09%2.31 USD−0.15 USD600.26 K0.00%2.32 USD−5.89%8.16 M289.27 M USD−67.70%
EZFLEzFill Holdings, Inc.
−6.00%3.76 USD−0.24 USD348+2.71%3.75 USD−6.25%36.35 K24.31 M USD+221.15%
ONTOOnto Innovation Inc.
−5.94%198.09 USD−12.50 USD1.12 K−5.03%189.40 USD−10.06%1.32 M9.35 B USD+33.91%
CTNMContineum Therapeutics, Inc.
−5.81%8.92 USD−0.55 USD600−36.64%8.75 USD−7.60%18.22 K225.56 M USD
SFHGSamfine Creation Holdings Group Limited
−5.78%0.8999 USD−0.0552 USD43.61 K−4.72%0.9231 USD−3.35%276.75 K16.89 M USD
MSGSMadison Square Garden Sports Corp.
−5.69%198.41 USD−11.96 USD7.54 K−0.29%203.15 USD−3.43%140.56 K4.88 B USD+17.94%
VREXVarex Imaging Corporation
−5.66%14.34 USD−0.86 USD1.2 K+5.20%12.01 USD−20.99%1.2 M495.18 M USD−26.22%
ARTVArtiva Biotherapeutics, Inc.
−5.65%4.34 USD−0.26 USD900−10.87%4.22 USD−8.15%48.24 K102.62 M USD
CXMSprinklr, Inc.
−5.63%8.38 USD−0.50 USD14.6 K−2.36%8.59 USD−3.32%747.23 K2.18 B USD−38.74%
ARTWArt's-Way Manufacturing Co., Inc.
−5.54%1.62 USD−0.09 USD100−5.54%1.69 USD−1.63%14.42 K8.49 M USD−11.38%
VEROVenus Concept Inc.
−5.50%0.3421 USD−0.0199 USD700−5.80%0.3602 USD−0.50%59.52 K2.61 M USD−62.86%
FBINFortune Brands Innovations, Inc.
−5.42%65.32 USD−3.74 USD13.88 K−1.84%67.95 USD−1.61%2.22 M8.44 B USD−9.78%
REBNReborn Coffee, Inc.
−5.40%4.73 USD−0.27 USD1.83 M+4.80%5.39 USD+7.90%3 M19.81 M USD
AALURAllurion Technologies, Inc.
−5.38%6.15 USD−0.35 USD6.01 K−2.77%6.11 USD−6.08%147.28 K29.26 M USD−84.62%
POWLPowell Industries, Inc.
−5.37%231.70 USD−13.14 USD6.64 K−3.20%227.16 USD−7.22%475.28 K2.74 B USD+281.65%
CULPCulp, Inc.
−5.30%5.00 USD−0.28 USD400−7.95%5.25 USD−0.57%3.73 K65.94 M USD+5.06%
GOSSGossamer Bio, Inc.
−5.29%1.05 USD−0.06 USD4.3 K−3.60%1.09 USD−2.25%409.25 K245.87 M USD+16.85%
CLFDClearfield, Inc.
−5.24%35.00 USD−1.94 USD3.46 K−7.95%35.98 USD−2.60%197.54 K508.2 M USD+49.29%
FEAM5E Advanced Materials, Inc.
−5.21%0.3602 USD−0.0198 USD4.39 K0.00%0.3500 USD−7.89%142.08 K24.16 M USD−49.04%
YIBOPlanet Image International Limited
−5.18%2.38 USD−0.13 USD9.26 K−0.40%2.42 USD−3.39%138.38 K130.66 M USD−20.96%
SJScienjoy Holding Corporation
−5.15%0.9200 USD−0.0500 USD100−5.15%0.9700 USD0.00%4.77 K40.2 M USD−72.08%
FRDFriedman Industries Inc.
−5.12%16.11 USD−0.87 USD900−4.00%16.51 USD−2.77%2.42 K115.08 M USD−22.27%
CNTMConnectM Technology Solutions, Inc.
−5.09%1.08 USD−0.06 USD1 K−5.09%1.15 USD+0.83%14.2 K33.44 M USD
CCLEUChina Liberal Education Holdings Limited
−5.04%0.1301 USD−0.0069 USD2.8 M0.00%0.1253 USD−8.54%17.04 M33.75 M USD+2,357.23%
MDIAMediaco Holding Inc.
−5.03%1.12 USD−0.06 USD2.1 K+0.85%1.14 USD−3.39%3.43 K53.2 M USD+303.46%
STAFStaffing 360 Solutions, Inc.
−5.03%3.02 USD−0.16 USD3.58 K−3.46%2.75 USD−13.52%49.39 K4.52 M USD+108.67%
PNSTPinstripes Holdings, Inc.
−4.99%0.4076 USD−0.0214 USD292−4.99%0.4149 USD−3.29%8.32 K17.1 M USD−90.21%
OBIOOrchestra BioMed Holdings, Inc.
−4.97%5.35 USD−0.28 USD600−7.99%5.50 USD−2.31%4.74 K209.07 M USD−22.56%
CSBRChampions Oncology, Inc.
−4.97%10.13 USD−0.53 USD1 K−5.07%11.65 USD+9.29%17.88 K160.99 M USD+88.53%
AVAHAveanna Healthcare Holdings Inc.
−4.96%4.60 USD−0.24 USD206−4.96%4.71 USD−2.79%63.45 K909.12 M USD+106.44%
XGNExagen Inc.
−4.93%5.01 USD−0.26 USD1 K−4.93%5.17 USD−1.97%61.31 K91.12 M USD+112.25%
CMNDClearmind Medicine Inc.
−4.89%1.36 USD−0.07 USD4 K−4.89%1.36 USD−4.94%25.86 K5.96 M USD+160.65%
CETYClean Energy Technologies, Inc.
−4.86%0.4757 USD−0.0243 USD180−4.86%0.4887 USD−2.25%20.54 K22.39 M USD−33.29%
RSVRReservoir Media, Inc..
−4.75%7.82 USD−0.39 USD900−5.60%8.05 USD−1.95%6.97 K525.12 M USD+16.34%
LITELumentum Holdings Inc.
−4.75%88.27 USD−4.40 USD14.75 K−1.19%85.33 USD−7.92%4 M5.86 B USD+77.45%
CREVCarbon Revolution Public Limited Company
−4.71%4.05 USD−0.20 USD16.35 K−4.00%4.09 USD−3.70%27.76 K7.72 M USD−77.41%
ATHAAthira Pharma, Inc.
−4.70%0.4904 USD−0.0242 USD2450.00%0.4801 USD−6.70%48.67 K18.57 M USD−81.75%
PMNTPerfect Moment Ltd.
−4.69%0.8101 USD−0.0399 USD742−4.71%0.9101 USD+7.07%23.84 K14.57 M USD
AABPAbpro Holdings, Inc
−4.67%1.02 USD−0.05 USD260+0.93%1.08 USD+0.93%19.48 K55.96 M USD−44.36%
SKKSKK Holdings Limited
−4.63%0.9060 USD−0.0440 USD22.56 K−1.07%0.9636 USD+1.43%226.64 K15.06 M USD
CRNCCerence Inc.
−4.63%12.15 USD−0.59 USD99.58 K−0.47%14.46 USD+13.50%6.05 M621.63 M USD−28.92%