Most volatile US stocks

Market volatility brings risk, which many traders take hoping for profits. US stocks in the list below are the most volatile in the market. They’re sorted by daily volatility and supplied with important metrics.
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
405.21%4.35 USD−70.04%7.88 M4.95Transportation
WNWMeiwu Technology Company Limited
206.45%0.3874 USD−59.22%29.58 M3.1860.19 M USD−6.29 USD−5,486.59%0.00%Retail trade
ACONAclarion, Inc.
190.30%0.0425 USD−55.64%168.56 M4.449.45 M USD−2.27 USD+73.89%0.00%Technology services
BKYIBIO-key International, Inc.
157.14%2.28 USD+66.42%199.2 M142.587.13 M USD−7.69 USD+51.54%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
SGBXSafe & Green Holdings Corp.
151.65%0.9449 USD+74.98%202.26 M121.914.15 M USD−26.29 USD−14.73%0.00%Producer manufacturing
MITQMoving iMage Technologies, Inc.
112.91%0.7420 USD+3.04%83.35 M500.067.34 M USD−0.18 USD−49.19%0.00%Consumer durables
FAMIFarmmi, Inc. Ordinary Shares
110.35%0.2991 USD−4.68%68.36 M18.603.19 M USD0.00%Process industries
PMAXPowell Max Limited
92.31%1.38 USD−26.94%5.24 M151.6920.19 M USD37.420.04 USD0.00%Communications
SONMSonim Technologies, Inc.
90.82%3.78 USD+10.20%3.35 M81.5818.41 M USD−2.92 USD−7,429.15%0.00%Electronic technology
LLGCBLinkage Global Inc
79.84%0.4090 USD−16.43%2.58 M12.788.79 M USD0.00%Technology services
SPHLSpringview Holdings Ltd
77.12%3.51 USD−26.57%636.63 K1.54Consumer durables
JXGJX Luxventure Group Inc.
77.04%2.75 USD−26.21%376.54 K5.764.16 M USD4.880.56 USD0.00%Consumer non-durables
YCBDcbdMD, Inc.
76.56%0.5063 USD−2.24%30.31 M11.773.12 M USD−2.47 USD+79.89%0.00%Health technology
SSVMHSRIVARU Holding Limited
75.32%0.9163 USD−38.91%5.53 M0.8416.44 M USD0.00%Finance
FTAIFTAI Aviation Ltd.
74.54%116.08 USD−24.27%20.03 M9.6911.9 B USD−0.10 USD−108.54%0.78%Electronic technology
Strong buy
OSTXOS Therapies Incorporated
71.99%4.36 USD+4.81%19.06 M356.3492.6 M USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
AZTRAzitra Inc
71.22%0.2568 USD−39.03%5.79 M1.251.96 M USD−13.36 USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
AADTXAditxt, Inc.
70.74%0.1310 USD−3.03%162.32 M6.321.86 M USD−981.65 USD+88.52%0.00%Health technology
GIFTGiftify, Inc.
69.59%1.04 USD−28.28%597.64 K14.5032.73 M USD−0.70 USD−229.02%0.00%Technology services
KITTNauticus Robotics, Inc.
69.52%3.10 USD+56.57%61.55 M2.8119.86 M USD−45.62 USD−216.18%0.00%Producer manufacturing
GCTKGlucoTrack, Inc.
68.28%0.0790 USD−35.25%110.39 M0.911.27 M USD−2.89 USD−82.30%0.00%Health technology
VMARVision Marine Technologies Inc.
67.65%2.05 USD+46.43%67.13 M3.497.5 M USD−114.37 USD−14.26%0.00%Consumer durables
LICYLi-Cycle Holdings Corp.
66.12%1.10 USD−27.63%15.67 M9.4725.54 M USD−1.31 USD+87.68%0.00%Distribution services
CCLEUChina Liberal Education Holdings Limited
64.58%5.05 USD+44.29%1.82 M1.77147.73 M USD0.00%Commercial services
RIMEAlgorhythm Holdings, Inc.
