US stocks at their all-time lows

These US stocks are at their all-time lowest prices: we sorted them alphabetically and supplied with companies' financials to help you decide which ones can actually go back up.
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
AABVEAbove Food Ingredients Inc.
1.46 USD−20.22%212.54 K0.4840.595 M USD−0.02 USD−141.88%0.00%Consumer non-durables
AIEVThunder Power Holdings, Inc.
0.7454 USD−4.56%192.375 K0.384.18 M USD12.100.06 USD−22.52%0.00%Consumer durables
AIMDAinos, Inc.
0.6772 USD−1.08%86.403 K0.255.19 M USD−3.16 USD+33.31%0.00%Health technology
APTOAptose Biosciences, Inc.
0.5680 USD−0.07%95.391 K0.8810.286 M USD−6.24 USD+10.95%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
ATPCAgape ATP Corporation
0.1080 USD−2.44%10.73 M0.868.312 M USD−0.03 USD−30.42%0.00%Health technology
ATXIAvenue Therapeutics, Inc.
2.72 USD−5.23%133.754 K1.022.559 M USD−39.72 USD+70.74%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
AVGRAvinger, Inc.
1.42 USD−11.80%974.989 K54.592.721 M USD−19.48 USD+58.36%0.00%Health technology
AAZTRAzitra Inc
1.03 USD−9.65%2.3 M0.24988.954 K USD−27.84 USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
CCTGCCSC Technology International Holdings Limited
1.65 USD−10.81%40.564 K1.4518.563 M USD−0.01 USD0.00%Producer manufacturing
CNEYCN Energy Group Inc.
0.3900 USD−2.23%180.777 K0.23773.328 K USD0.00%Producer manufacturing
CCRKNCrown Electrokinetics Corp.
2.99 USD−5.97%244.662 K0.528.296 M USD−2,915.61 USD+89.84%0.00%Commercial services
CUECue Biopharma, Inc.
0.6700 USD−4.73%421.836 K1.4332.591 M USD−1.07 USD+20.97%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
CWDCaliberCos Inc.
0.7082 USD+1.17%24.92 K1.4715.458 M USD−0.71 USD−2,051.20%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
DNMRDanimer Scientific, Inc.
0.5198 USD−2.24%428.336 K0.6161.353 M USD−1.43 USD+23.90%0.00%Process industries
EAFGrafTech International Ltd.
0.8032 USD−4.74%6.98 M1.78206.557 M USD−1.08 USD−211.11%1.19%Producer manufacturing
EEHGOEshallgo Inc.
1.61 USD−8.47%29.629 K0.3134.993 M USD0.00%Distribution services
ENTOEntero Therapeutics Inc.
0.8200 USD−16.16%372.806 K6.372.03 M USD−49.23 USD+94.01%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
FEAM5E Advanced Materials, Inc.
0.9835 USD+1.38%23.546 K0.3362.267 M USD−1.13 USD−46.64%0.00%Process industries
FOXOFOXO Technologies Inc.
0.2094 USD−3.01%253.765 K0.812.362 M USD−6.48 USD+91.59%0.00%Technology services
FRGTFreight Technologies, Inc.
0.2373 USD−1.82%1.52 M1.193.41 M USD−2.96 USD+91.00%0.00%Finance
GDTCCytoMed Therapeutics Limited
1.81 USD−8.12%43.082 K0.1120.887 M USD−0.27 USD−53,300.00%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
GNSGenius Group Limited
0.2036 USD−5.30%5.576 M1.4137.898 M USD−0.25 USD−68.10%0.00%Technology services
GPAKGamer Pakistan Inc.
0.1789 USD+3.29%431.087 K0.084.576 M USD−0.00 USD−200.00%0.00%Consumer services
GROMGrom Social Enterprises Inc.
0.2859 USD−24.76%640.056 K3.572.579 M USD−13.17 USD+96.12%0.00%Technology services
GTIGraphjet Technology
3.18 USD−7.02%35.182 K0.66466.637 M USD291.740.01 USD+202.78%0.00%Finance
HSDTHelius Medical Technologies, Inc.
0.7030 USD−10.35%139.727 K1.102.083 M USD−12.96 USD+80.83%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
IFBDInfobird Co., Ltd
2.56 USD−2.29%45.577 K1.355.087 M USD5.570.46 USD0.00%Technology services
JAGXJaguar Health, Inc.
1.28 USD−5.19%935.094 K0.396.258 M USD−74.86 USD+94.68%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
0.6383 USD−18.06%757.613 K6.3315.469 M USD0.00%Commercial services
KDLYKindly MD, Inc.
1.80 USD−8.63%264.007 K1.8310.69 M USD−0.29 USD+38.23%0.00%Health services
LLSHLakeside Holding Limited
2.48 USD+0.81%13.256 K0.5118.6 M USD71.470.03 USD0.00%Transportation
MNDRMobile-health Network Solutions
1.11 USD−0.89%1.937 M7.2837.74 M USD0.00%Health services
Strong buy
MSGMMotorsport Games Inc.
2.01 USD−7.60%43.796 K5.986.863 M USD−3.54 USD+82.41%0.00%Technology services
NBYNovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.7002 USD−63.91%4.273 M39.772.616 M USD−91.04 USD+61.20%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
NMHINature's Miracle Holding Inc.
0.2048 USD−47.73%7.693 M3.5310.366 M USD0.00%Miscellaneous
NUWENuwellis, Inc.
2.40 USD−4.00%498.916 K1.871.238 M USD−290.46 USD+90.59%0.00%Health technology
NXTTNext Technology Holding Inc.
1.53 USD−25.00%550.964 K2.294.016 M USD0.1410.63 USD0.00%Technology services
OOMICSingular Genomics Systems, Inc.
7.80 USD−7.03%11.494 K3.3019.5 M USD−39.39 USD−1.29%0.00%Health technology
PPSIGPS International Group Ltd.
1.42 USD−31.40%716.264 K2.065.129 M USD−0.31 USD−558.11%0.00%Transportation
PSQHPSQ Holdings, Inc.
2.72 USD−3.20%156.426 K1.0085.385 M USD−1.77 USD−2,551.87%0.00%Retail trade
Strong buy
SEELSeelos Therapeutics, Inc.
0.4400 USD−6.60%298.842 K0.681.258 M USD−42.75 USD+73.72%0.00%Health technology
SONNSonnet BioTherapeutics Holdings, Inc.
0.8600 USD+1.15%40.221 K0.414.488 M USD−5.28 USD+94.80%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
SYTASiyata Mobile, Inc.
0.4120 USD−11.97%15.895 M2.311.796 M USD−15.73 USD+72.34%0.00%Electronic technology
TANHTantech Holdings Ltd.
0.2585 USD−47.23%6.754 M14.382.028 M USD0.132.02 USD0.00%Process industries
1.86 USD−14.68%283.299 K0.114.435 M USD−3.83 USD+16.46%0.00%Finance
VCIGVCI Global Limited
0.3429 USD−26.10%6.101 M12.9927.987 M USD0.00%Commercial services
VVSEEVSee Health, Inc.
2.83 USD+5.81%44.211 K0.4241.507 M USD−0.89 USD−32.49%0.00%Technology services
XPONExpion360 Inc.
0.4810 USD−12.75%336.565 K1.423.581 M USD−1.11 USD+14.69%0.00%Producer manufacturing
YYGMZMingZhu Logistics Holdings Limited
1.32 USD−3.52%73.18 K0.436.131 M USD−0.09 USD−55.98%0.00%Transportation