63.26%0.0502 USD−35.81%106.27 M0.844.73 M USD0.00%Consumer services
AWHAspira Women's Health Inc.
51.82%0.4800 USD−16.80%304.13 K3.408.41 M USD−1.20 USD+92.31%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
STFSStar Fashion Culture Holdings Limited
51.78%14.21 USD−2.00%778.37 K0.84172.65 M USD111.360.13 USD0.00%Commercial services
PROPPrairie Operating Co.
51.40%7.72 USD+53.02%1.23 M8.33176.98 M USD−4.68 USD+83.56%0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
VRMEVerifyMe, Inc.
50.59%4.24 USD+32.50%18.47 M0.5444.52 M USD−0.32 USD+7.39%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
RVSNRail Vision Ltd.
50.48%1.07 USD−26.21%10.27 M0.5821.52 M USD0.00%Transportation
NUKKNukkleus Inc.
49.50%16.93 USD+1.07%1.23 M2.3754.56 M USD0.00%Commercial services
49.08%0.9476 USD−21.03%4.46 M0.0416.73 M USD−1.62 USD+90.92%0.00%Consumer non-durables
QUBTQuantum Computing Inc.
49.00%11.55 USD+55.45%113.74 M3.241.49 B USD−0.28 USD+57.52%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
QMCOQuantum Corporation
48.27%33.50 USD+49.49%5.61 M2.94162.42 M USD−13.18 USD−107.87%0.00%Electronic technology
BOWNBowen Acquisition Corp
47.11%6.60 USD0.00%402.44 K27.4560.5 M USD18.100.36 USD0.00%Finance
MASS908 Devices Inc.
46.06%2.91 USD+46.97%12.22 M29.79101.33 M USD−1.78 USD−46.79%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
XXXII22nd Century Group, Inc
45.48%7.72 USD+21.57%7.9 M1.974.27 M USD−2,978.08 USD+83.15%0.00%Health technology
LANVLanvin Group Holdings Limited
44.92%1.63 USD−11.69%263.79 K5.00236.38 M USD−1.33 USD+20.51%0.00%Consumer non-durables
CTCXCarmell Corporation
44.82%0.5315 USD−13.70%808.57 K0.0211.11 M USD0.00%Consumer non-durables
MYNZMainz Biomed N.V.
44.28%5.00 USD−5.48%206.42 K2.5111.11 M USD0.00%Health technology
MBIOMustang Bio, Inc.
44.28%6.2800 USD−12.66%186.9 K0.219.44 M USD−1.79 USD+77.74%0.00%Health technology
LATGChenghe Acquisition I Co.
44.23%11.90 USD+40.00%16.45 K0.0780.73 M USD−0.55 USD−214.27%0.00%Finance
BBZAIBlaize Holdings, Inc.
43.32%9.60 USD−26.66%400.58 K145.56 M USD−0.12 USD−254.56%0.00%Electronic technology
GGLEGlobal Engine Group Holding Limited
42.68%1.50 USD−13.79%263.38 K4.0127 M USD0.00%Technology services
PHIOPhio Pharmaceuticals Corp.
42.06%2.66 USD−25.70%4.25 M0.144.61 M USD−13.94 USD+81.03%0.00%Health technology
YYAIConnexa Sports Technologies Inc.
41.88%1.23 USD−17.45%2.08 M14.4517.91 M USD−91.86 USD+89.35%0.00%Process industries
NAOVNanoVibronix, Inc.
41.72%0.5700 USD+19.97%4.42 M0.672.14 M USD−1.23 USD+70.52%0.00%Health technology
VVCIGVCI Global Limited
41.45%1.54 USD−21.28%6.61 M4.5833.18 M USD0.00%Commercial services
SGDSafe and Green Development Corporation
40.51%2.02 USD−17.21%10.61 M199.503 M USD−13.51 USD0.00%Finance
EYENEyenovia, Inc.
40.29%0.0659 USD−23.37%34.6 M0.447.34 M USD−0.73 USD−9.76%0.00%Health technology
AIFFFirefly Neuroscience, Inc.
39.28%3.70 USD+17.46%3.71 M0.2729.4 M USD0.00%Health technology
MMPUMega Matrix Inc.
38.91%1.34 USD+16.52%548.08 K2.4554.23 M USD−0.15 USD+60.15%0.00%Technology services
TOIThe Oncology Institute, Inc.
38.89%0.4000 USD+8.14%2.61 M4.0030.22 M USD−0.77 USD+10.43%0.00%Health services
37.82%2.82 USD1.31 M
WLGSWang & Lee Group, Inc.
37.80%2.83 USD+35.41%135.83 K0.5642.72 M USD1,347.620.00 USD0.00%Industrial services
AARQQArqit Quantum Inc.
36.65%20.59 USD+14.07%1.34 M1.42257.46 M USD−7.76 USD+27.84%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
CRKNCrown Electrokinetics Corp.
36.31%0.0751 USD−15.24%65.33 M0.594.81 M USD−82.56 USD+98.18%0.00%Commercial services
ZEOZeo Energy Corporation
36.19%2.66 USD+31.68%127.1 K0.65114.14 M USD−1.24 USD−3,104.65%0.00%Utilities
GOROGold Resource Corporation
36.17%0.3890 USD+32.22%4.71 M1.5937.13 M USD−0.50 USD−170.75%0.00%Non-energy minerals
ERNAEterna Therapeutics Inc.
36.14%0.4358 USD−4.85%17.74 M0.3022.39 M USD−8.31 USD−109.65%0.00%Health technology
35.81%4.56 USD+24.59%82.23 M1.15445.55 M USD−0.58 USD−263.10%0.00%Electronic technology
ZCMDZhongchao Inc.
35.15%1.42 USD−21.00%30.16 K2.8435.81 M USD−0.22 USD+26.21%0.00%Commercial services
WOLFWolfspeed, Inc.
34.65%6.68 USD+38.59%45.12 M2.58853.12 M USD−5.95 USD−6.16%0.00%Electronic technology
GOEVCanoo Inc.
34.56%1.58 USD+19.70%6.75 M2.1922.89 M USD−69.60 USD+80.69%0.00%Consumer durables
SKKSKK Holdings Limited
34.08%1.06 USD+16.47%2.31 M2.5016.56 M USD0.00%Industrial services
AENTAlliance Entertainment Holding Corporation
33.92%5.50 USD+12.47%131.11 K0.82280.27 M USD33.190.17 USD0.00%Distribution services
Strong buy
IONQIonQ, Inc.
33.91%39.39 USD+33.48%74.87 M1.748.52 B USD−0.82 USD−22.35%0.00%Electronic technology
CURRCurrenc Group Inc.
33.81%2.20 USD−21.71%1.15 M0.04102.36 M USD−0.01 USD−104.65%0.00%Finance
AAMODAlpha Modus Holdings, Inc.
33.75%1.84 USD−8.00%85.28 K0.6024.57 M USD−0.52 USD−776.23%0.00%Finance
PODCPodcastOne, Inc.
33.64%2.44 USD−8.61%127.59 K3.1660.63 M USD−0.28 USD+66.07%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
ROLRHigh Roller Technologies, Inc.
33.58%6.59 USD+31.01%86.36 K2.0754.48 M USD−0.67 USD−195.57%0.00%Technology services
JCTCJewett-Cameron Trading Company
33.25%4.70 USD−10.98%34.45 K3.9716.47 M USD−0.35 USD−191.20%0.00%Distribution services
TAOPTaoping Inc.
33.22%0.3102 USD+3.40%31 M59.571.4 M USD0.600.51 USD0.00%Technology services
CCAMPCAMP4 Therapeutics Corporation
32.67%4.41 USD+17.91%58.48 K0.7588.91 M USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
NCRANocera, Inc.
32.44%1.08 USD+0.93%134.8 K2.0715.14 M USD−0.33 USD+28.24%0.00%Industrial services
TNFATNF Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
32.14%1.18 USD−20.27%1.49 M5.773.25 M USD−13.73 USD−147.04%0.00%Health technology
FAASDigiAsia Corp.
31.97%0.7296 USD−4.21%678.85 K0.947.8 M USD0.00%Technology services
NNEHCNew Era Helium Inc
31.86%3.00 USD−11.50%263.07 K0.3939.5 M USD−0.33 USD−65.28%0.00%Finance
LLNKSLinkers Industries Limited
31.25%0.9022 USD−11.55%225.92 K0.5011.86 M USD0.00%Electronic technology
SSMXSMX (Security Matters) Public Limited Company
30.87%5.51 USD−1.96%493.83 K0.2648.56 M USD0.001,727.63 USD0.00%Technology services
PRTHPriority Technology Holdings, Inc.
30.71%8.06 USD−15.78%1.24 M3.14622.22 M USD−0.42 USD+31.60%0.00%Technology services
QBTSD-Wave Quantum Inc.
30.57%5.79 USD+22.41%203.53 M2.251.8 B USD−0.42 USD+35.36%0.00%Electronic technology
Strong buy
SESSES AI Corporation
30.53%0.8299 USD+1.17%49.11 M1.61299.25 M USD−0.24 USD−44.46%0.00%Producer manufacturing
XCURExicure, Inc.
30.52%9.14 USD+6.03%125.85 K1.4223.82 M USD−2.26 USD−126.39%0.00%Health technology
CTMCastellum, Inc.
30.52%1.0000 USD+19.02%7.55 M0.4377.31 M USD−0.18 USD+63.76%0.00%Process industries
EVTLVertical Aerospace Ltd.
30.47%10.46 USD+29.78%299.13 K0.81727.41 M USD−0.39 USD−35.90%0.00%Electronic technology
NIVFNewGenIvf Group Limited
30.43%0.3560 USD+7.88%3.39 M0.763.61 M USD0.00%Health services
SHLSShoals Technologies Group, Inc.
29.98%4.54 USD−20.07%17.98 M2.99756.81 M USD23.500.19 USD−76.39%0.00%Electronic technology
MFHMercurity Fintech Holding Inc. - American
29.76%6.83 USD+21.96%198.87 K2.14425.44 M USD−0.23 USD−275.25%0.00%Technology services
BURUNuburu, Inc.
29.68%0.4521 USD−3.87%2.44 M0.709.17 M USD−24.66 USD−71.35%0.00%Electronic technology
YIBOPlanet Image International Limited
29.64%3.33 USD+14.55%14.94 K1.50179.6 M USD21.870.15 USD+3.25%0.00%Consumer durables
IGMSIGM Biosciences, Inc.
29.56%2.00 USD+16.96%2.79 M2.76118.93 M USD−3.65 USD+26.89%0.00%Health technology
SNGXSoligenix, Inc.
29.56%2.27 USD−13.69%562.72 K0.505.7 M USD−7.80 USD+76.13%0.00%Health technology
WINTWindtree Therapeutics, Inc.
29.51%0.2430 USD−2.76%22.66 M4.722.68 M USD−18.63 USD+94.78%0.00%Health technology
BHATBlue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
29.50%0.0646 USD+4.36%163.22 M1.2615.99 M USD−0.82 USD−140.83%0.00%Consumer durables
OONEGOneConstruction Group Limited
29.33%2.68 USD−8.08%30.53 KIndustrial services
CTKBCytek Biosciences, Inc.
29.30%5.68 USD−21.76%1.53 M2.13731.64 M USD−0.08 USD+25.60%0.00%Health technology
HSDTHelius Medical Technologies, Inc.
29.04%0.8500 USD+22.83%24.63 M32.483.17 M USD−6.18 USD+71.25%0.00%Health technology
GGLXGGalaxy Payroll Group Limited
28.97%1.18 USD−7.09%2.37 M0.4021.25 M USD218.520.01 USD−34.94%0.00%Commercial services
LEXXLexaria Bioscience Corp.
28.57%1.90 USD−1.55%678.32 K1.9533.35 M USD−0.49 USD+58.65%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy